Repeated games. (Lecture 6)


Слайд 2

Introduction Lectures 1-5: One-shot games The game is played just once,


Lectures 1-5: One-shot games
The game is played just once, then the

interaction ends.
Players have a short term horizon, they are opportunistic, and are unlikely to cooperate (e.g. prisoner’s dilemma).
Firms, individuals, governments often interact over long periods of time
Trade partners
Слайд 3

Introduction Players may behave differently when a game is repeated. They


Players may behave differently when a game is repeated. They are

less opportunistic and prioritize the long-run payoffs, sometimes at the expense of short-term payoffs.
Types of repeated games:
Finitely repeated: the game is played for a finite and known number of rounds, e.g. 2 rounds/repetitions.
Infinitely: the game is repeated infinitely.
Indefinitely repeated: the game is repeated for an unknown number of times. The interaction will eventually end, but players don’t know when.
Слайд 4

A model of price competition Two firms compete in prices. The

A model of price competition

Two firms compete in prices. The NE

is to set low prices to gain market shares.
They could obtain a higher payoff by cooperating (Prisoner’s dilemma situation)

Firm 1

Firm 2

Слайд 5

A model of price competition The equilibrium that arises from using

A model of price competition

The equilibrium that arises from using dominant

strategies is worse for every player than cooperation.
Why does defection occur?
No fear of punishment
Short term or myopic play
What if the game is played “repeatedly” for several periods?
The incentive to cooperate may outweigh the incentive to defect.
Слайд 6

Finite repetition Games where players play the same game for a

Finite repetition

Games where players play the same game for a certain

finite number of times. The game is played n times, and n is known in advance.
Nash Equilibrium:
Each player will defect in the very last period
Since both know that both will defect in the last period, they also defect in the before last period.
etc…until they defect in the first period











Player 1

Player 2

Слайд 7

Finite repetition When a one-shot game with a unique PSNE is

Finite repetition

When a one-shot game with a unique PSNE is repeated

a finite number of times, repetition does not affect the equilibrium outcome. The dominant strategy of defecting will still prevail.
BUT…finitely repeated games are relatively rare; how often do we really know for certain when a game will end? We routinely play many games that are indefinitely repeated (no known end), or infinitely repeated games.
Слайд 8

Infinite Repetition What if the interaction never ends? No final period,

Infinite Repetition

What if the interaction never ends?
No final period, so no

Players may be using history-dependent strategies, i.e. trigger/contingent strategies:
e.g. cooperate as long as the rivals do
Upon observing a defection: immediately revert to a period of punishment (i.e. defect) of specified length.
Слайд 9

Trigger Strategies Tit-for-tat (TFT): choose the action chosen by the other

Trigger Strategies

Tit-for-tat (TFT): choose the action chosen by the other player

last period











Слайд 10

Trigger Strategies Grim strategy: cooperate until the other player defects, then

Trigger Strategies

Grim strategy: cooperate until the other player defects, then if

he defects punish him by defecting until the end of the game






Слайд 11

Trigger Strategies Tit-for-Tat is most forgiving shortest memory proportional credible but

Trigger Strategies

Tit-for-Tat is
most forgiving
shortest memory
credible but lacks deterrence

Grim trigger is
least forgiving

not proportional
adequate deterrence but lacks credibility
Слайд 12

Firm 1 Firm 2

Firm 1

Firm 2

Слайд 13

Infinite repetition and defection Is it worth defecting? Consider Firm1. Cooperation:

Infinite repetition and defection

Is it worth defecting? Consider Firm1.
Firm 1 defects:

gain 36 (360-324)
If Firm 2 plays TFT, it will also defect next period:














Слайд 14

Infinite repetition and defection If Firm 1 keeps defecting: If Firm

Infinite repetition and defection

If Firm 1 keeps defecting:
If Firm 1 reverts

back to cooperation:
If defection, trade-off defection - return to cooperation





















Gain: 36

Loss: 108

Gain: 36

Loss: 36

Loss: 36

Loss: 36

Loss: 36

Слайд 15

Discounting future payoffs Recall from the analysis of bargaining that players

Discounting future payoffs
Recall from the analysis of bargaining that players discount

future payoffs. The discount factor is δ= 1/(1+r), with δ < 1.
r is the interest rate
Invest $1 today ? get $(1+r) next year
Want $1 next year ? invest $1/(1+r) today
For example, if r=0.25, then δ =0.8, i.e. a player values $1 received one period in the future as being equivalent to $0.80 right now.
Слайд 16

Discounting future payoffs Considering an infinitely repeated game, suppose that an

Discounting future payoffs

Considering an infinitely repeated game, suppose that an outcome

of this game is that a player receives $1 in every future play (round) of the game, starting from next period.
Present value of $1 every period (starting from next period):
Слайд 17

Defection? Defecting once vs. always cooperate against a TFT player. Gain


Defecting once vs. always cooperate against a TFT player. Gain 36

in period 1; Lose 108 in period 2.
Defect if:
Defecting forever vs. always cooperate against a TFT player. Gain 36 in period 1; Lose 36 every period ever after.
Defect if:
Слайд 18

Defection? When r is high (r>minimum{1,2}, i.e. r>1 in this example),


When r is high (r>minimum{1,2}, i.e. r>1 in this example), cooperation

cannot be sustained.
When future payoffs are heavily discounted, present gains outweigh future losses.
Cooperation is sustainable only if r<1, i.e. if future payoffs are not too heavily discounted.
Lesson: Infinite repetition increases the possibilities of cooperation, but r has to be low enough.
Слайд 19

