Bodybuilding. Иностранный язык для специальных целей

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Bodybuilding Bodybuilding is a special sport that differs from most other


Bodybuilding is a special sport that differs from most other disciplines.

He combined the technique of performing exercises, and strict adherence to the diet, training and recreation, as well as it has absorbed the aesthetic value.
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Bodybuilding is a system of exercises aimed at the fastest possible

Bodybuilding is a system of exercises aimed at the fastest

possible strengthening and growth of muscles.
Bodybuilding itself is aimed at developing, strengthening and improving the body.
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Power increase Such training can also include strength training, such as

Power increase

Such training can also include strength training, such as

powerlifting. You can also increase your strength in the gym by performing exercises in a specific training mode, with an average of 3-6 repetitions per approach. That is, it is the ability to perform a load with a large weight with a small number of repetitions.
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Capacity development Power is an indicator at which the maximum allowable

Capacity development

Power is an indicator at which the maximum allowable load

is performed in 1-2 repetitions. Again a good example of this is powerlifting or weightlifting, in which a pull, lift, bench press, or push is performed at one time with the maximum allowed weight of the load.
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Muscle tone To strengthen the muscles, without developing their volume or

Muscle tone

To strengthen the muscles, without developing their volume or reducing

subcutaneous fat, most fitness areas are suitable – from aerobics to swimming or Pilates.
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Bodybuilding- dictionary Жим штанги от груди — bench pressing, benchpress. Тяга

Bodybuilding- dictionary

Жим штанги от груди — bench pressing, benchpress.
Тяга штанги к

подбородку — barbell upright rowing.
Приседания со штангой — back squat.
Становая тяга — deadlift.
Жим гантелей на наклонной скамье — incline dumbell press.
Подтягивания — pull-up.
Отжимания на брусьях — dips.
Качать пресс — to do situps.