The Professional competences


Слайд 2

* The Professional competences For: Specialists and managers – Apply the


The Professional competences

Specialists and managers –
Apply the best persuading arguments

information in the most efficient form
Win in competition on the labour market
Internal – in the company
Students –
Pass all exams with highest scores
Read the material with better understanding of logic and structure
Слайд 3

* Results of the course The student should : Get practical


Results of the course

The student should :
Get practical skills in
Search information

PPt presentations
Write essay
Read and analyse texts
Detect logical mistakes
Fix the priorities
Understand the criteria
Слайд 4

* Course’s content The topics include 3 parts: Present information Writing


Course’s content

The topics include 3 parts:
Present information
Writing essay
Making presentations
French logic

and structure
Plan détaillé (detailed plan)
Fiche de lecture (annotation)
Research methods
Strategy of examination
Слайд 5

* Teaching and Studying methods The interactive mode of colloquium group


Teaching and Studying methods

The interactive mode of colloquium
group discussions
role playing
case studies

Students prepare their presentations, essays, detailed plans, annotations
Слайд 6

* Let start !

Let start !

Слайд 7

Methodology 2015 oct 30 Nadezhda N. Pokrovskaia PhD in Economics ;


2015 oct 30
Nadezhda N. Pokrovskaia
PhD in Economics ; Doctoral degree in


Essay Writing

Слайд 8

* The purpose of the ESSAY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE is three-fold:


The purpose of the ESSAY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE is three-fold:

1 - Introduce

the proper way to
written papers, home works and exams
Слайд 9

* The purpose of the ESSAY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE is three-fold::


The purpose of the ESSAY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE is three-fold::

2 – Focus

on the micro-skills of writing:
effective introductions & conclusions,
communicating ideas clearly,
using evidence to support ideas,
learning more complex sentence structures, and…
Слайд 10

* The purpose of the ESSAY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE is three-fold:


The purpose of the ESSAY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSE is three-fold:

3 - Develop

formal academic style
understand different genres of writing
review common grammar mistakes
build on useful vocabulary
Слайд 11

* Write an Essay 3 minutes Tell us something important A


Write an Essay

3 minutes
Tell us something important
A research topic on your

At least 3 paragraphs
Taking into account your readers
Слайд 12

* The following topics will be covered within the lesson: Writing


The following topics will be covered within the lesson:

Writing under time

The essay: functions, types and structures
Inter-paragraph cohesion and the component structure of paragraphs
Effective expression of ideas in writing: academic style – degrees of formality
Слайд 13

* Essays’ common mistakes The most common drawbacks: Spelling Contractions and


Essays’ common mistakes

The most common drawbacks:
Contractions and slang
Using “I”
Lack of sense,

logic, examples
No clear opinion
Incomplete sentences
Sometimes if a writer becomes aware of common mistakes, he will recognize those errors and make them less frequently
The key is to keep trying.
Слайд 14

Research or Venture funnel

Research or Venture funnel

Слайд 15

Essay Spiral

Essay Spiral

Слайд 16

Слайд 17

Tools – Step 1 Basic Key Phrase Research Search Engines’ Keyword

Tools – Step 1

Basic Key Phrase Research
Search Engines’ Keyword Suggestion Tools

: GoogleSearch Engines’ Keyword Suggestion Tools : Google, Bing
3rd Party Keyword Suggestion Tools: Wordtracker
Competition Key Phrase Analysis Tools: SpyFu
Слайд 18

Tools – Step 2 Lateral Web Data Filters Search Engine Volume

Tools – Step 2

Lateral Web Data Filters
 Search Engine Volume Predictors: Google TrendsSearch

Engine Volume Predictors: Google Trends, Microsoft Keyword Forecast
 Key Phrase Cyclicity/ Trend/ geography analysis: Google Insight
PPC Cost Competition Analysis: GooglePPC Cost Competition Analysis: Google, SpyFu
Слайд 19

