Mixed medicine case


Слайд 2

Case 1 Your next patient in general practice is a 45

Case 1

Your next patient in general practice is a 45 year

old Mr. Snider who is concerned because his 48 year old brother recently had a cardiac bypass operation and he seeks your advice what sort of risk he has for a heart attack.
Your task is to:
Take a focused history
Ask physical examination findings to examiner
Advise the patient regarding investigations and management
Слайд 3

history I’m sorry that your brother passed away recently. I know


I’m sorry that your brother passed away recently. I know that

it is hard.
Assess risk factors:
ROS:Chest pain, palpitation, sob, leg edema, calf pain
Appetite and weight changes:
Waterworks and bowel motion
Obstructive sleep apnea
Слайд 4

History Diet: what kind of food you eat What is your


Diet: what kind of food you eat
What is your level of

SAD and quantify how much and how long
Any Past medical condition like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, peripheral vascular disease or intermittent claudication, checked blood lipids before
How is you job like? – is it a stressful one
 Family history of hypocholesteremia
Family history - + brother died of hear attack
Слайд 5

Physical examination General Appearance - Acromegaly- bossing of forehead, Cyanosis Vitals

Physical examination

General Appearance - Acromegaly- bossing of forehead, Cyanosis
Vitals – Normal

– normal
FUNDOSCOPY(haemorrhage, cotton wool, neovascularisation, silver wiring, AV nipping, exudates)
Heart - Inspect- scars, deformity, visible apex beat, abnormal pulsation, pacemaker
Palpation- Apex beat(normal or displaced), parasternal Impulses(palm), palpable thrills(finger tips)
Auscultation- S1S2, murmurs(mitral, aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid)
If systolic murmur present- Carotid bruit Bilateral
Left lateral position(MS)- auscultate at apex and axillary area(MR)
Dynamic Auscultation- AS
Слайд 6

Investigations FBE, U&E, BSL lipid profile, serum uric acid, TFTs, ECG Stress test


BSL lipid profile,
serum uric acid,
ECG Stress

Слайд 7

CVS chart

CVS chart

Слайд 8

Without DM

Without DM

Слайд 9

Management All the investigations are normal. I could not find any


All the investigations are normal. I could not find any abnormality

in physical examination.. But because you have certain risk factors which are smoking, family history, diet, alcohol. Stress,
You are a bit on a higher risk than the general population.
We can do a lot to reduce this risk factors
I could give you a flier about this – described in National Heart foundation Australia
Smoking – aim is complete cessation of smoking, I will arrange another appointment for this
Nutrition – healthy diet – lots of vegetables and fruits less fat
Слайд 10

Management Alcohol – up to 2 standard drinks for 5 days


Alcohol – up to 2 standard drinks for 5 days a

Physical activity – find sometime to exercise
30mins for 5 days a week
Brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming
Body weight – BMI should be 18.5 -25
Lipids should be in the normal range – accdg to guideline diet alone or diet with medication
BP <140/90
SNAP Approach
Слайд 11

Case 2 A 63 year old car sales man, John, presents

Case 2

A 63 year old car sales man, John, presents to

the emergency department with crushing anterior chest pains. The triage nurse took an ECG which was normal and she assessed the patient as having angina. She gave him an aspirin and sublingual GTN tablet immediately and about 5 minutes later you see the patient who still complains about most severe anterior chest pains radiating into his jaws. This started very suddenly about 1 hour ago and has not improved at all.
Your task is to:
Take a focused history
Ask physical examination findings from examiner
Organise appropriate investigations
Advise the patient on diagnosis and suggested management
Слайд 12

History John was woken up from an afternoon nap by sudden


John was woken up from an afternoon nap by sudden onset

of severe, tearing pain in his chest, which radiated into his jaw but also seemed to go through to his back and was not relieved by panadeine or by the tablet the triage nurse gave him.
John has suffered from moderate hypertension for about 10 years, poor compliance with medication. He still smokes about 15 cigarettes a day and is mildly overweight. No other history
Married, 3 children, car sales man, no financial or family worries. No allergies, medication: beta-blocker.
Слайд 13

