Our Rights and Reality Article 7 All children must get a name when they are born and become a citizen of a particular country.

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Article 12 Children have the right to express their views. I think... To my mind…

Article 12
Children have the right to express their views.

I think...


my mind…
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Article 16 Children have the right to privacy. I`m in my

Article 16
Children have the right to privacy.

I`m in my room

I clean it, do homework there, invite my friends…It`s my world!

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Article 17 Children have the right to information We are informed Books , magazines, the internet.

Article 17
Children have the right to information

We are informed

Books ,

the internet.
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Article 23 Children have the right to take a full and

Article 23
Children have the right to take a full and active

part in everyday life.

Our life is exciting!

we are at school assemly

we elect our school president

we take part in sport competitions

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Article 28,29 Children have the right to education and development. This

Article 28,29
Children have the right to education and development.

This is our


we study English, Maths, Russian,History...

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Article 31 Children have the right to leisure. Holidays, parties, birthdays... it`s fun!

Article 31
Children have the right to leisure.

Holidays, parties, birthdays...

it`s fun!