What is Ecology ?


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Table of Contents What is Ecology ? Chemical pollution and human


What is Ecology ?

Chemical pollution and human health


pollution and human disease

Impact of sounds on the human

Weather and well-being

Nutrition and health

Problems of human adaptation
to the environment

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What is Ecology? Ecology is the scientific study of interactions of

What is Ecology?

Ecology is the scientific study of interactions of

organisms with one another
and with the physical and chemical environment. Although it includes the study
of environmental problems such as pollution, the science of ecology mainly involves
research on the natural world from many viewpoints, using many techniques.
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HEALTH Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of


Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans it

is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges.
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Health – like branch There are strongly relationship between them Ecology- like root

Health – like branch There are strongly relationship between them

Ecology- like root
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Biotic and Abiotic Factors That can effect Human Health Biotic: Living

Biotic and Abiotic Factors
That can effect Human Health


Living - Biological

Abiotic: Non living - Environmental

- Pathogens
- Your own body(aging)
- Allergens

Medical Procedures
- Chemical
- Pollution

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Pollution and human health Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into

Pollution and human health

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants

a natural environment that causes instability, disorder,
harm or discomfort to the eco system.

Currently, human economic activity is increasingly becoming
a major source of pollution of the biosphere. In the natural
environment in a growing number fall gaseous, liquid and
solid waste industries.

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Air pollution Any change in the atmosphere that has harmful effects

Air pollution

Any change in the atmosphere that has harmful effects

called air pollution

Any substance that causes pollution is called a pollutant

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Relative Impact Attribution Health Example: Asthma Risk Attribution Factor 40% -

Relative Impact Attribution

Health Example: Asthma
Risk Attribution Factor
40% - 60% Genetics
20% - 30% Indoor Air

Quality & Life-Style Factors (e.g., pets, carpets,hygiene, tobacco, solvents)
5% - 10% Outdoor Air Quality (e.g., traffic, heating, long-range transport, industry, biogenic factors)
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Water pollution Any physical, biological, or chemical change in water quality

Water pollution

Any physical, biological, or chemical change in water quality

that adversely
affects living organisms or makes water unsuitable for desired uses is consi-
dered pollution.
Water pollution can be classified into two main categories:
point sources and no-point sources.
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Every year 5 million peoples die in the result of poisoning

Every year 5 million peoples die in the result of poisoning

by polluted water. Nowadays new diseases appear that are connected with chemical water pollution.
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Soil pollution Soil pollution is defined as the change in physical,

Soil pollution

Soil pollution is defined as the change in

chemical and biological conditions
of the soil through man’s intervention
resulting in the degradation in quality and
productivity of the soil.
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The main sources of soil pollution are: Industry; Transport; Agriculture.

The main sources of soil pollution are:


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In agriculture people use pesticides and nitrates. These substances are very

In agriculture people use pesticides and nitrates. These substances are

very dangerous and toxic. They can cause mutations, cancer, pathological processes in central nervous system, respiratory and alimentary tracts, skin.
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Noise pollution Noise – loud noise, merged into discordant sound. Greater

Noise pollution

Noise – loud noise, merged into discordant sound.
Greater frequency

of vibrations is called - ultrasound,
smaller – infrasound.

Long noise adversely affects the organ of hearing, reducing sensitivity to sound.

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Radioactive pollution and Effects On Human Beings .► The impact of

Radioactive pollution and Effects

On Human Beings
.► The impact of radioactive pollution

on human beings can vary from mild to fatal; the magnitude of the adverse effects largely depends on the level and duration of exposure to radioactivity. Low levels of localized exposure may only have a superficial effect and cause mild skin irritation.
► Long-term exposure or exposure to high amounts of radiation can have far more serious health effects. Radioactive rays can cause irreparable damage to DNA molecules and can lead to a life-threatening condition.
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Weather and well-being

Weather and well-being

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Nutrition & health There are six different kinds of nutrients in

Nutrition & health

There are six different kinds of nutrients in food:


Beans, Fish)

Carbohydrates(Wheat, Grains)




And Water

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Problems of human adaptation to the environment Man, like other living

Problems of human adaptation
to the environment

Man, like other

living organisms can adapt, that is, to adapt to environmental conditions. Human adaptation to the new natural and production conditions can be described as a set of social and biological properties and features needed for sustainable living organism in a
particular ecological environment.
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Conclusion All processes in the biosphere are interrelated. Humanity - only


All processes in the biosphere are interrelated.
Humanity -

only a small part of the biosphere. Mind singled
man from the animal world and gave him tremendous power.
Comprehensive study of man and his relationship
with the world led to the understanding that health - is not
merely the absence of disease but also physical, mental
and social well-being. Health - this capital, given to us by
nature not only from birth, but also the conditions in which
we live.
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References “Берегите себя от болезней". - Марьясис В.В., Москва, 1992г. http://www.bcb.uwc.ac.za


“Берегите себя от болезней". - Марьясис В.В., Москва, 1992г.
Экология. Учебник. Е.А.

Криксунов., Москва, 2007г.