History Of Presenting Complaint- SOCRATES Site: where exactly do you have

History Of Presenting Complaint- SOCRATES

Site: where exactly do you have the

Onset: how did it start- sudden or gradual? Is it getting worse?
Character: what is the nature of the pain- burning, throbbing, dull ache?
Radiation: does the pain go anywhere else?
Associated symptoms
Timing: continuous/ on and off? Any variation with day and night?
Exacerbating/ relieving factors: does anything make it better or worse?
Severity: how severe the symptom is?
Слайд 14

Previous Episodes Is this the first episode or have you had

Previous Episodes

Is this the first episode or have you had similar

episodes before?
If previous episodes are present then:
When did they start?
How often do they occur?
How long does each episode last?
What sets them off (trigger factors)?
Are they increasing in frequency or duration?
What do you do to relieve them?
Effect on your life (personal, work and social)
Слайд 15

physical examination BP 155/100, no BP difference between right and left

physical examination

BP 155/100, no BP difference between right and left arm,

P 78, RR 18, T 37 No abnormal findings on physical examination.
(The finding of a blowing diastolic murmur in the aortic area (upper right sternal border),
however, is always abnormal and requires urgent evaluation for proximal aortic pathology in patients with chest pain and hypertension.)
Слайд 16

Causes risk factors Bicuspid aortic disease Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Causes risk factors

Bicuspid aortic disease
Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

connective tissue disorders (Marfanoid)
Miscellaneous infectious and inflammatory conditions
Слайд 17

Thoracic aortic dissection Aortic dissection is the tearing of the inner

Thoracic aortic dissection

Aortic dissection is the tearing of the inner layer

of the aortic wall, allowing blood to leak into the wall itself and cause the separation of the inner and outer layers. It is usually associated with severe chest pain radiating to the back.
Слайд 18

Слайд 19

Management Supportive: A B C Oxygen Analgesia Monitoring Arterial/CVP lines Medical


Supportive: A
B C Oxygen Analgesia Monitoring
Arterial/CVP lines
Medical Management:
BP reduction

to 100 mmHG
Nitroprusside or betablockers
Surgical Intervention (Emergency in Type A dissection!)
Слайд 20

CT scan of Type A

CT scan of Type A

Слайд 21

Case 3 You have a middle-aged clerical male coming to your

Case 3

You have a middle-aged clerical male coming to your GP

practice with a 1-day history of hematuria and lion pain. He was fine until yesterday when he had an episode of URTI. On examination, patient’s BP is 160/95, generalized edema, and urine dipstick blood and protein +++.
Your Tasks are:
Слайд 22

Differentials PSGN IgA Nephropathy Bladder cancer Renal cell cancer PCKD


IgA Nephropathy
Bladder cancer
Renal cell cancer

Слайд 23

History How bad is it? When did it start? What is


How bad is it? When did it start? What is the

kind of pain?
Is it going anywhere?
Anything that makes it better or worse?
Any fever or chills? Is this the first time? Any fever, chills or rigors? Vomiting?
I understand that you had sore throat yesterday. Did you take any medications for it?
Your urine is shows protein and blood. How’s your waterworks?
Any burning in urination, frequency, urgency?
Have you had any injury to the loin/pelvis/genital area?
Have you noticed whether the redness is at the start, towards the end of the stream or throughout (kidney) or after (bladder)?
Слайд 24

History Have you noticed bleeding from anywhere else such as bruising


Have you noticed bleeding from anywhere else such as bruising or

Any problem with the flow of urine?
Have you had any large amounts of beetroot, berries, or red lollies (pseudohematuria)?
Could your problem have been sexually acquired?
Do you engage in vigorous sports or physical activities?
How’s your general health?
Any kidney problems in the past?
Did you have any problems with swelling and bloody urine during childhood?
FHx of cancers or kidney problems? SADMA?
Слайд 25

Explanation From the history most likely you have a condition called


From the history most likely you have a condition called IgA

nephropathy. Do you know what it is?
Because of your URTI, the body produces antibodies toward the bugs and these antibodies deposit in the kidney causing damage resulting in blood in the urine.
Слайд 26



