Lost in translation


Слайд 2

Brainstorming Stating problem 1 Pronunciation (articulation, word stress, sentence stress)

Brainstorming Stating problem 1

Pronunciation (articulation, word stress, sentence stress)

Слайд 3

Misunderstanding 1 Articulation Mary is merry ‘cause she’s going to marry.

Misunderstanding 1 Articulation

Mary is merry ‘cause she’s going to marry.
I hear

that here you’ve got an old bearded bear who likes beer and a lop-eared hare with a mop of ginger hair. (Homophones)
A girl with two plaits and plump cheeks brought a plate of plums and a chick.
Слайд 4

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs Sew Sew Sue

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs



Слайд 5

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs She lives in poverty. She even doesn’t have

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs

She lives in poverty. She even doesn’t have a

penny make ends meet.
He’s going to conduct experiments with live animals. I think that it’s bad.

Она живет в нищете. Она даже не имеет ни гроша, чтобы свести концы с концами.
Он собирается проводить эксперименты с живыми животными. Я думаю, это плохо.

Слайд 6

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs Why did you tear down the notice? You

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs

Why did you tear down the notice? You have

nothing to do, don’t you?
They burst into tears when they heard that their daughter was no longer alive.

Почему ты сорвал объявление? Тебе что нечего делать, да?
Они залились слезами, когда услышали, что их дочери больше нет на этом свете.

Слайд 7

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs I like this amazing row of apple trees.

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs

I like this amazing row of apple trees.

rowing with each other! The baby will hear.

Мне нравится этот красивый ряд яблочных деревьев.
Перестаньте ссориться друг с другом. Ребенок услышит.

Слайд 8

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs Why do you draw a bow? Do you

Misunderstanding 1 Homographs

Why do you draw a bow? Do you want

to kill them?
I gave him a bow and went away.

Почему ты натягиваешь лук? Ты хочешь их убить?
Я поклонилась ему и ушла.

Слайд 9

Misunderstanding 2 Syllable division Перевозить стоящих пассажиров запрещается! Вам там не

Misunderstanding 2 Syllable division

Перевозить стоящих пассажиров запрещается!
Вам там не холодно под люком?

Dassin’s song) … l’équipe à Jojo
One must have a name / an aim.
They lived in a nice house / an ice house.
Слайд 10

Brainstorming Stating problem 2 Did you miss me?

Brainstorming Stating problem 2

Did you miss me?

Слайд 11

Translation pitfalls

Translation pitfalls

Слайд 12

Слайд 13

to get into a good situation again, after having problems fall

to get into a good situation again, after having problems

fall down


(AE) (not polite) the part of your body that you sit on

Rubber ???

Слайд 14

Fun with Dick and Jane (1977) episode translation

Fun with Dick and Jane (1977) episode translation

Слайд 15

Faux amis

Faux amis

Слайд 16

Lost in translation A bare conductor ran on the wall –

Lost in translation

A bare conductor ran on the wall – По

стене бегал голый проводник ??? (computer translation)
(Gone with the Wind) “Если честно, моя дорогая, мне наплевать (spit / not give a damn / expectorate)”
(The Godfather) “Я сделаю ему предложение (proposal / sentence / motion / offer / proposition), от которого он не сможет отказаться”
(James Bond) “Мартини. Взболтать (rock / shake / chat), не перемешивая (mix / stir / confuse)”
Слайд 17

Brainstorming: Stating problem 3 with George Carlin

Brainstorming: Stating problem 3 with George Carlin

Слайд 18

SOFT LANGUAGE toilet paper sneakers Information dump bathroom tissue running shoes Directory Assistance landfill


toilet paper

bathroom tissue
running shoes
Directory Assistance

Слайд 19

SOFT LANGUAGE car crash house trailer used car partly clouded automobile


car crash
house trailer
used car
partly clouded

automobile accident
mobile home
previously owned transportation
partly sunny

Слайд 20

SOFT LANGUAGE die kill lie radiation pass away neutralize disinformation sunshine units



pass away
sunshine units

Слайд 21

SOFT LANGUAGE blind old ugly cripple partially sighted senior citizen with



partially sighted
senior citizen
with severe appearance deficit
physically challenged / differently abled

Слайд 22

SOFT LANGUAGE be broke poor people live in slums have negative


be broke
poor people live in slums

have negative cash flow position

disadvantaged occupy substandard houses in the inner city
Слайд 23

Brainstorming Stating problem 4 'American brokers, under competitive pressure back home

