Present Continuous Tense


Слайд 2

Present Continuous Tense Present Continuous Tense мы используем для обозначения действия,

Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense мы используем для обозначения действия, которое

совершается сейчас (в момент речи)

now, at the moment

Слайд 3

3 типа предложений утвердительные отрицательные ? вопросительные

3 типа предложений



? вопросительные

Слайд 4

Утвердительные предложения To be + (am, is, are) Утвердительные предложения + Ving

Утвердительные предложения
To be + (am, is, are)

Утвердительные предложения

+ Ving

Слайд 5

Choose the right verb for each gap are dancing is doing

Choose the right verb for each gap
are dancing is doing am

reading are watching
am playing are going
Look! The girl _ _____ her homework.
My parents _ _______ TV now.
At the moment I _ _____ computer games.
The children _ ______ to school.
I _ ______ an interesting book now.
The man and the woman _ _______
Слайд 6

Dipper is\are reading a book. Сhoose the right answer

Dipper is\are reading a book.

Сhoose the right answer

Слайд 7

They are\am drinking a milkshake.

They are\am drinking a milkshake.

Слайд 8

Waddles is\are sleeping now

Waddles is\are sleeping now

Слайд 9

Robbie __ (play) guitar. Fill in the gap

Robbie __ (play) guitar.

Fill in the gap

Слайд 10

They ___ (swim) in the pool Are swimming

They ___ (swim) in the pool

Are swimming

Слайд 11

She ___ (kiss) her pig Waddles Is kissing

She ___ (kiss) her pig Waddles

Is kissing

Слайд 12

To be + (am, is, are) Отрицательные предложения + Ving + not

To be + (am, is, are)

Отрицательные предложения

+ Ving

+ not

Слайд 13

Agree or disagree Mabel's hiding now

Agree or disagree

Mabel's hiding now

Слайд 14

Agree or disagree He's talking on the phone right now. not

Agree or disagree

He's talking on the phone right now.


Слайд 15

Agree or disagree They're playing football at the moment.

Agree or disagree

They're playing football at the moment.

Слайд 16

Agree or disagree Mabel is smiling at the moment.

Agree or disagree

Mabel is smiling at the moment.

Слайд 17

Agree or disagree He's doing his homework at the moment.

Agree or disagree

He's doing his homework at the moment.

Слайд 18

Вопросительные предложения + Ving ? To be (am, is, are) +

Вопросительные предложения

+ Ving ?

To be (am, is, are) +

Слайд 19

Is he\she sleeping now?

Is he\she sleeping now?

Слайд 20

Is\Are she fishing now?

Is\Are she fishing now?

Слайд 21

Am\Is Gideon making models?

Am\Is Gideon making models?

Слайд 22

Are/Is they taking selfie?

Are/Is they taking selfie?

Слайд 23

Find out mistakes They is eating ice cream now. are

Find out mistakes

They is eating ice cream now.


Слайд 24

They're dance now. ing

They're dance now.


Слайд 25

They're drinking tea. not

They're drinking tea.


Слайд 26

She's yelling at Dipper now. He

She's yelling at Dipper now.


Слайд 27

He‘re cooking now. s

He‘re cooking now.