Games of unknown length Interactions don’t last forever: Suppose there is

Games of unknown length

Interactions don’t last forever: Suppose there is a

probability p<1 that the interaction will continue next period ? Indefinitely repeated games.
present value of 1 tomorrow is
Future losses are discounted more heavily than in infinitely repeated games, because they may not even materialize. Cooperation is more difficult to sustain when p<1 than when p=1.
Слайд 20

Games of unknown length The effective rate of return R is

Games of unknown length

The effective rate of return R is the

rate of return used to discount future payoffs when p<1. R is such that:
i.e. the discount factor δ is lower when p<1.
R>r, and future payoffs are more heavily discounted, which decreases the possibilities of cooperation.
Слайд 21

Games of unknown length We found that the condition for defecting

Games of unknown length

We found that the condition for defecting against

a TFT player is:
e.g. suppose that r=0.05 ? no defection
Now assume that there is each period a 10% chance that the game stops: p=0.90.
? R=0.16 (still <1, hence no defection)
If instead p=0.5, then R=1.1, and there is defection (1.1>minimum{1,2}).
Слайд 22

Example with asymmetric payoffs Firm 1 Firm 2

Example with asymmetric payoffs

Firm 1

Firm 2

Слайд 23

Example with asymmetric payoffs Firm 1: no change Defect once better

Example with asymmetric payoffs

Firm 1: no change
Defect once better than cooperate

Defect forever better than cooperate if:
Слайд 24

Example with asymmetric payoffs Firm 2: Defect once better than cooperate

Example with asymmetric payoffs

Firm 2:
Defect once better than cooperate if:
Defect forever

better than cooperate if:
Cooperation may not be stable when r>0.66
Слайд 25

Experimental evidence from a prisoner’s dilemma game From Duffy and Ochs

Experimental evidence from a prisoner’s dilemma game

From Duffy and Ochs (2009),

Games and Economic Behavior.
Initially 30% of players cooperate, and this increase to 80% with more repetitions. Trust between players increases over time and fewer of them defect.
Слайд 26

The Axelrod Experiment: Assessing trigger strategies Axelrod (1980s) invited selected specialists

The Axelrod Experiment: Assessing trigger strategies

Axelrod (1980s) invited selected specialists to

enter strategies for cooperation games in a round-robin computer tournament.
Strategies specified for 200 rounds.
TFT obtained the highest overall score in the tournament.
Why did TFT win?
TFT's can adapt to opponents. It resists exploitation by defecting strategies but reciprocates cooperation.
Programs that defect suffer against TFT programs.
Programs that never defect lost against programs that defect.
Слайд 27

The Axelrod Experiment: Assessing trigger strategies In another experiment, some “players”

The Axelrod Experiment: Assessing trigger strategies
In another experiment, some “players” were

programmed to defect, some to cooperate, some to play trigger strategies such as TFT and grim.
The programs that do well “reproduce” themselves and gain in population. The losing programs lose population.
After 1000 rounds, TFT accounted for 70% of the population.
TFT does well against itself and other cooperative strategies.
Defecting strategies fare badly when their own kind spreads, and against TFT.
Слайд 28

The Axelrod Experiment: Assessing trigger strategies According to Axelrod, TFT follow

The Axelrod Experiment: Assessing trigger strategies

According to Axelrod, TFT follow the

following rules:
“Don’t be envious, don’t be the first to defect, reciprocate both cooperation and defection, don’t be too clever.”
Folk theorem: two TFT strategies are best replies for each other (i.e. it is a Nash Equilibrium).
However, other Nash equilibria also exist, and may involve defecting strategies.
Слайд 29

q1 q2 NE=(240,240) Cournot in repeated games (180,180)




Cournot in repeated games


Слайд 30

Cournot in repeated games In a one-shot Cournot game, the unique

Cournot in repeated games

In a one-shot Cournot game, the unique NE

is that producers defect rather than cooperate. Cooperation yields higher payoff, but is not stable.
Cartels do form, and governments may have to intervene to prevent cartel formation. Some cartels are unstable, but some are stable.
Слайд 31

Cournot in repeated games How to reconcile the Cournot model with

Cournot in repeated games

How to reconcile the Cournot model with the

fact that many cartels are formed?
Repetition increases the possibilities of cooperation, provided that producers attach sufficient weight on future payoffs (low r).
“Short-termism” makes cartels less stable.
Слайд 32

Cournot in repeated games High p also helps. Cartels are more

Cournot in repeated games

High p also helps.
Cartels are more likely to

be stable in “static” industries, where producers know that they will have a very long-term relationship.
e.g. OPEC. The list of oil exporting countries is unlikely to change much over the next decades.
In “dynamic” industries, where market shares quickly change, collusion is less stable.
Слайд 33

Other factors affecting the possibilities of collusion I The more complex

Other factors affecting the possibilities of collusion I

The more complex the

negotiations, the greater the costs of cooperation (and create a cartel)
It is easier to form a cartel when…
Few producers are involved.
77% of cartels have six or fewer firms (Connor, 2003)
The market is highly concentrated.
Cartel members usually control 90%+ of the industry sales (Connor, 2003)
Producers have a nearly identical product.
If the products are different it is difficult to spot cheating because different products naturally have different prices
Слайд 34

Other factors affecting the possibilities of collusion II The incentive to

Other factors affecting the possibilities of collusion II

The incentive to defect

from the cartel are larger when there are many producers. Consider an industry with N producers. π is the monopoly profit.
Profit if all producers cooperate: π /N
Profit if one defects: become a monopolist and get π
Profit if is being punished: 0
As the number of producers rises, the gain from defection increases:
π - π /N increases with N. With a high number of producers, the incentives to defect are strong.