Слайд 2

An extremely violent wind or storm is a… hurricane

An extremely violent wind or storm is a…

Слайд 3

A violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round is a … cyclone

A violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and

round is a …
Слайд 4

A shaking of the ground is an… earthquake

A shaking of the ground is an…

Слайд 5

A huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land is a … tsunami

A huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land

is a …


Слайд 6

A tall column of air spinning round very fast is a … tornado

A tall column of air spinning round very fast is a …

Слайд 7

A large amount of water that covers an area is a … flood

A large amount of water that covers an area is a

Слайд 8

A period of time with no rain is a … drought

A period of time with no rain is a …