Practice of interpretation in the basic branches of industrial complex of Kazakhstan and target language country

Слайд 2

Lesson theme: Agriculture in Kazakhstan and target language country

Lesson theme: Agriculture in Kazakhstan and target language country

Слайд 3

Plan of the lesson Listen to the video “President Obama Speaks

Plan of the lesson

Listen to the video “President Obama Speaks on

Supporting Agriculture to Fight Hunger”
Work on the specific words of the video
Simultaneous interpretation of the video
Sight interpretation of the text “United Kingdom - Agriculture”
Слайд 4

Work on the video material Time for the task: 20 min

Work on the video material

Time for the task: 20 min
Listen to

the video “President Obama Speaks on Supporting Agriculture to Fight Hunger ” till 07:10 minutes
Open the MS Word document “video's glossary”
Write down the equivalents of Source language (SL)
Слайд 5

Interpret the following words and word combinations Address the situation Sustain

Interpret the following words and word combinations

Address the situation
Sustain global

economic recovery
injustice of chronic hunger
Food security
Lift from poverty
USAID ( The United States Agency for International Development)
Слайд 6

CEO ( Chief Executive Officer) Take office Mobilize Nutrition self-sufficient African

CEO ( Chief Executive Officer)
Take office
African Growth and

Opportunity Act
Global partnership to promote open government
Empower citizens and helps to fuel the development
Extraction of natural resources
Слайд 7

deliver medicine Pursuit of ambitious goals Stunting Moral imperative Malnutrition Safety

deliver medicine
Pursuit of ambitious goals
Moral imperative
Safety net

of starvation
Слайд 8

Pre-simultaneous interpretation Time for the task: 10 min Split attention: Listen

Pre-simultaneous interpretation

Time for the task: 10 min
Split attention:
Listen to a sentence,

stop the tape, think about how to interpret it, speak the interpretation. Repeat.
Listen to a sentence, stop the tape, think about how to interpret it, speak the interpretation while listening to the next sentence, stop the tape, think about how to interpret it etc.
Слайд 9

Simultaneous interpretation Time for the task: 20 min Interpret the video

Simultaneous interpretation

Time for the task: 20 min
Interpret the video simultaneously for

the first time. Then listen to your interpretation and work on self-correction.
Interpret the video for the last time. Remember that this interpretation is for evaluation!
Слайд 10

Sight interpretation Read the text “United Kingdom - Agriculture” Work on

Sight interpretation

Read the text “United Kingdom - Agriculture”
Work on the

specific vocabulary of the text
Do sight interpretation of the text
Record your interpretation