Brainstorming Stating problem 4

'American brokers, under competitive pressure back home that is

driving down profit margins, are being drawn to the lucrative potential of Europe, where the idea of a discount broker is still rather novel,' said Stephen Eckett, the author of Investing Online, a guide to Internet investments.
Слайд 24

While leading multiples stock mainly the mass market, volume selling midi

While leading multiples stock mainly the mass market, volume selling midi

systems which became popular in the early 1980s, Richer Sounds sells only hi-fi separates such as tuners and amplifiers.
Слайд 25

Thanks to the California-based retail firm’s outdoor clothing catalog and its

Thanks to the California-based retail firm’s outdoor clothing catalog and its

exemplary method of communicating its corporate environmentalism, customers are not only knowledgeable about the company's environmental progress, they are loyal, too.
Слайд 26

Grammar The government have made the right decision. I just called


The government have made the right decision.
I just called to

say I love you…
I suggested he rent a car.

The government has made the right decision.
I’ve just called to say I love you…
I suggested (that) he should rent a car.

Слайд 27

Grammar He must know the truth. I see no reasons to


He must know the truth. I see no reasons to keep

it in secret.
Look at him, he is all smiles. He must know the truth.
Слайд 28

Grammar I didn’t need to get up early yesterday. The first


I didn’t need to get up early yesterday. The first

class was cancelled.
You needn’t have taken the umbrella. The forecast says nothing about it.

Did I get up early?
No, I didn’t.
Did he / she take the umbrella?
Yes, he / she did.

Слайд 29

Brainstorming Stating problem 5

Brainstorming Stating problem 5

Слайд 30

BE vs. AE Colour / color Defence / defense Centre /

BE vs. AE

Colour / color
Defence / defense
Centre / center
Realise / realize

/ program
In / on the street
Fill in / out the form
08.06.17 – June, 8 / August, 6
Слайд 31

BE vs. AE chips French fries (AE) chips crisps (BE)

BE vs. AE

French fries (AE)

crisps (BE)

Слайд 32

BE vs. AE jelly jelly jam (BE)

BE vs. AE


jam (BE)

Слайд 33

BE vs. AE pickle pickle

BE vs. AE



Слайд 34

BE vs. AE lemonade fizzy drink flavoured with lemons lemonade still drink made with lemons

BE vs. AE

fizzy drink flavoured
with lemons

still drink made
with lemons

Слайд 35

BE vs. AE subway pedestrian underpass (AE) subway underground (BE)

BE vs. AE

pedestrian underpass (AE)

underground (BE)

Слайд 36

BE vs. AE pavement sidewalk (AE) pavement

BE vs. AE

sidewalk (AE)


Слайд 37

BE vs. AE first floor floor above street level first floor floor at street level

BE vs. AE

first floor
floor above
street level

first floor
floor at street level

Слайд 38

BE vs. AE pants pants

BE vs. AE



Слайд 39

BE vs. AE bill bill banknote (BE)

BE vs. AE


banknote (BE)

Слайд 40

BE vs. AE rubber eraser (AE) rubber

BE vs. AE

eraser (AE)


Слайд 41

BE vs. AE Your business is going a bomb. An 18th

BE vs. AE

Your business is going a bomb.
An 18th century Englishman

was puzzled when his American cousin wrote: "The cellar in our new house was dug by a bee in a single day".
bee —joint effort (Am.).
Слайд 42

BE vs. AE An American college teacher was speaking to a

BE vs. AE

An American college teacher was speaking to a British

teacher and remarked that at his college, male and female undergraduates now sleep in the same dormitory. "Ye gods!" said the Englishman.
dormitory — Am. hostel, Br. room where people sleep.
Слайд 43

BE vs. AE When during WWII the American pilots took over

BE vs. AE

When during WWII the American pilots took over a

famous girls' boarding school, they found next to every bed a button and a notice saying: "If you want a mistress during the night, ring the bell".
mistress — in British English a member of the teaching staff in a girl's school.
Слайд 44

BE vs. AE Philip French recalled in a New Statesman article

BE vs. AE

Philip French recalled in a New Statesman article that

he once suggested to his American hostess that he helps her wash up, and was met with a startled look.
wash up — in American English to wash oneself, not the dishes.