Tools – Step 3 Search Intent and Semantic Web Search Intent

Tools – Step 3

Search Intent and Semantic Web
 Search Intent Indicator Tools: Google

SetsSearch Intent Indicator Tools: Google Sets, Microsoft Commercial Intent Predictor,
Microsoft Demographic Predictor
Visit Intent Analysis from the Log file /site Search Data**
Vertical Search Potential Analysis: News, Local, Images, Video, Product, Blog
Слайд 20

Tools – Step 4 & 5 4: Social Web Filters Freshness

Tools – Step 4 & 5

4: Social Web Filters Freshness & Buzz

 News: Google News
Social Media:Face Book Lexicon, Social Media:Face Book Lexicon, Twitter Trends
5: Real World and Business Constraints
Spelling Mistakes: FatFingers
 Phonetic Variations
Domain Typos:Domain Typo Generator
Patent Search: Google Patents, Patent Search: Google Patents, USPTO
Слайд 21

Break to re-Launch

Break to re-Launch

Слайд 22

Essay Exam

Essay Exam

Слайд 23

* Taking an Essay Exam – why? The purpose for writing


Taking an Essay Exam – why?

The purpose for writing
a research paper

? to learn more about your selected topic
essay exams ? to demonstrate your knowledge (both informative and persuasive puspose)
Слайд 24

* Taking an Essay Exam For successful in-class essays: Take into


Taking an Essay Exam

For successful in-class essays:
Take into consideration your purpose,

audience and information
when you develop a thesis with support
when you prove your statements with evidence
when you guide your readers with transitions, etc.
Слайд 25

* PREPARING FOR THE EXAM: Preparation Tips Study connections between ideas



Study connections between ideas
when you’re studying,

try to think about how the information fits together.
Слайд 26

* PREPARING FOR THE EXAM: Preparation Tips Prepare practice questions Try



Prepare practice questions
Try to prepare for

questions that are likely to be asked
it’s better to write out the answers.
That way, you will know where you need to study more.
Слайд 27

* PREPARING FOR THE EXAM: Preparation Tips Always take notes throughout



Always take notes throughout the semester

the instructor exactly what they are expecting in the essay.
Different instructors have different criteria.
For long essays, write miniature outlines. Create main points that you can memorize. Therefore, if the question arises on the test, you will have more confidence and clarity in your answer.
Слайд 28

* PREPARING FOR THE EXAM: Preparation Tips if the professor stresses



if the professor stresses certain information,

there is a good chance it will be on exam
listen carefully,
turn the repeated information into a question,
practice writing an answer under timed conditions
Talk with other students on how they write essay questions
Ask other students for possible questions they think will be asked.
Слайд 29

* PREPARING FOR THE EXAM: Preparation Tips Analyze your essay questions



Analyze your essay questions from the

past to see how you can improve upon the instructor’s comments.
Слайд 30

* TAKING THE EXAM While you’re taking the exam, remember that



While you’re taking the exam, remember that it’s not

simply what you say or how much you say, but HOW you say it that’s important.
You want to show your instructor that you have mastered the material
Слайд 31

* Plan your time Take a few minutes to plan your


Plan your time

Take a few minutes to plan your time.

how many minutes you can devote to each answer.
Слайд 32

* Plan your time You will want to devote most of


Plan your time

You will want to devote most of your time

to the questions that are worth the most points, perhaps answering those questions first.
On the other hand, you might want to answer first the questions that you are best prepared for.
Слайд 33

* Plan your time If you are given the entire exam


Plan your time

If you are given the entire exam at once

and can determine your approach on your own, read the entire exam before you get started
how many points each part earns you,
find hints for how long your answers should be
Слайд 34

* Plan your time As you read, make tentative choices of


Plan your time

As you read, make tentative choices of the questions

you will answer (if you have a choice).
Don't just answer the first essay question you encounter. Instead, read through all of the options. Jot down really brief ideas for each question before deciding.
Слайд 35

* Plan your time Remember that the easiest-looking question is not


Plan your time

Remember that the easiest-looking question is not always as

easy as it looks.
Focus your attention on questions for which you can explain your answer most thoroughly, rather than settle on questions where you know the answer but can't say why.
Слайд 36

