Презентация к уроку английского языка "Proffession" - скачать

Слайд 2

Do you know the difference ? ( explain in other words) PROFESSION JOB WORK

Do you know the difference ? ( explain in other





Слайд 3

Profession - occupation requiring extensive education: an occupation that requires extensive

Profession - occupation requiring extensive education: an occupation that requires extensive

education or specialized training

Job - paid occupation: an activity such as a trade or profession that somebody does regularly for pay, or a paid position doing this

Work - duties of job: the duties or activities that are part of a job or occupation

Слайд 4

GUESS THE NAMES OF SOME PROFESSIONS 1.somebody who reports news: somebody

1.somebody who reports news: somebody whose

job is to find out facts and use the print or broadcast media to tell people about them
2.somebody employed to sell something: somebody who sells goods or services, either in a store or by contacting potential customers
3.somebody caring for patients: somebody trained to look after sick or injured people, especially somebody who works in a hospital or clinic, administering the care and treatment that a doctor prescribes
4.somebody programming computers: a writer of computer programs
5.somebody taking and paying money: somebody who works in a store or bank and handles customers' money transactions
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6.somebody medically qualified: somebody qualified and licensed to give people medical

6.somebody medically qualified: somebody qualified and licensed to give people medical

7.somebody trained and licensed to practice general dentistry or a specialty such as orthodontics or dental surgery
8.somebody who teaches: somebody who teaches, especially as a profession
9.food seller: an owner or manager of a store selling food and other household goods
10.somebody who builds: a person or company engaged in building or repairing houses or other large structures
11.engineering professional: somebody who is trained as a professional engineer
12.somebody employed to care for children: somebody who is paid to take care of one or more children in a family home, often also living there
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13.creator of art: somebody who creates art, especially paintings or sculptures

13.creator of art: somebody who creates art, especially paintings or sculptures

who writes as profession: somebody who writes books or articles professionally
15.somebody who checks finances: somebody who maintains the business records of a person or organization and prepares forms and reports for tax or other financial purposes
16.somebody active in politics: somebody who actively or professionally engages in politics
17.college teacher of highest academic rank: a teacher of the highest academic rank in a college or university
18.somebody who puts out fires: somebody who attempts to control or extinguish fires, and to rescue people or animals from danger
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19.somebody qualified to practice law: a qualified professional adviser on legal

19.somebody qualified to practice law: a qualified professional adviser on legal

matters who can represent clients in court
20.expert in mathematics, or somebody whose job involves mathematics
21.expert in science of life: the science that deals with all forms of life, including their classification, physiology, chemistry, and interactions
22.provision of social services: the profession or work of providing people in need with social services
23.clerical worker: an employee who does clerical and administrative work in an office for a person or organization
24.somebody who moves rhythmically to music: moves the feet and body rhythmically, usually in time to music
25.doctor diagnosing and treating without surgery: a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases and injuries using methods other than surgery
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26.somebody who takes photograph of somebody or something: produces an image

26.somebody who takes photograph of somebody or something: produces an image

of something or somebody using a camera
27.scientist specializing in chemistry: a scientist who works in the field of chemistry
28.somebody who styles hair: somebody whose job is to cut and style people's hair
29.somebody responsible for financial transactions: an official in an organization who is responsible for receiving and paying out money and keeping financial records
 30.somebody who flies plane: somebody who pilots an aircraft or spacecraft
31.somebody steering ships through difficult area: somebody with local knowledge whose job is to navigate ships in and out of a harbor or through a difficult stretch of water
Слайд 9

CHECK YOURSELF 1. reporter 2. salesperson 3. doctor 4. computer programmer


1. reporter
2. salesperson
3. doctor
4. computer programmer
5. cashier
6. nurse
7. dentist
8. teacher


22.social worker
28.hair dresser
29.bank teller
30.31. pilot