Слайд 2

Summer holidays are awaiting time for all students. Because we need

Summer holidays are awaiting time for all students. Because we need

relax after academic year, stressing exams and practice.There is a topic about my first saturating student summer holidays.
Слайд 3

Our practice in the forest

Our practice in the forest

Слайд 4

We acquainted with a plenty of animal species, especially with insects

We acquainted with a plenty of animal species, especially with insects

by zoology and a lot of species of plants by botanica. We found them and learnt their morfology, physiology. Some of them: rose chafer (бронзовка золотистая), garden chafer (кузька садовая), big borer (златка большая), leather winged beetles (мягкотелки), coccinellids (божьи коровки), Italian bugs (клоп италянский), water flea (дафния), cyclop (циклоп), cabbage white butterfly (капустница), bumplebee (шмель), blowfly (мясная муха), dragonflies (стрекозы) by zoology. Cocksfoot (ежа сборная), timothy (тимофеевка), trifolium pratense (клевер луговой), cichoriun intybus (цикорий обыкновенный), pink (гвоздика), lycopodium clavatum (плаун булавовидный), wild chervil (купырь лесной), english oak (дуб черешчатый), hieracium pilosella (ястребинка волосистая), wormwood (полынь), batfish (орляк), buckler fern (шитовник), starflower (седмичник) by botanica.
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Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

I went to HOME

I went to HOME

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Avaza and the Caspian sea

Avaza and the Caspian sea

Слайд 12

Слайд 13

Turkmenbashy city

Turkmenbashy city

Слайд 14

Слайд 15

Paravbibi Mauseleum

Paravbibi Mauseleum

Слайд 16

An old Abywerd city

An old Abywerd city

Слайд 17

Слайд 18

For me this summer vacation was really interesting, useful. I rested

For me this summer vacation was really interesting, useful. I rested

a lot, I was almost everywhere. And I understood that HOME and FAMILY is everything for me.