
Слайд 2

Place names and the

Place names and the

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Introduction Whether a name has the depends on the kind of


Whether a name has the depends on the kind of place

it is.
Brook Street, the North Sea
Most place names do not have the.
Europe, England, London
Some place names have the.
the Classic Cinema, the Thames
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Continents, countries, islands, states, counties Most are without the. Africa, France,

Continents, countries, islands, states, counties

Most are without the.
Africa, France, Rhode Island,

Florida, Sussex
Words like republic and kingdom have the.
the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom
Plural names also have the.
the USA, the Canary Islands
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Regions Regions ending with the name of a continent or country


Regions ending with the name of a continent or country are

without the.
Central Asia, South Wales
Most other regions have the.
the West, the Riviera, the Highlands
Phrases with of have the.
the South of France, the Tower of London
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Hills and mountains Most are without the. Mount Everest, North Hill

Hills and mountains

Most are without the.
Mount Everest, North Hill
Hill ranges and

mountain ranges have the.
the Alps, the Rockies
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Lakes, oceans, seas, rivers and canals Only lakes are without the.

Lakes, oceans, seas, rivers and canals

Only lakes are without the.
Lake Michigan

oceans, rivers and canals have the.
the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Amazon,
the Suez Canal
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Cities, towns, suburbs and villages More are without the. New York,

Cities, towns, suburbs and villages

More are without the.
New York, Edinburgh

is a suburb of Leeds
Exceptions are : The Hague and The Bronx
Note also : the West End (of London)
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Roads, streets, squares and parks Most are without the. along Highfield

Roads, streets, squares and parks

Most are without the.
along Highfield Road, in

Church Street
on Fifth Avenue, near Trafalgar Square
through Hyde Park
Main roads and numbered roads have the.
the Bath road ( = the road to Bath )
the M6 ( motorway)
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Bridges Most are without the. over Tower Bridge on Brooklyn Bridge


Most are without the.
over Tower Bridge
on Brooklyn Bridge
But there are exceptions.

the Golden Gate Bridge
the Severn Bridge ( = the bridge over the River Severn)
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Stations and airports; important buildings We do not use the with

Stations and airports; important buildings

We do not use the with most

stations and airports; with religious, educational and official buildings or with palaces and houses.
to Waterloo Station, at Kennedy Airport
St Mary’s Church, Whitby Abbey
Cambridge University, Blair Castle,
Buckingham Palace, Ashdown House
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Important buildings Exceptions are names with of or with a noun

Important buildings

Exceptions are names with of or with a noun (science)

or adjective (open).
at the Universty of York
in the Palace of Westminster
The Open University
The Science Museum
past the White House
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Theatres, cinemas, hotels, galleries and centres A possessive form ( ‘s

Theatres, cinemas, hotels, galleries and centres

A possessive form ( ‘s )

is without the.
St Martin’s (Theatre)
at Durrant’s ( Hotel )
But usually theatres, cinemas etc. have the.
at the Globe (Theatre), the Plaza
outside the Dorchester (Hotel)
in the Tate (Gallery),
the Brunel shopping centre
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Shops and restaurants Most shops and restaurants are without the. shopping

Shops and restaurants

Most shops and restaurants are without the.
shopping at Bloomingdale’s

Matilda’s Restaurant
Names with a noun (body, studio) often have the.
at the Body Shop
The Studio Cafe