The problem of urbanization in India


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MAJOR CAUSES OF URBANIZATION: Industrial revolution: Industrial employment catches the attention


Industrial revolution: Industrial employment catches the attention of

people from rural to urban areas. In the urban areas, people work in modern sector in the occupations that assist national economic development. This represents that the old agricultural economics is changing to a new non-agricultural economy. This is the trend, which will build a new modern society.
Emergence of large manufacturing centers.
Job opportunities: There are ample job opportunities in mega cities therefore village people or individuals from town frequently migrate to these areas.
Availability of transportation: Due to easy transport, people prefer to stay in big cities.
Migration: Migration is main cause for rapid growth of mega-cities. Migration has been going on over centuries and it is normal phenomenon. When considering urbanization rural-urban
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PROBLEMS OF URBANIZATION IN INDIA When evaluating urbanizing process in Indian


When evaluating urbanizing process in Indian perspective,

the major problems of urbanization observed in this nation are:
Urban Sprawl
Housing/Slums and Squatter
Unemployment Settlements
Water/Sewerage Problems
Trash Disposal
Urban Crimes
Problem of Urban Pollution
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Urban sprawl It is the rapid expansion of the geographic extent

Urban sprawl

It is the rapid expansion of the geographic extent of

cities and towns, often characterized by low-density residential housing, single-use zoning, and increased reliance on the private automobile for transportation due to urbanization
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OVERCROWDING This refers to the condition where more people are located


This refers to the condition where more people are located within

a given space than is considered tolerable from a safety and health perspective which will depend on current environment and local cultural norms.
lack of privacy is linked to depression and other negative psychological outcomes
overcrowding contributes to psychological frustrations
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HOUSING/ SLUMS AND SQUATTER The problem has further been compounded by


The problem has further been compounded by the

rapid increase in urban population.
Constant migration of rural population to cities in search of jobs is causing unbearable strain on urban housing and basic services.
There is a severe housing shortage in the urban areas with demand – supply gap increasing day-by-day.
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Unemployment settlements India's unemployment rate is now at a record high

Unemployment settlements

India's unemployment rate is now at a record high of 27.1%,

according to the Centre for Monitoring the Indian Economy.
The new data shows India's unemployment figures are four times that of the US.
Mass migration is an important cause for unemployment in urban areas. People migrate from rural areas in large groups when there is drought or when any other unfavourable conditions occur. A city or town can ill-afford to provide unemployment opportunities to all of the migrated people, thus, causing mass unemployment.
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TRANSPORT A major problem faced by people in urban areas is


A major problem faced by people in urban areas is the

lack of adequate public transport. With more than half the population being poor or belonging to low income groups, public transport is a very important facility to be provided in urban areas. As the number of motor vehicles increases, roads get cluttered, pollution increases and it takes longer to reach one’s destination. Only recently local and state governments have woken up to this problem and metro rail systems are being set up at great cost for mass rapid transportation. Presently people rely mostly on bus transport but their number is not enough nor the roads able to accommodate all the vehicles now in use. There are frequent traffic jams further delaying people from reaching their destinations. Public transport must be made much more efficient, regular, punctual, attractive and adequate.
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Water/ Sewerage problems Main factors that contribute to water issues include:

Water/ Sewerage problems

Main factors that contribute to water issues include:
poor management of resources

of government attention
man-made waste
18 percent of the world's population which resides in India only has access to 4 percent of usable water sources.
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TRASH DISPOSAL Another big problem that has arisen due to the


Another big problem that has arisen due to the large

increase in population has been the enormous amount of solid waste generated. The collection, transportation and disposal of this huge quantity of solid waste is posing serious problems to the municipality. Finding dumping grounds for this waste has become difficult. Dumping this sort of waste has created serious problems of pollution, ill-health and stink to inhabitants even a kilometer away. Recycling the solid waste material and converting much of it into usable products seems to be the only solution.
Electronic waste. Unserviceable cell phones, their accessories, other electronic goods, are being thrown away indiscriminately containing toxic chemicals like mercury and other heavy metals and compounds.
Much research needs to be done on the disposal of various types of solid waste without causing any harm to the environment or the people
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Shortage of Electric Power A very serious problem facing the entire

Shortage of Electric Power

A very serious problem facing the entire country

is the acute shortage of electric power both in urban and rural areas. This can be solved only by generating much more electricity than at present.  However, conventional methods of generation like coal based thermal power, nuclear power and hydro electric power are being opposed by people for reasons of environmental pollution, displacement of people submergence of land and forests etc. There are some gas based power stations which are less polluting but due to lack of sufficient quantity of natural gas they are working at less than half their load capacity. Non-conventional sources of power like solar power and wind power are not that economically viable or affordable by the consumers. The power generation is also intermittent requiring large storage capacity for energy.
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Security Well to do citizens are being forced to organize their


Well to do citizens are being forced to organize their own

security. This is the reason for the coming up of gated communities with private security arrangements. Entry to these communities is strictly controlled and monitored by the security staff.
The growing insecurity in the cities and so on. Problems will become more acute and may go beyond repair if immediate steps are not taken to solve at least some of these problems. This trend needs to be reversed urgently by providing urban facilities in rural areas and locating several industries and providing employment opportunities in rural areas.
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Urban crimes Urbanization is a newly invented matter. But crime isn`t

Urban crimes

Urbanization is a newly invented matter. But crime isn`t still

there are huge number of relations between crime and urbanization. The urban areas are full of facility which facility are responsible to occur crime in urban area. Relationship between crime and urbanization may be uncertain. Mash and Masih state “At low levels of the urbanization, crime may be high because of sparsely urbanization may lead to decrease in crime because of closer proximity of and finally, with even urbanization, crime may rise because individuals may not identify whether they are engaged in a legal or illegal activity
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Disease outbreak The urban population is more susceptible to diseases like

Disease outbreak

The urban population is more susceptible to diseases like HIV,

Malaria STI’s
Unhealthy environment and overcrowded housing expose the urban poor to high rates of infectious disease like TB, Diarrhoea, Cholera
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Problems of urban population Lack of Jobs. Urbanization leads to a

Problems of urban population

Lack of Jobs. Urbanization leads to a deficit in jobs.

Businesses and governments cannot produce enough jobs to meet the requirement.
Air Pollution. Suspended particulates in the air come from motor vehicle fuel combustion. Soot, dust, lead and smoke.
Biodiversity Threatened. City growth destroys natural areas flowing with new and endangered animal and plant life.
Disease. Urbanization has led to reduced physical activity and unhealthy nutrition.