Topic “Theatre”

Слайд 2

Stalls –партер Orchestra stalls – передние ряды партера Centre stalls –

Stalls –партер
Orchestra stalls – передние ряды партера
Centre stalls – места в

середине партера
Rear stalls- задние ряды партера
Front rows –передние ряды
Back rows – задние ряды
To sit in the stalls – сидеть в партере
On the front rows – в передних рядах
On the balcony –на балконе
In the box –в ложе
Pit -амфитеатр
Dress circle – бельэтаж
Stage- сцена (подмостки)
Auditorium – зал
Foyer – фойе, вестибюль
Слайд 3

Cloak room - гардероб Cast – состав исполнителей All star cast

Cloak room - гардероб
Cast – состав исполнителей
All star cast –

первый состав, состав «звезд»
Company - труппа
Scenery - декорации
To contribute to – способствовать чему-либо
To be at one’s best – быть в ударе
To be at one’s worst – играть плохо, быть не в ударе
Interval - перерыв
The curtain falls – занавес опускается
The curtain rises – занавес поднимается
The lights are going down – огни гаснут
The lights are going up – огни зажигаются
To have a long run – долго быть в репертуаре, долго идти
Слайд 4

The house is sold out – билеты проданы To act -

The house is sold out – билеты проданы
To act - играть

–акт(часть пьесы)
Acting – игра,
Leading role – ведущая роль
Scene – сцена в спектакле
The Comedy Theatre – театр комедии
The Musical Comedy Theatre – театр музыкальной комедии
The Opera House – оперный театр
The Theatre for Young Spectators – театр юного зрителя
The Puppet Theatre – кукольный театр
The Philarmonic Society -филармония
The Conservatoire - консерватория
The Art Theatre –художественный театр
The Drama Theatre named after - театр драмы имени….
Слайд 5

Make up your own sentences with the following words Theatre –goer

Make up your own sentences with the following words

Theatre –goer –

Matinee – утренний спектакль
Cast – состав исполнителей
Stalls - партер
Playwright - драматург
Box-office - касса
Star -звезда
Orchestra stalls – передние ряды партера
First night -премьера
Слайд 6

Give the English for the following words and expressions Состав исполнителей,

Give the English for the following words and expressions

Состав исполнителей,

любитель театра, пользоваться большим успехом, сидеть в партере, утренний спектакль, премьера, декорации, главная роль, ставить пьесу, быть в ударе, получить удовольствие от спектакля, пьеса провалилась.
Слайд 7

Complete the following sentences Let’s take opera glasses… . 2. I

Complete the following sentences

Let’s take opera glasses… .
2. I enjoyed the

play greatly because … .
3. The best seats are … .
4. I’ll try to get tickets … .
5. Let’s buy a programme … .
6. The public admires him … .
7. It’s not easy to get tickets for this play as … .
8. I’d have enjoyed the play much more if … .
9. The bell is ringing, let’s … .
10. let’s ask the usher … .
11. The play is very popular … .
12. The performance was a failure because …. .
Слайд 8

Translate from English into Russian They say his new play is

Translate from English into Russian

They say his new play is a

complete failure with the public.
2. Everybody agrees that T. was at his worst yesterday.
3. This play is still on at the Art Theatre.
4. My friend said that he had enjoyed every minute of the play.
5. N’s acting was true to life.
6. When one sits on the front rows one has a good view of the stage.
7. The play was so dull that spectators were bored to death.
8. My brother often goes to matinee.
Слайд 9

Put prepositions and postadverbal adverbs wherever necessary His plays are very

Put prepositions and postadverbal adverbs wherever necessary

His plays are very popular

…. the public. He touches …. serious social problemes … his plays. Besides he is a great master … intrigue.
2. Where are our seats? - … the orchestra stalls, … the seventh row.
3. Who is … the cast today?
4. N. was… his best tonight.
5. They say it’s not easy to get tickets … this play. Let’s try to book seats … telephone.
6. Would you like to go …. the theatre tonight?
7. Let’s take opera-glasses, our seats are … the balcony.
Слайд 10

Translate the following dialogues from English into Russian – Are you

Translate the following dialogues from English into Russian

– Are you free

Why? Are you going to invite me somewhere?
Yes, I’ ve got tickets for “King Lear”.
- It’s the first night, isn’t it? How did you manage to get seats?
Don’t ask me questions, just say whether you are coming or not.
Of course I am. How can I miss a chance like that?
- You’ve no doubt heard the news. A famous Italian singer will be coming to Moscow soon.
Do you think you’ll be able to book seats?
I’m not quite sure, but I’ll try.
- Let’s hope for the best. You may be lucky enough to get seats, after all. Why not?