Children's rights in Russia

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In Russia the child have a big list of rights, for

In Russia the child have a big list of rights, for

example, I have the same rights that are register in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The child has a right to a family.
The child has the right to care and protection by the State, unless there is a temporary or permanent protection of the parents.
The child has the right to attend school and learn.
The child has the right to equality.
The child has the right to express freely their thoughts.
The child has a right to their own opinion.
The child has a right to a name and nationality.
The child has a right to receive information.
The child has a right to protection from violence and abuse.
The child has a right to health care.
The child has the right to leisure.

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All these rights are respected in relation to me. But not

All these rights are respected in relation to me. But not

all executed as it is written in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. For example, not every the opinion I can not express publicly, such as my views on religion, because of this, I can go to jail for 5 years and get a fine of 500 thousand rubles. But it's designed to ensure I do not violate the rights of other people.