Слайд 27

Difference Between Nephrotic and Nephritic Syndrome

Difference Between Nephrotic and Nephritic Syndrome

Слайд 28

Слайд 29

Слайд 30

Prognosis Is it risky? The prognosis is usually good especially in


Is it risky? The prognosis is usually good especially in those

who have normal BP and renal function. At this stage, I would like to organize admission to the hospital. in the hospital, they will monitor your closely and do investigation such as FBE, urine MCS (RBC casts and RBC ? indicates glomerular injury), urine cytology (detect malignancies of the bladder or lower urinary tract), urine culture, 24-hour urine protein test, U&E, RFTs, ESR/CRP, ASO titer and complement levels, Imaging: IVP/IVU, USD; cystoscopy if relevant
You will be assessed by a nephrologist. Most likely it is a self-limiting condition but the specialist may give you a trial of immunosuppressive drugs.
They might also consider giving you ACEI and ARBs for reduction of proteinuria. If proteinuria is more than 1-3gm/day, most likely they will give steroids (others: cyclophosphamide).
Prognosis is good but complications include ARF, nephrotic syndrome. Usually happens if patient has hypertension and pre-existing renal disease.
Слайд 31

Case 4 76 year old Mr. Aaron Samuels, who is your

Case 4

76 year old Mr. Aaron Samuels, who is your patient

for last 7 years came to visit you again after you’ve organized an urgent abdominal ultrasound. The ultrasound was organized at his previous visit after you detected a pulsatile mass on his abdomen. He came back after the USD confirmed an aneurysm on the abdominal aorta below the renal arteries with a size 3.5cms. He came to check the situation as he is planning to go on a wagon caravan trip next week.
Explain the diagnosis
Advise further management
Explain consequences and answer his questions
Слайд 32



Слайд 33



Слайд 34

5 A’s approach Hello Aaron, How have been from last week?

5 A’s approach

Hello Aaron, How have been from last week?

you are excited about trip!!! Okay, but Aaron, I
believe that I do not have some good news for you.
• Do not worry, I will explain what has happened, why it happened and what can happen in future and what we need to do from now?
• Are you with me?
• Okay, you have a condition called (abdominal) aortic aneurysm. Don’t worry about the name, I will explain you what it is....
It is an abnormal dilation of the main blood vessel in our body which comes from the heart and crosses the chest, abdomen, and supplies almost every part of the body with blood, known as aorta.
▪ You have this dilatation at the level of your tummy.
▪ Patients developed this dilatation due to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel which happens due to a degenerative process happening in all layers of the aortic wall.
▪ There are some risk factors that can lead to this degeneration process
Слайд 35

Risk factors Can be completely asymptomatic, but occasionally can give back

Risk factors

Can be completely asymptomatic, but occasionally can give back

or tummy pain.
Diabetes mellitus
Слайд 36

The better news in your case is, it is It is

<5cm – Is it serious ? Can I go for trip


The better news in your case is, it is <5cm wide, which is good.
It is still serious and we need to keep monitoring you.
Better to get the surgery done at the earliest to avoid complications.
In your case, you are welcome to go and enjoy your trip. But, before you leave, try to get accommodation which is close to a hospital or G.P clinic.
Try not to exert too much during your trip.
No contact sports
Red flags:- Tummy pain or back pain
Sudden dizziness or fainting feeling, N/V, loss of consciousness.

Слайд 37

>5cm – Is it dangerous Doctor? Can I travel? When it

>5cm – Is it dangerous Doctor? Can I travel?