* Read the questions thoroughly Take a few minutes before writing


Read the questions thoroughly

Take a few minutes before writing your

essay to read the question carefully in order to determine exactly what you are being asked to do
Most essay exam questions, or “prompts,” are carefully worded and contain specific instructions about WHAT you are to write about as well as HOW you should organize your answer.
Слайд 37

* Read the questions thoroughly Read the questions carefully, and mark


Read the questions thoroughly

Read the questions carefully, and mark and

circle the key words, such as the action verbs and the subject. If you do not understand the structure of the questions, ask the professor for clarification
Choose a key word from the topic in order to introduce your essay.
Слайд 38

* If you see one of these terms, try to organize


If you see one of these terms, try to organize your

essay to respond to the question or questions indicated:

classify: Into what general category/categories does this idea belong? compare: What are the similarities among these ideas? What are the differences? contrast: What are the differences between these ideas? critique: What are the strengths and weaknesses of this idea? define: What does this word or phrase mean? describe: What are the important characteristics or features of this idea? evaluate: What are the arguments for and against this idea? Which arguments are stronger?
Assess: What are the arguments for and against this idea? identify: What is this idea? What is its name? interpret: What does this idea mean? Why is it important? justify: Why is this correct? Why is this true? outline: What are the main points and essential details? summarize: Briefly, what are the important ideas? trace: What is the sequence of ideas or order of events?

Слайд 39

* Analyze the questions Decide what you are being asked to


Analyze the questions

Decide what you are being asked to do.

looking closely at what the question is directing you to do, and try to understand the sort of writing that will be required.
Слайд 40

* Analyze the questions Focus on what you do know about


Analyze the questions

Focus on what you do know about the question,

not on what you don't.
Look at the active verbs in the assignment—they tell you what you should be doing.
Слайд 41

* Plan your answer Jot down the main points you intend


Plan your answer

Jot down the main points you intend to make

as you think through your answer.
Then, you can use your list to help you stick to the topic.
In an exam situation, it’s easy to forget points if you don’t write them down.
Слайд 42

* Structure Your Essay: For any type of essay, always take


Structure Your Essay:

For any type of essay, always take a

minute or two to form a very broad but clear outline.
List the main topics and points you would like to elaborate on.
Organization always adds confidence in your writing and is the key to writing a well-written essay answer.
Слайд 43

* Structure Your Essay: Always state your thesis in the last


Structure Your Essay:

Always state your thesis in the last sentence

of your first paragraph.
Continue to support your thesis throughout the essay by providing examples and description.
Avoid restating it without support.
Слайд 44

* Structure Your Essay: When drafting your essay, do not worry


Structure Your Essay:

When drafting your essay, do not worry about

spelling and grammatical mechanics.
If you have time and use a pencil, you can correct the problems once the information has been written. At that time, revise and proofread.
Слайд 45

* Structure Your Essay: Avoid repetitiveness in the essay. Check that


Structure Your Essay:

Avoid repetitiveness in the essay.
Check that the information

that you have applied is understandable, readable, and to the point.
Be direct and remember that the instructor wants to see that you understand the content.
The instructor’s intention is not to see how many pages you can write in a certain amount of time.
Слайд 46

* Structure Your Essay: Structure your paragraphs clearly. Use headings, numbering,


Structure Your Essay:

Structure your paragraphs clearly. Use headings, numbering, and

other technical formats to emphasize your main points.
Use examples, facts, and explanations to support your ideas.
Слайд 47

* Structure Your Essay: If the essay is not very clear,


Structure Your Essay:

If the essay is not very clear, then

you might want to see if you can add short sentences and or even a paragraph that elaborates and sums up what you have applied.
Look for confusing or murky sentences, words, and ideas that can be eliminated.
Слайд 48

