English Idioms, Sayings and Slang-1

Слайд 2

attaboy a close shave a common thread a coon's age a

a close shave
a common thread
a coon's age
a crash course
have a crush

on somebody
a crying shame
Слайд 3

'attaboy= at-a-boy (that a boy) =good work, well done, attaboy= молодец!

'attaboy= at-a-boy (that a boy) =good work, well done, attaboy= молодец!

I win, Dad says, " 'at-a-boy! Good game!"

'at a girl (that a girl) good work, well done, attagirl
When Judy gets good grades, her mom says,
"'at-a-girl, Judy!"

Слайд 4

2. a close shave = на волосок от /very close to

2. a close shave = на волосок от /very close to

serious injury (повреждение) or death
The old man described his fight with the bear as a close shave.
That was a close shave!
Мы едва избежали опасности!
Слайд 5

near / narrow / close shave —максимальное приближение (к чему-л.)/ опасное,

near / narrow / close shave —максимальное приближение (к чему-л.)/

опасное, рискованное положение; опасность, которую с трудом удалось избежать/
быть на волоске от чего-л.; чудом избежать чего-л
to have a close shave of smth.,
to miss smth. by a close shave —

The bullet missed by a close shave. — Пуля пролетела на волосок (от него).
You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted принимать, брать; соглашаться this job that there would be risks.

Слайд 6

3. a common thread= красной нитью проходит =an idea or theme

3. a common thread= красной нитью проходит
=an idea or theme

(тема, предмет, вопрос (обсуждения, лекции и т. п.)) that is similar to others
=an idea or theme that is consistently (последовательно, согласованно) present (присутствующий) in several different areas or things.
=a similar idea or pattern to a series of events.

A common thread through most of the stories is the support from the family.

 What is the common thread in these three novels?
There's a common thread in most of Berton's stories.

Слайд 7

The common thread in all the final documents is poverty eradication.

The common thread in all the final documents is poverty eradication.

искоренение, уничтожение
Во всех заключительных документах красной нитью проходит задача искоренения нищеты.

All of these incidents происшествие, событие are related. иметь отношение, затрагивать; быть связанным 
There is a common thread to all this.

Слайд 8

4. a coon's age many years, for a coon's age =

4. a coon's age many years,
for a coon's age =

for a very long time
a dog's age =нескончаемо долгое время

We haven't been out to the coast in a coon's age. It's been years.

Слайд 9

5. a crash course =a short course that has the main

5. a crash course =a short course that has the main

facts and skills= интенсивный курс
=A crash course in a particular subject is a short course in which you are taught basic facts or skills, for example before you start a new job.

He took a crash course in cooking and bought a

The college offers a crash course in Spanish. — Колледж предлагает интенсивный курс испанского языка.
a crash course in conversational English — ускоренный курс разговорного английского языка

Слайд 10

6.have a crush on somebody= sudden feeling of love or romance/

6.have a crush on somebody= sudden feeling of love or romance/

be attracted to someone=влюбиться
If you have a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. [INFORMAL]

Judy has a crush on Tim. See the way she looks at him.

Слайд 11

7. a crying shame =a sad event, it is too bad

7. a crying shame =a sad event, it is too bad

a crying shame that — очень жаль, что

It's a crying shame!
Ай-яй! Стыдно! Стыд-то какой! Как не стыдно!

It's a crying shame that they didn't have fire Insurance. страхование от пожара

Слайд 12

Какой срам, что пожилые люди не получают пенсий. — It's a

Какой срам, что пожилые люди не получают пенсий.
— It's a

crying shame that elderly people are not getting their pensions...