When it is

more than 5cm, you are at risk of rupture of aneurysm.
Even if you don’t have any serious symptoms when it is >5cms, we refer patients ASAP for an elective surgery done by the vascular surgeon at the hospital, the sooner the better as this condition is serious.
And I am sorry to say that you will have to reschedule your caravan trip.
If it is done electively, success rate is 95%.
If operation is delayed, the risk of rupture is 25%, but if ruptured, 80- 90% of cases lead to death.
It is a better outcome if an elective operation is done ASAP.
Give a sick certificate – so that he can get a refund for caravan or to reschedule
Screening for your Son from age 50 is indicated .
Слайд 38

Case 5 You are a HMO in the psychiatric department of

Case 5

You are a HMO in the psychiatric department of the

major hospital. You have been called to see 26 year old , Jane , who just had a colonoscopy for her recurrent abdominal pain. The result was normal. Before and during the procedure she was given i.v midazolam as she was a bit agitated. In the recovery room she woke up quite anxious and you were called because she said that she needs to talk someone as she is scared. She appears to be very emotional and tearful.
Take further history from the patient
Explain the most probable cause of the symptoms (diagnosis for the patient)
Слайд 39

History CONFIDENTIALITY HOPC Psychiatry H/O - PTSD, depression, suicidal ideas HEADSS

Psychiatry H/O - PTSD, depression, suicidal ideas
HEADSS – alcohol, drug

use is important
In this case need to ask about sexual life
Co morbidities (Important to ask about this in history)
Alcohol & Drug Abuse
If Co morbidities are present then referral to Psychiatrist is a MUST
Слайд 40

Acute Stress Disorder is the term used when symptoms develop within

Acute Stress Disorder is the term used when symptoms develop within

the first month after a traumatic event. The term PTSD with delayed onset (or delayed expression) is used when symptoms surface 6 months or more after the traumatic event.
PTSD symptoms must last for at least 1 month and must seriously affect the ability to function normally at home, at work or in social situations.
Слайд 41




that the person who assaulted you may be prosecuted? It’s up to you?
Refer to the Psychologist for CBT (trauma focused treatment, EMDR)
Family meeting for support: Do you want to your family involves this? support group for rape victims
If she consider to the referral to a psychiatrist
Reading materials regarding to the delayed PTSD
Review : arrange a review with her in 1 month
Слайд 42

Case 6 GP, 24 years old woman who is pregnant come

Case 6

GP, 24 years old woman who is pregnant come to

see you complain of not hearing well.
Task –
History, PEFE from the examiner
inform patient of cause and management
History 6month ago, gradually both side, no infection , no pain
Слайд 43

History Any injury, any infection, any pain any exposure to very


Any injury, any infection, any pain
any exposure to very loud noise

you need to turn up the volume TV or radio to hear in compare to past.
Can you better in a noisy background
hearing distance
any trigger factory - pregnancy , post-partum
Family history - Hearing problem ( mother got operation before ear problem)
Drug - Gentamycin, Streptomycin
Слайд 44

Physical examination Inspection -External ear - pulling ear -pain? -Press mastoid

Physical examination

Inspection -External ear - pulling ear -pain?
-Press mastoid bone

- tenderness ( cholesteatoma)
-Otoscope - 1. any external ear infection
2. wax, Discharge
3. Tympanic in - intact , bulging
Hearing capacity-
I will whisper number. Can you repeat? 60cm away from tested ear, Other ear close - both ear ( lost in both)
Слайд 45

Examination Special test -Tunning fork ( 256 Hz) -Rinnie -mastoid and


Special test
-Tunning fork ( 256 Hz)
-Rinnie -mastoid and ear which

one better?
-Weber test
Normal AC>BC
Слайд 46

Слайд 47

weber’s test

weber’s test

Слайд 48

causes of Sensorineural deafness -Cochlear degeneration -Acoustic neuroma -Drug -Ototoxicity -

  causes of Sensorineural deafness

-Cochlear degeneration
-Acoustic neuroma
-Drug -Ototoxicity - Streptomycin
-Fracture of

petrous temporal bone
Слайд 49

Otoscelerosis Otosclerosis Common causes of hearing loss in adult -stapes bone


Common causes of hearing loss in adult
-stapes bone stick to

oval window, Normally it is loosing .
Normally sound vibrate and travel conduct through the bone as it become stick.
-AR , runs in family
-common in female rather than male.
-worse when under pregnant condition
Слайд 50

Management hearing contain 2 parts - air conduction and nerve conduction.


