Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Why do young people start smoking?

Why do young people start smoking?

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Which diseases are caused by smoking?

Which diseases are caused by smoking?

Слайд 6

Heart disease

Heart disease

Слайд 7

Blood disease

Blood disease

Слайд 8

Risk of cancer

Risk of cancer

Слайд 9

Problems with Lungs

Problems with Lungs

Слайд 10

Slow reactions

Slow reactions

Слайд 11

Loss of memory Problems with memory and reactions

Loss of memory

Problems with memory and reactions

Слайд 12

Tooth/gums disease

Tooth/gums disease

Слайд 13

Vocabulary Reasons – причины Distracted – отвлекаться Diseases – болезни To


Reasons – причины
Distracted – отвлекаться
Diseases – болезни
To relax – расслабляться

– привычка
Tooth – зубы
Memory – память
it looks cool – выглядит круто

Blood – кровь
Risk of cancer – риск рака
Lungs – легкие
Smoking – курить
Drinking alcohol – пить алкоголь
Slow – медленный
Heart – сердце
Daily stress – ежедневный стресс