The Syrian conflict. The nature and reasons

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The Syrian civil War is a multi-sided, multi-level armed conflict on

The Syrian civil War is a multi-sided, multi-level armed conflict on

the territory of Syria, which began in the spring of 2011 as a local civil confrontation and gradually developed into an uprising against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which over time involved not only the main states of the region, but also international organizations, military and political groups and world powers.
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The participants in the conflict Syrian Arab Armed Forces Terrorists The

The participants in the conflict

Syrian Arab Armed Forces

The Syrian opposition
Free Syrian


Kurdish regionalists

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The reasons of the conflict Anti-government protests that began in March

The reasons of the conflict

Anti-government protests that began in March 2011

in the wake of the "Arab Spring" led to mass riots in various cities of Syria, and in the summer of the same year turned into a full-scale armed conflict. The main demands of the opposition included the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, the abolition of the state of emergency that had been in force since 1962, and the implementation of democratic reforms in the country.
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Initially, the fighting was conducted between the government army and the

Initially, the fighting was conducted between the government army and the

formations of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA). The Syrian National Council (SNC) became the main organization of the Syrian opposition.
However, later in the ranks of the opposition there was a split — the first of its members were Kurdish organizations that formed their own authorities on the territory of Syrian Kurdistan (the Supreme Kurdish Council), and in 2013 the most radical Islamist groups formed the “Islamic Front”.

The Syrian National Council

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Various Islamist groups began to play a leading role in the

Various Islamist groups began to play a leading role in the

confrontation with government forces, among which the most combat-ready were the terrorist organizations al-Nusra Front (the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda) and the Islaal-Nusra Front mic State (IS).


Al-Nusra Front

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The rapid advance of ISIS and the terrorist seizure of large

The rapid advance of ISIS and the terrorist seizure of large

areas of Syria and Iraq in the summer of 2014 became an occasion to start military intervention, the U.S.
On 30 September 2015 by arrangement with President Bashar al-Assad a military operation in Syria began to Air and space forces of the Russian Federation, acting in close coordination with government forces.
In October 2015, with the support of the international coalition in Syria, led by the United States, the Syrian Democratic Forces military alliance was formed to fight the "Islamic State", the core of which was the Kurdish self-defense units.
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The main event of 2016 was the success of government forces

The main event of 2016 was the success of government forces

and their allies in the battle for Aleppo.
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2017 brought radical changes in the situation in Syria. The main

2017 brought radical changes in the situation in Syria. The main

result of the year was the defeat of the Islamic State group, which in 2015 controlled vast territories in Syria, as well as in Iraq. The defeat of the IG allowed Russia to announce at the end of 2017 the curtailment of the operation of the Russian aerospace forces.
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In early 2018, the Turkish Armed Forces, together with detachments of

In early 2018, the Turkish Armed Forces, together with detachments of

the so-called Syrian National Army trained on Turkish territory, conducted a military operation "Olive Branch", as a result of which the city of Afrin and the surrounding area came under their control by mid-March.
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In October 2019, as a result of another invasion of the

In October 2019, as a result of another invasion of the

Turkish army in northern Syria, by agreement with the Autonomous Administration of North-Eastern Syria, Syrian government troops were introduced into the territories controlled by the Kurds, which reached the Syrian-Turkish border.
Kurdish self-defense units were withdrawn beyond the 30-kilometer zone from the border. Security in this area is maintained by the Russian military police, who patrol the area together with the Turkish army.
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As of March 31, 2020, the Syrian armed forces controlled 63.57%

As of March 31, 2020, the Syrian armed forces controlled 63.57%

of the country's territory, the SDF-25.57 %, rebel groups (including HTS) & Turkey — 9.72 %; IG-1.14 %.