hearing contain 2 parts - air conduction and nerve conduction.
your cases

is air conduction defect, we called otoscleroiss.
At the moment, all the test is only screening test. I 'll refer you to specialist to do "audiometry" and ENT specialist, I will do full assessment.
Tx - If it is otoscelerosis, prosthetic stapestectomy and vein graft . It 'll improve your hearing condition.
Unfortunately, hearing aid is less effective in this condition.
Слайд 51

Case 7 A young woman at 10 weeks’ gestational age comes

Case 7

A young woman at 10 weeks’ gestational age comes to

see you in your GP practice. She is concerned about having a baby with Down syndrome as recently, her sister had a baby with Down syndrome.
■ Counsel patient
Слайд 52

History GM, I am Dr. XYZ… how are you today? I


GM, I am Dr. XYZ… how are you today? I understand

that you are here for information about Down Syndrome, we will talk about this. Is this a planned pregnancy? Congratulations.
I understand from the notes that you are here to discuss about Down syndrome screening. I appreciate your initiative to do that. I understand your anxiety. I will give you all the information regarding the tests which can be done and how effective they are.
How is your pregnancy going so far? Are you getting your antenatal care? Are you done with your blood tests? Any concerns or issues? Any issues about your general health.
Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic abnormality with trisomy 21. There are some indications in doing Down syndrome screening in pregnant women:
–  Increased maternal age (>30)
–  Previous down syndrome baby
–  History of down syndrome in the family
Слайд 53

History Reassure her that she will be monitored. Antenatal screening should


Reassure her that she will be monitored. Antenatal screening should be

discussed with all pregnant women so that they can make an informed decision whether to proceed with testing. In Victoria, 80% of pregnant women have an antenatal screening test. There are no specific contraindications or precautions.
We have screening tests and confirmatory tests. Women must understand that the screening test is a risk assessment and places their pregnancy in an increased or decreased risk category. Women must also understand that if the test suggests a high risk they will be offered a diagnostic(confirmatory) test that carries a small risk of miscarriage.
Слайд 54

First trimester screening test Combined Test- ■ A non-fasting blood test

First trimester screening test

Combined Test-
■ A non-fasting blood test

which is done at 9-13 weeks AOG. We check Free beta-HCG (increase) & Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-A (PAPP-A) (decreased). We combine it with an Ultrasound done at 11-13 weeks AOG. Here we check
–  Fetal nuchal translucency i.e. skin fold thickness at back of baby's neck. Increased thickness (more than 2.5 mm) may be suggestive of chromosomal abnormalities.
–  Nasal bone ossification: The presence of an ossified nasal bone conveys lower risk for Down syndrome i.e. absence of nasal bone increases the risk of down Syndrome.
Слайд 55

risk factor Information from the ultrasound scan is reported to the

risk factor

Information from the ultrasound scan is reported to the pathology

laboratory to allow the calculation of the pregnancy specific risk factor. This risk factor takes into account the woman’s age, weight, pregnancy gestation, serum markers and the ultrasound scan markers.
Reports often classify the risk as ‘increased’ or ‘decreased’ using a cut-off value for Down syndrome of one in 300. Risk values less than 1 in 300 are
considered decreased risk and no further testing is required.
Слайд 56

2nd trimester screening test 15 -17 weeks-solely blood tests. – Triple

2nd trimester screening test

15 -17 weeks-solely blood tests.
–  Triple

test (a, b, e) (detection -71%) or
–  Quadruple {afp (decrease), b hCG (increased), estriol (decrease), inhibin A (increased)}, detection 81%
Second trimester screening is less sensitive that FTS ( first trimester screening). It is less useful for risk of trisomy-21 and 18, but the α-fetoprotein assessment does define the risk of a neural tube defect.
FTS is not performed in addition to STS (second), but is used in women who misses out FTS. For first trimester screening, women require two separate forms – one for the ultrasound and one for the blood test.
Antenatal screening tests are considered a private opt-in test and therefore out-of- pocket costs will be incurred.
Слайд 57

In high-risk pregnancies, diagnostic tests: ■ CVS – Done ideally at

In high-risk pregnancies, diagnostic tests:

