Similarities and differences of forensics 1497 and 1550

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The Code of Law of 1497. The Code of Law of

The Code of Law of 1497.

The Code of Law of 1497

is a normative legal act created to systematize existing norms of law. The monument of the Russian feudal law of the XV century, created in the era of the reign of Ivan III. The most likely composers of the Code were Patrikeyev, as well as the clerks: Vasily Dolmatov, Vasily Zhuk, Fedor Kuritsyn.
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The reasons for the adoption of the Code. The era of

The reasons for the adoption of the Code.

The era of Ivan

III was marked by the overcoming of feudal disunity and the creation of a Moscow centralized state.
Strengthening the power of the Grand Duke
Increasing influence of the boyars
The emergence of the apparatus of government of a centralized state caused the need for a new regulatory and legal act.
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The sources of the Code of Law The Code of Law

The sources of the Code of Law

The Code of Law of

1497 was based on previous legislation.
The sources of this normative legal act were:
Russian truth
Statutory instruments
Judicial letters
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Features of the Codex In the Code of Law of 1497,

Features of the Codex

In the Code of Law of 1497, as

in any feudal code of laws, the rules of law were not clearly, casually, openly defined the privileges of the ruling stratum of the population. However, there was a certain systematization of the material, which was not in the previous laws. Norms of procedural law in Sudebnik are much greater than the norms of substantive law.
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The Code of Law of Ivan IV The Code of Law

The Code of Law of Ivan IV

The Code of Law of

1550 is a collection of laws of the period of the estate monarchy in Russia, a monument of Russian law of the 16th century, the first normative legal act in Russian history proclaimed the only source of law. Adopted at the first in Russia Zemsky Sobor in 1549 with the participation of the Boyar Duma. In 1551 the Code was approved Stoglav Council, convened at the initiative of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Contains a hundred articles. The Code of Law of Ivan IV has a general pro-state orientation, liquidates the judicial privileges of specific princes and strengthens the role of central state judicial bodies. In this way, the Code of Law of 1550 develops tendencies of state administration and legal proceedings laid down in the Code of Laws of 1497.
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The value of the Code of Law of 1550. The new

The value of the Code of Law of 1550.

The new judicial

system not only contained the system of crimes and punishments created earlier, but also imposed penalties for judges in the event of an improper sentence or exceeding of their official powers. In addition, a new order was established for selecting headmen and tselovalnikov in the local courts. The law, at last, begins to have a retroactive effect and take into account the interests of several parties. The severity of the punishment now completely depended on the victim's social status. The Code of Law of 1550 also confirmed the law of obligations, the rights of feudal lords and the provision on enslavement of the peasants and St. George's Day. The trial under Ivan the Terrible had several forms - investigative and adversarial.
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Meaning Sudebnik 1497 and 1550 Thanks to the Code of Laws

Meaning Sudebnik 1497 and 1550

Thanks to the Code of Laws of

1497 and 1550, the basis of administrative legislation is formed, reflecting the main directions of the administrative activities of the Russian centralized state. Legal acts determine the structure, competence and internal order of the activities of the management bodies, their records management. During this period, the norms of law regulating relations between the state and subjects in the administrative and administrative sphere and the political life of society are formed, and the foundations for the subsequent development of the law of Russia are laid.
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