Cuba is a curious country


Слайд 2

People are open and hospitable here, and even the difficult conditions

People are open and hospitable here, and even the difficult conditions

of existence do not suppress their vitality. There is an atmosphere of calm and relaxation.
Слайд 3

If you’re considering a trip to Cuba, you must know some misunderstandings, that may be here.

If you’re considering a trip to Cuba, you must know some

misunderstandings, that may be here.
Слайд 4

To turn out your pockets and see how money you have.

To turn out your pockets and see how money you have.

Dollars? You are greatly miscalculate! By exchange dollars for pesos, commission is 20 percent! So fly to Cuba better with euro. You can easily exchange them at banks without commission on the peso.

1. Money

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Currently, there exists two types Cuban peso - non-convertible Cuban pesos

Currently, there exists two types Cuban peso - non-convertible Cuban pesos

(it is intended for internal circulation) and the convertible Cuban peso - CUC (intended for payments to tourists).


Слайд 6

Cubans know how to have fun! And contribute to the festive

Cubans know how to have fun! And contribute to the festive

mood, in their opinion, should be elegant clothes. In some discos, restaurants and clubs in Havana, if you are wearing everyday clothes, you may not be allowed. Dress code in Cuban is fancy dress.

2. Fee time: restaurants and clubs

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Almost in every restaurant can you listen to live music, but

Almost in every restaurant can you listen to live music, but

not always free.
When you listened to «Besame Mucho», singers can you present unexpectedly a score.

live music

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Слайд 9

Many Cubans do not lock their homes, because there is nothing

Many Cubans do not lock their homes, because there is nothing

to steal, because they live very poorly.

3. Open houses.

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Cuba is among five countries, where smoking is most prevalent. Here

Cuba is among five countries, where smoking is most prevalent. Here

smoke both: men and women. Сigar - element of their culture and pride.

4. Smoking

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Be careful, some of the locals sit on an old habit

Be careful, some of the locals sit on an old habit

with a cigar in his mouth almost round the clock, but it not burn, just it is as an accessory, so to speak.
So if you see like that at the next table, it does not mean that smoking is permitted in this place.


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In these "houses" made Cuban the most expensive cigars.

In these "houses" made Cuban the most expensive cigars.

Слайд 13

In Old Havana the streets are lined with relatively tall buildings

In Old Havana the streets are lined with relatively tall buildings

sporting ornate balconies. They are lovely but it’s not only their fine looks that make them interesting. Balconies in Havana seemed to have a unique culture onto themselves.

5. Balcony Life

Слайд 14

With no elevators in place, even the simplest of errands become

With no elevators in place, even the simplest of errands become

a tedious chore, particularly for the elderly. But when the fruit guy or the newspaper man comes by, there is an alternative solution. Baskets are carefully lowered down to deliver money and to pick up the coveted goods. No need to go downstairs. Life continues from Havana’s wonderful balconies. It is normal!


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Hotel accommodations is very expensive in Cuba. So what exactly is

Hotel accommodations is very expensive in Cuba.
So what exactly is a

“casa particular”? Cuban residents can rent out an extra room in their home. They pay a monthly government tax and allow for regular government inspections to ensure the accommodation is up to par. I highly recommend staying at these “casas” not only because it’s economical but also to meet locals, put money directly in their hands, and simply to have a much fuller experience in Cuba.

6. Dwelling: hotels and “casa particular”

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Слайд 17

Do not be surprised, if the glass of the windows of

Do not be surprised, if the glass of the windows of

houses are sealed with tape.
Very often there are hurricanes. Tape keeps the window in integrity.


Слайд 18

Very often, instead of glass are shutters. They are made of

Very often, instead of glass are shutters.
They are made of

wood. It's for good air circulation.
But other than air can penetrate into the house different insects and reptiles.
It is quite normal for Cubans.


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Neighbors have conversations by shouting across the streets. Moreover, they speak

Neighbors have conversations by shouting across the streets.
Moreover, they speak very

quickly as a native Spanish and so English.

7. Locals talks

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Cuban people, referring to other people, often pronounce the sounds «Psssss».

Cuban people, referring to other people, often pronounce the sounds «Psssss».

means that they want to talk with you.
It's the usual treatment such Ukrainian "hey“.

8. Cubans accost

Слайд 21

Cubans dances impress with their proximity. They are very emotional. They

Cubans dances impress with their proximity. They are very emotional.
They look

like too free.
At first sight they look like a bit vulgar, because the emphasis falls on the pelvis.

9. Dances of Cubans

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Слайд 23

New Cuban friends can invite you to a bar to drink

New Cuban friends can invite you to a bar to drink

coffee, mojito or rum…
… this does not mean that they will pay – you will pay.

10. Meeting with Cuban friends

Слайд 24

While not scold a hundred times with the personnel, they will

While not scold a hundred times with the personnel, they will

not do anything, even if you will constantly leave tips.
They say «mañana» and it means «tomorrow». But Cuban tomorrow can last a very long time.
Most often it means «never».
These people are not in a hurry.

11. Cubans «mañana»