Cosmonauts are Discoverers of the Universe The first cosmonauts and astronauts of the Earth


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The first cosmonauts and astronauts of the Earth МБОУ НОШ №17

The first cosmonauts and astronauts of the Earth

Творческий проект


выполнил : Джапаров Камиль Давдиевич, 4 класс Руководитель: Подлужная Светлана Владимировна
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Yuri Gagarin joined the Soviet air force in 1955 and graduated

Yuri Gagarin joined the Soviet air force in 1955 and graduated

with honors from the Soviet Air Academy in 1957. Soon he became a pilot fighter. By 1959 he had been selected a member of the cosmonaut group for cosmonaut training . Yuri Gagarin flew only one space mission.
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In many countries of the world, in almost all continents people

In many countries of the world, in almost all continents people

always remember their first cosmonaut (or an astronaut, or a taikonaut – they are called differently). Who were they – these first discoverers of the Universe?
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Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (1934 - 1968) is the Soviet cosmonaut who

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (1934 - 1968) is the Soviet cosmonaut who

was the first person in the world to fly into space. Speaking in terms of continents he is the first European astronaut. All Russian people are endlessly proud of this heroic man and his deeds. He is a real hero of out country.
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On April 12, 1961, he became the 1st man to orbit

On April 12, 1961, he became the 1st man to orbit

the Earth. Gagarin's spacecraft , «Vostok 1» circled the Earth at a speed of 27 400 kilometers per hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. At the highest point Gagarin was about 327 kilometers above the Earth. Yuri Gagarin is often called «Columbus of the Cosmos». He died on March 27, 1968 in a plane crash near Moscow. At the time of his tragic death , Yuri Gagarin was in training for the second space mission.
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The first astronaut of the continent North America was a citizen

The first astronaut of the continent North America was a citizen

of the USA, Al Shepard (1923-1998). He was an astronaut of NASA.
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Al Shepard was one of seven astronauts selected by NASA in

Al Shepard was one of seven astronauts selected by NASA in

April 1959 to fly aboard the spaceship «Mercury». The highest professionalism and other qualities allowed him to become the first American astronaut. Later ne became the only astronaut of «Mercury» to set foot on the moon.
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Pham Tuân (1947) is the first astronaut from the continent Asia. He is from Vietnam

Pham Tuân (1947) is the first astronaut from the continent Asia.

He is from Vietnam
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On the 27th of December, 1972 during the «Christmas bombing» of

On the 27th of December, 1972 during the «Christmas bombing» of

North Vietnam by U.S. aircraft, Pham Tuan shot down a B-52 bomber of the USA. It was the only aerial victory of North Vietnam air force during the war in Vietnam. Pham Tuan was awarded the title Hero of the Armed Forces of the DRV.
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It was assumed that Pontes would make his first space flight

It was assumed that Pontes would make his first space flight

aboard the American shuttle in 2001. However, the problems with NASA's budget and delay in the preparation of the Brazilian equipment for the station caused a postpone of this planned flight till 2003. After the disaster of «Columbia» in February 2003 all shuttle flights were cancelled. Thus Pontes‘s flight was in question. ).
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In 1979, Pham Tuan was chosen to take part in the

In 1979, Pham Tuan was chosen to take part in the

Soviet programme «Intercosmos». After series of trainings, he participated in a flight aboard the «Soyuz-37», «Soyuz-38» and the orbital station «Salyut-6». He made his first flight on the 23rd of July, 1980. On the 31st of July 1980 he was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and on the 1st of August he got the title of the Hero of Labour of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
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Marcos Cesar Pontes is an astronaut from the continent South America,

Marcos Cesar Pontes is an astronaut from the continent South America,

from Brazil. He is one of the most experienced Brazilian pilots. He has flown 20 different types of aircraft, has over 1900 flight hours. In June 1998 Marcos Cesar Pontes was sent to NASA, where he trained for a space flight. In December 2000, he was officially announced a NASA astronaut. On 2 September 2005 between Brazil and Russia signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation, including on cooperation in space research. This agreement opened Pontis the opportunity to make a space flight.
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In 2005 Brazil and Russia signed an agreement on scientific and

In 2005 Brazil and Russia signed an agreement on scientific and

technical cooperation. This agreement gave Pontes the opportunity to make a space flight. In 2006 he made his 1st flight. So a representative of one more continent flew into space.
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On 5th of May 2002 he returned to the Earth. In

On 5th of May 2002 he returned to the Earth. In

order to participate in the flight, Shuttleworth had to undergo one year of training and preparation, including seven months in «Zvezdny gorodok».
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The representative of Africa Mark Richard Shuttleworth (1973) is not exactly

The representative of Africa Mark Richard Shuttleworth (1973) is not exactly

an astronaut. Indeed he was the second space tourist in the world. This successful businessman pursued his dream and flew into space. Thus the African continent also has its representative who saw our planet from the spaceship
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Shuttleworth gained worldwide fame on 25th of April 2002. He flew

Shuttleworth gained worldwide fame on 25th of April 2002. He flew

into space on board the ship «Union TM-34», having paid almost 20 million dollars for this journey. Two days later, the «Soyuz» arrived at the international space station. Shuttleworth spent there eight days participating in scientific experiments related to studies of the genome and the acquired immune deficiency syndrome.