–  Done ideally at

11-14 weeks.
–  A needle will be introduced into ur tummy, guided by ultrasound to avoid damage to the fetus and small portion pf placenta is taken and analyzed for genetic abnormalities
–  Results within 24 hours with FISH
–  However, the karyotyping is slightly less accurate than with amniocentesis because of
potential contamination with cells of maternal origin.
–  1% risk of abortion (1 in 100)
■ Amniocentesis
–  Done ideally at around 15-18
–  A small amount of fluid in bag that surround the baby is taken and analyzed for genetic abnormalities.
–  Results within 2-3 weeks but more accurate
–  0.5% risk of abortion (1 in 200)
Слайд 58

patient questions Are the tests painful? Many women find the diagnostic

patient questions

Are the tests painful? Many women find the diagnostic tests

uncomfortable, and they are often managed by local anaesthetic. You should take things easy for one to two days after the tests.
If previous pregnancy was down syndrome, the risk of having Down syndrome in the next pregnancy increases by 1%.
Now I will discuss with you other risks of old Age pregnancy: -
–  Increased chances of miscarriage, ectopic, HTN, GDM, placenta previa, preterm,
increase chance of induction and CS.
–  Fetal: Can have down, NTD, renal, cardio defects but we are most concerned about down syndrome
■ But don’t worry, we will closely monitor the pregnancy. Reassurance by saying that many women have successful pregnancies and we will monitor you regularly.
Слайд 59

Case 8 In a GP setting. An 17 year-old boy complaining

Case 8

In a GP setting. An 17 year-old boy complaining of

pain in the tummy . He vomited twice, one time whitish and second time greenish vomiting. This incidence happened when he was riding a bicycle he got the pain & this happened 2 hours ago. Previously healthy.
take a relevant history,
Ask physical examination findings from the examiner.
Provisional diagnosis & management.
Слайд 60

Differential Duodenal injury Local abdominal hematoma Gall bladder injury Testicular torison


Duodenal injury
Local abdominal hematoma
Gall bladder injury
Testicular torison
Gall stone
Strangulated inguinal hernia
Ureter colic/stone

(small bowel obstruction ? ask previous surgery)
Слайд 61

History Vital stability of the child – B.P. -100/60, P.R- 120,


Vital stability of the child – B.P. -100/60, P.R- 120, RR-

35 & O2 – 92%.
SOCRATES – pain – offer pain killer – scale was 8+
Vomiting ? how many times , CCVO – colour, consistency, volume & odour?
How did it happen?
Any swelling in your tummy, swelling in the groin area?
Any trauma, any abdominal pain, fever
Did he loose consciousness? Injury anywhere else?
Did pass flatus ? Stool ? Any blood loss?
Activity afterwards ?
Social activity ? Active in sports?
Слайд 62

History BINDS – Heel prick test was done ?( thyroid) Any


BINDS – Heel prick test was done ?( thyroid) Any concern

about development?
Family situation ? ( child abuse)
Any mumps, family history of mumps
Any history of previous surgery?
Any significant weight loss or any lumps & bumps?
Слайд 63

Physical examination General appearance – distress & in pain , no

Physical examination

General appearance – distress & in pain , no signs

of dehydration
VS: - stable
Growth chart – normal
I want to quickly go to respiratory system & CVS – normal
Abdominal examination – inspection bluish discolouration in right upper quadrant.
Palpation – guarding & tenderness present, bowel sound present
Deep palpation – no organomegaly
Groin: tenderness, any swelling, mass (hernia)?
Scrotum: tenderness, swelling, mass, redness, position of testis (horizontal) – seems normal
Слайд 64

Explanation Your son has a Duodenal injury in the tummy as


Your son has a Duodenal injury in the tummy as I

could see bruise patch on the abdominal region This is a surgical emergency. We are suspecting some internal organ injury as well. I was trying to rule out testicular torrison and other causes are not there. However we would like to admit your child
For pedatric surgeon care. If internal bleeding happen doctor may consider for exploratory laparotomy. Mean while we do certain investigations blood profile, blood culture and ultra sound of the tummy.
Investigation: if Doppler U/S available that’s fine, but my concern is not to waste time, immediately take to the theatre ? no use of ultrasound.
Слайд 65

