Culture shock-India

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HandshakesIn India, they do not shake hands - instead, the arms

HandshakesIn India, they do not shake hands - instead, the arms

are folded in front of the chest in greeting to the namaste. In general, physical contact — patting on the shoulder, hugging, or even arm-walking in the eyes of a conservative Indian looks almost like depravity in a public place.
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Traditions, of course, have a huge impact (respectful attitude of the

Traditions, of course, have a huge impact (respectful attitude of the

wife to the husband, for example, or washing the feet of the husband)
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In August, a holiday dedicated to the birth of God Krishna

In August, a holiday dedicated to the birth of God Krishna

is celebrated, and in the fall-Ram Lila, which is held in honor of the god Rama. Also in the autumn months, the Hindus celebrate Divala, the festival of lights.
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The cow in India has long been sacred. In the country,

The cow in India has long been sacred. In the country,

these animals are found everywhere. Tourists should be very careful about the cow, do not offend her and say unpleasant words in her address. For poor attitudes towards cows in India, one can go to jail. Indians also do not eat beef
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Hindus consider the Ganges to be sacred, annually making pilgrimages to

Hindus consider the Ganges to be sacred, annually making pilgrimages to

the river for many days. They piously believe that the waters of the Ganges are able to cleanse them of their sins. According to the Hindu canons on the banks of the Ganges they cremate the bodies of the dead, and the ashes are scattered over its watery surface. And this is at best ...
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Moreover, the Indians do not particularly stand on ceremony and simply

Moreover, the Indians do not particularly stand on ceremony and simply

bathe, brush their teeth, wash their clothes and graze cows right in the waters of the Ganges River.
There is less water in the river, and more and more human waste.