Some Glimpses of American History Презентация по курсу страноведения для учащихся школ с углублённым изучением английского языка (6-й год изуч

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Every year on 4th , Americans celebrate a national holiday called

Every year on 4th , Americans celebrate a national holiday called

Independence Day. It is also called the Fourth of July.

On this day, Americans celebrate the birthday of the United States, because on July 4, 1776 the thirteen colonies declared their independence.

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July the 4th, 1776 was the beginning of the Revolutionary War

July the 4th, 1776 was the beginning of the Revolutionary War

which the colonies won in 1783 and became free and independent states, the Union States of America.
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In the 1800’s the United States expanded to the Pacific Ocean.

In the 1800’s the United States expanded to the Pacific Ocean.


wanted more land for homes and farms. They wanted to use the Mississippi River to transport their farm products.
After the Revolutionary War, the western border of the United States was
the Mississippi River.
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In April 1803 the United States bought the Louisiana area from France.

In April 1803 the United States bought the Louisiana area from

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In February 22nd in 1819 Florida was bought by the United States from Spain.

In February 22nd in 1819 Florida was bought by the United

States from Spain.
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Texas and California became part of the United States after wars with Mexico.

Texas and California became part of the United States after wars

with Mexico.
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The United States got the Oregon country after it signed an agreement with England.

The United States got the Oregon country after it signed an

agreement with England.
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1867 – Alaska was sold to US by Russia for $7,2 mln.

1867 – Alaska was sold to US by Russia for $7,2

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In 1900 Hawaii became a territory of the United States.

In 1900 Hawaii became a territory of the United States.

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Alaska and Hawaii are the 49th and 50th states of the United States of America.

Alaska and Hawaii are the 49th and 50th states of the

United States of America.