Name: Hudobina Lisa Gender: girl Age: 11 Country: Russia

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Traveller profile Hi! Welcome to my travelogue. I`ve just got home

Traveller profile

Hi! Welcome to my travelogue. I`ve just got home after

a one week holiday in the Kerch. It was really great. I want to remember everything and tell my friends all about it.
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Day 1 We have arrived to Kerch by the bus. We

Day 1

We have arrived to Kerch by the bus. We have

gone at once to bathe. Then were on excavation. Also have found many crocks!
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Day 2 In the second day we again have gone on

Day 2

In the second day we again have gone on excavation,

but to other place. There too it was interesting. My sisters sketched landscapes of the destroyed palace.
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Day 3 In the third day we have completely devoted to

Day 3

In the third day we have completely devoted to landscapes

of Kercha. Also have risen on Mitridat. Have passed a heap of steps, but have risen! On a photo my father.
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Day 4 The third day have devoted to the nature. To

Day 4

The third day have devoted to the nature. To which

nature isn't present more perfectly than in Kerch. We photographed almost each bush.
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All other days we had a rest on a beach. Or walked around the city

All other days we had a rest on a beach. Or

walked around the city