* Write out your essay, using good writing techniques As was


Write out your essay, using good writing techniques

As was said earlier,

essay exams are like other essays, so use the same good writing strategies you use for other kinds of writing.
Keep in mind that your purpose is to persuade your reader—the examiner—that you know the material.
Слайд 49




Essay Components

Слайд 50

* The Thesis Statement / Introduction Paragraph This is the most


The Thesis Statement / Introduction Paragraph

This is the most important part

of any well-written essay. Usually limited to one or two sentences, the thesis statement is the main idea, or topic, of your essay.
An essay without a strong and clearly defined thesis statement is like a ship without a captain. The essay will drift aimlessly without a clear direction.
Слайд 51

* The thesis statement is the leader of your essay, because


The thesis statement is the leader of your essay, because every

other word written afterward is there to support it.
Before you ever begin writing you must come up with a solid thesis statement. It is usually placed early in the text, in the first paragraph.
This first paragraph is called the introduction paragraph, because it introduces the topic of your essay.
Слайд 52

* Supporting Paragraphs: Everything written after the thesis statement is there


Supporting Paragraphs:

Everything written after the thesis statement is there to support

it. The ideas you choose to support your thesis statement need to be separated into paragraphs.
Each paragraph will develop one, and only one, supporting idea or point.
These ideas need to be supported within the paragraph, not just stated. Back up your ideas with additional information about them.
Also, be sure to make smooth transitions between each of your supporting paragraphs, don’t just jump from one idea to the other.
Слайд 53

* First paragraph normally, the first paragraph of the essay body


First paragraph

normally, the first paragraph of the essay body contains the

strongest argument of the whole work, the brightest illustration to prove the author’s point or an example that is rather significant.
The topic of the paragraph must be mentioned in the topic sentence in one of the first sentences of the paragraph.
A “transitional hook” for the next paragraph is required
Слайд 54

* Second paragraph The second paragraph contains correspondingly the second strongest


Second paragraph

The second paragraph contains correspondingly the second strongest argument

of the essay.
The beginning of the second paragraph must be tied with the end of the first one with a “reverse hook”. The topic sentence is revealed din the begging of the paragraph.
Слайд 55

* Third paragraph The third paragraph opens the weakest argument to


Third paragraph

The third paragraph opens the weakest argument to the

reader. The topic sentence is to be related or reflect the thesis statement of the essay.
The major point of the essay starts to be revealed and through a “transitional hook” continues in the concluding paragraph
Слайд 56

* Hooks Introductory hook – At the start of the introduction,



Introductory hook – At the start of the introduction, use a

catchy sentence to provoke the reader to keep on reading.
Transitional hook – A alluring hook should also end the introduction with a promise of better things to come in the next paragraph. The reader must want to know what is next. The transitional hook should always appear on the last sentence of all paragraph succeeding paragraphs.
Слайд 57

* Reverse hook – this is ideally placed on the first


Reverse hook – this is ideally placed on the first two

sentences of the first paragraph of the body, to relate the discussion to the transitional hook of the introductory paragraph.
Hooks can be compared to torch lights. They show the reader the way from beginning to end. Without these hooks, reading the article is like reading disjointed snippets of a book.
Слайд 58

* Conclusion / Summary Paragraph This is the last paragraph in


Conclusion / Summary Paragraph

This is the last paragraph in your essay.

you will summarize the main points and ideas and let the reader know the essay has come to an end.
Слайд 59

* Conclusion / Summary Paragraph Do not repeat your thesis statement


Conclusion / Summary Paragraph

Do not repeat your thesis statement word for

word, however.
Restate your thesis in a new manner, with different words.
If needed, provide an opinion or suggestion about the subject of your writing.
Слайд 60

* Essay Types The ability to write effectively is one of


Essay Types

The ability to write effectively is one of the critical

Typically this is attained via practice: writing skills develop as the result of assigning students dozens, if not hundreds of essays on different topics, with every essay serving its own purpose.
Слайд 61

