
Слайд 2

Адрес (свой) 1. Sosnovy Bor, Russia 2. Sosnovy Bor Russia 3.

Адрес (свой)

1. Sosnovy Bor, Russia

2. Sosnovy Bor

3. 29, Lipovskiy

Sosnovy Bor

4. Valentina Baskakova
29, Lipovskiy Road
Sosnovy Bor

Слайд 3

Дата под адресом (дата экзамена) 1) 12.06.2018 2) 12/06/2018 3) 12th

Дата под адресом (дата экзамена)

1) 12.06.2018

2) 12/06/2018

3) 12th June 2018

4) 12

June 2018

5) 12.06.18

Слайд 4

Обращение Sosnovy Bor вверху справа Russia 12.06.2018 Dear Tom, Hi, Tom Hello Tom,


Sosnovy Bor
вверху справа Russia
Dear Tom,
Hi, Tom
Hello Tom,

Слайд 5

Благодарность, ссылка на предыдущие контакты Thank you for the letter. It

Благодарность, ссылка на предыдущие контакты

Thank you for the letter. It was

great to hear from you again.
Thank you for your recent letter. Sorry, I haven’t answered you earlier. I have so much to tell you.
Thank you for your letter. I was very glad to get your letter again.
Thank you for your letter. I was very glad to get it.
I’m very happy to hear that you are fine.
Слайд 6

Ответы на вопросы друга Anyway, I’m writing to answer your questions

Ответы на вопросы друга

Anyway, I’m writing to answer your questions about….

You asked me about…
I’m glad to answer your questions about…
Слайд 7

Вопросы другу Let me ask you about…. I’m happy to learn

Вопросы другу

Let me ask you about….
I’m happy to learn about….. By

the way, …..
I’d like to ask you about….
I want to ask you 3 questions.
Слайд 8

1. How old are your cousins? 2. What are their names?

1. How old are your cousins?
2. What are their names?
3. How

many cousins have come to you?
4. Have they come with their parents?
5. Where do they come from?
6. Are they boys or girls?
7. Do you like your cousins?

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Olivia who writes:
… I know it’s often cold in Russia in winter. What do you usually do not to catch a cold? What is a healthy lifestyle for you? How can you catch up with the class if you do fall ill?
My cousins have come to stay with us for the weekend …
Write a letter to Olivia.
In your letter
– answer her questions
– ask 3 questions about her cousins
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.

Слайд 9

Окончание (надежда на последующие контакты) Sorry, I must finish now. My

Окончание (надежда на последующие контакты)

Sorry, I must finish now. My mum

wants me to help her with shopping.
Write back soon. ( Keep in touch./ Drop me a line.)
All the best,
That’s all my news for now.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Writing Задание 40


Задание 40

Слайд 12

Выбор темы Comment on one of the following statements. Science is

Выбор темы

Comment on one of the following statements.
Science is the first

thing to be financed in the modern world.
An early choice of a career path is the key to success.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
− make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)
− express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
− express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
− explain why you do not agree with the opposing opinion
− make a conclusion restating your position
Слайд 13

Вступление. (Задача – перефразировать тему и показать ее проблемный характер) Nowadays

Вступление. (Задача – перефразировать тему и показать ее проблемный характер)

Nowadays people

are getting more and more concerned about…
There is no doubt that …. is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world.
One issue that caused lots of controversy over the years is ….
Nowadays …. face a difficult decision when they …
+ Some people think…..while others…
Слайд 14

Мое мнение (2-3 аргумента) In my opinion, To my mind, It

Мое мнение (2-3 аргумента)

In my opinion,
To my mind,
It seems to me

According to my point of view,
As far as I am concerned, I agree that…
+ перефраз
+2 развернутых аргумента
Слайд 15

Другая точка зрения (1 аргумент) However, On the other hand, Nevertheless, + перефраз +развернутый аргумент

Другая точка зрения (1 аргумент)

On the other hand,
+ перефраз
+развернутый аргумент

Слайд 16

Контраргумент I am afraid I cannot agree with the opponents’ argument.


I am afraid I cannot agree with the opponents’ argument.
Personally, I

can only respectfully disagree with the opposing opinion.
I strongly disagree with the opponents’ point of view.
+ развернутый аргумент
Слайд 17

Заключение (подтвердить свою точку зрения) To sum up, In conclusion, All

Заключение (подтвердить свою точку зрения)

To sum up,
In conclusion,
All in all, though

some people … , I strongly believe that …
I am convinced that…