Case: 10 26 year old John has been brought by the

Case: 10
26 year old John has been brought by the police

from a local pub to the ED
where you are the HMO. He had a fight with one of his flatmates while
having a drink with him. He has dislocated his right little finger in the fight and
the police wants him to be medically examined by charging him assault.
When you check the previous records of John he had been at the hospital a
couple of times.
Task :
Take appropriate history
Discuss about the Diagnosis & Management with the patient.
Слайд 66

Assess patient’s injury, offer pain management CONFIDENTIALITY History Can you tell

Assess patient’s injury, offer pain management
Can you tell me what happened

at the Pub:
He says he deserved to be punched and that he was not drunk at that time.
Had only 1 drink.
1st time getting into trouble? No. A few times earlier as well.
He thinks they are not concerned and want to do things their way.
He is not sorry about having fights with others.
Ask for previous hospital records
Hospital admissions before :
One following car crash ( any head injury then?)(DUI)
Others following fights.
Слайд 67

At hospital -> ever seen by a psychiatrist. Yes. I think

At hospital -> ever seen by a psychiatrist.
Yes. I think there

is nothing wrong with me
Trouble with law :
Booked on couple of occasions. One following a car crash, Other for drugs.
Mood : He sometimes gets bored and irritated.
Rest is normal - Life worth living, Eating and sleeping well,
No delusions/hallucinations
Self harm? Anger issues? – intent/plan/possession of means to harm others?
So A+ since 14 years of age.
D+ takes them occasionally. Any drug.
Past Medical & Psychiatric H/O – especially child abuse, neglect
Family H/O Medical or Psychiatric illness
Слайд 68

Psychosocial H/O Home : Left home at 16 years. No contact

Psychosocial H/O
Home : Left home at 16 years. No contact with parents

or siblings.
Employment : Cleaner, Difficult to get along with co-workers.
Education : Early school dropout – 13 years, Had repeated problems with
teachers for not following the rules.
Partner : none that lasts long
Antisocial Personality Disorder
It is a mental health condition where there are multiple behavioural problems like
impulsiveness, aggression. There is difficulty in adhering to social norms and rules.
It is important in this case not to point to/accuse the patient of being antisocial.
Non judgemental approach & Empathy are essential here as well.
Слайд 69

Management Difficulty to treat because of late presentation and lack of

Difficulty to treat because of late presentation and lack of

In this patient, get Psychiatrist opinion before handing over to police, since harm
has been done.
Psychiatrist will treat if there is associated co morbidities (Anxiety, depression,
Drug/alcohol problems) – Meds (SSRI’s or Mood stabilisers) can be prescribed
If no risk of suicide/harm others and/or no co morbidities, GP can refer to
Psychologist for Psychotherapy – Behavior modification therapy,
Anger management therapy, Group therapy
Drug & alcohol management
Слайд 70



Слайд 71

a mental disorder where a person shows no regard for right

a mental disorder where a person shows no regard for right

or wrong
and is not concerned with the feelings or rights of other people.
manipulate, antagonise and treat others with
no remorse or guilt
In order to be diagnosed with ASPD, a person must be at least 18 years
and shown signs of a Conduct Disorder before the age of 15.
A Conduct Disorder is a repetitive patter of behaviour that violates the
rights, wishes, and feelings of others.
The pattern continues to adulthood but on a larger scale.
Rules and norms are disgarded, and the person may violate the law, or have
drug and alcohol problems.
It becomes difficult for them to fulfill responsibilities and commitments.
Слайд 72

Symptoms Deceitfulness Non Conformity no respect for the law and have

Non Conformity no respect for the law and have no boundaries.

and Development
genetic - family history of ASPD
early social factors and interactions with family, friends & other children
childhood diagnosis of Conduct Disorder
childhood abuse or neglect
unstable, violent or disordered childhood, and poor social contact
Слайд 73

Reference https://wayahead.org.au/mental-health-information/fact-sheets/ mental-illness-and-related/antisocial-personality-disorder/