* The Definition Essay The main function of the definition essay


The Definition Essay

The main function of the definition essay is to

explain, or to acquaint your reader with something; it can be used to describe, explain or present some information.
In order to write an expository essay, preparation and background research will be required. This will arm you with facts and information that will be subsequently conveyed to your reader.
No matter the size, an essay should at all times include an introduction and a conclusion – the body length may vary.
Слайд 62

* The Persuasive Essay If you have to persuade your reader


The Persuasive Essay

If you have to persuade your reader about something,

your essay becomes a persuasive one.
With this type of writing you will need not only to prove your point, but will also have to persuade your opposition that your viewpoint is logical and well founded, and thus – better.
In this case, you are no longer merely showing what you know; you are convincing the reader that you are correct in your viewpoint.
Слайд 63

* The Argumentative Essay The art of argumentation is not an


The Argumentative Essay

The art of argumentation is not an easy skill

to acquire.
Many people might think that if one simply has an opinion, one can argue it effectively, and these folks are always surprised when others don't agree with them because their logic seems so correct.
Additionally, writers of argumentation often forget that their primary purpose in an argument is to "win" it – to sway the reader to accept their point of view. 
Слайд 64

* The Cause and Effect Essay The cause and effect essay


The Cause and Effect Essay

The cause and effect essay includes some

elements of writing that might be considered more professional than those a descriptive or narrative essay might include.
It is very important, for instance, that your tone be reasonable, and that your presentation be factual and believable.
Sources are often required in a cause/effect paper, and your choice of these sources is important as they reflect on the validity of your paper.
Additionally, the first-person point of view does not work; you should sound objective and impartial
Слайд 65

* The Comparison and Contrast Essays The main purpose and function


The Comparison and Contrast Essays

The main purpose and function of compare

and contrast essays is obvious – to find similarities and dissimilarities between two or more objects or things.
This kind of writing requires the writer to be an observer; in most cases it doesn’t require scholarly research or any specific referencing.
Such essays are mostly subjective in nature, and writers are required to come up with differences or similarities they are able to point out and analyze.
There are different compare and contrast patterns for these essays, yet the overall essay structure remains invariable: there should be an introduction, a few body paragraphs and a conclusion. 
Слайд 66

* Conclusion Essay is a way to talk about important things



Essay is a way to talk about important things
Next meeting –

your own essay on ANY topic which is REALLY interesting for you personally
The practice is the criterion of the True
Слайд 67

* Time and place 3 weeks – 3 meetings: Friday 30


Time and place

3 weeks – 3 meetings:
Friday 30 Oct
Friday 7 Nov

Students’ presentations
Tuesday 14 Nov ?
Students’ presentations
Ask Julia

From 16:00
to 19:00

Слайд 68

* Assessment The whole score for this course is maximum 20



The whole score for this course is maximum 20 points and

includes 2 parts:
+ 8 points for the presentation
(individually or in small groups)
+ 12 points for the written exam results (open question for 5 pts + case study for 7 pts).
Слайд 69

* Presentation (8 points) Presentation topics At your choice Formal requirements


Presentation (8 points)

Presentation topics
At your choice
Formal requirements :
Power Point Presentation

.ppt – 2003, Not Vista !
10 minutes
12-15 pages
Presentation is to be
presented to other students 7 & 14 Nov
Delay reduces 4 points !
Sent to nnp @ the same day
Слайд 70

* Examination (12 points) Written exam lasts 1 hour 30 minutes


Examination (12 points)

Written exam
lasts 1 hour 30 minutes (1,5 hour)
The exam

An open theoretical question – 5 points
A case study – 7 points.
You should ask your manager about the date of the Exam (mid Feb 2016)
Слайд 71

* Some common rules Time be late ?? Attention mobile phone


Some common rules

be late ??
mobile phone are to be switched off

are allowed to use your notebooks, but not to pass time in Facebook, vContacte, ... :-)
Please, be ready to take part in playing roles
You are invited to express your ideas in discussions – our course is intended to your activity, and not just theoretical deepening
English is the native language for no one here, so, please, don’t hesitate to ask and let help each other with the unknown words or not comprehensible expressions
You are welcome to ask questions