Презентация к уроку английского языка "What time is it?" - скачать

Слайд 2

My clock «Tick,Tock,tick,tock,» Loudly sings the busy clock. There is time

My clock

Loudly sings the busy clock.
There is time for work,
There is

time for play.
Sings the never stopping clock.
Слайд 3

Late or Early? It is a quarter to twelve It is

Late or Early?

It is a quarter to twelve

It is a quarter

past ten

It is seven o”clock

It is five minutes
to nine

Слайд 4

What time is it? It is half past eight It is

What time is it?

It is half past eight

It is a quarter


It is a quarter to seven

It is ten minutes
past two

Слайд 5

My time-table I get up at 8.00 a.m I wash my

My time-table

I get up at 8.00 a.m

I wash my face and

clean my teeth at 8.10 a.m

I have breakfast
at 8.15 a.m

I am at school at 9.00 a.m

I have my free time at 1.30 p.m

I go to bed at 10.00 p.m

Слайд 6

