
Слайд 2

What is Bioremediation?? Using subsurface microorganisms to transform hazardous contaminants into

What is Bioremediation??

Using subsurface microorganisms to transform hazardous contaminants into relatively

harmless byproducts, such as ethene and water
Techniques or types of bioremediation:
A component of Natural Attenuation
Enhanced Bioremediation
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Bioremediation Background Natural Attenuation is Not fast enough, Not complete enough,

Bioremediation Background

Natural Attenuation is Not fast enough, Not complete enough, Not

frequently occurring enough to be broadly used for some compounds, especially chlorinated solvents
The current trend is to stimulate/enhance a site’s indigenous subsurface microorganisms by the addition of nutrients and electron donor
In some cases, bioaugmentation is necessary when metabolic capabilities are not naturally present.
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Historical Perspective ~1900 Advent of biological processes to treat organics derived

Historical Perspective

~1900 Advent of biological processes to treat organics derived from

human or animal wastes (and the sludges produced)
~1950 Approaches to extend wastewater treatment to industrial wastes
~1960 Investigations into the bioremediation of synthetic chemicals in wastewaters
~1970 Application in hydrocarbon contamination such as oil spills and petroleum in groundwater
~1980 Investigations of bioremediation applications for substituted organics
~1990 Natural Attenuation of ’70 and ’90, and the development of barrier approaches
~2000 High-rate in situ bioremediation; source zone reduction; bioaugmentation
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Soil and Subsurface Contaminants Benzene and related fuel components (BTEX) Pyrene

Soil and Subsurface Contaminants

Benzene and related fuel components (BTEX)
Pyrene and other

polynuclear aromatics
Chlorinated aromatics and solvents
Herbicides and pesticides
Nitroaromatic explosives and plasticizers
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Sources of Contamination Industrial spills and leaks Surface impoundments Storage tanks

Sources of Contamination

Industrial spills and leaks
Surface impoundments
Storage tanks and pipes
Burial areas

and dumps
Injection wells
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Current Water Issues Associated with Gasoline Use Widespread contamination Major treat

Current Water Issues Associated with Gasoline Use

Widespread contamination
Major treat to drinking

water resources
Components of fuels are known carcinogens
Current fuel oxygenate, MTBE, very mobile and not very degradable
Ethanol is due to replace MTBE, but its behavior in the subsurface is not yet understood
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Typical Fuel (BTEX) Spill

Typical Fuel (BTEX) Spill

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Chlorinated Background Groundwater plumes of chlorinated solvents are widespread due to

Chlorinated Background

Groundwater plumes of chlorinated solvents are widespread due to their

extensive use at industrial, DOD, and dry cleaner sites.
Chlorinated compounds commonly exist as dense nonaqueous-phase liquids (DNAPLs) that act as long-term, continuing sources that slowly solubilize into groundwater.
Known carcinogenic and toxic effects
Not a primary substrate for any known bacteria
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Routes of DNAPL Migration

Routes of DNAPL Migration

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DNAPL Our Most Difficult Challenge DNAPL source Residual phase Trapped on

DNAPL Our Most Difficult Challenge

DNAPL source
Residual phase
Trapped on lenses
Pools in low

Creates soluble plumes for years
Extremely hard to remediate
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Treatment Techniques Soil Extraction Pump and Treat Physical and/or reactive barriers

Treatment Techniques

Soil Extraction
Pump and Treat
Physical and/or reactive barriers
Air and Hydrogen

Biological (microbes)
Chemical (surfactants)
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Why use Bioremediation? No additional disposal costs Low maintenance Does not

Why use Bioremediation?

No additional disposal costs
Low maintenance
Does not create an eyesore

of impacting source zones and thus, decreasing site clean-up time
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Source Zone Treatment vs. Plume Treatment

Source Zone Treatment vs. Plume Treatment

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Fundamentals of Biodegradation All organics are biodegradable, BUT biodegradation requires specific

Fundamentals of Biodegradation

All organics are biodegradable, BUT biodegradation requires specific conditions

is no Superbug
Contaminants must be bioavailable
Biodegradation rate and extent is controlled by a “limiting factor”
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Biotic Transformations Result of metabolic activity of microbes Aerobic and anaerobic

Biotic Transformations

Result of metabolic activity of microbes
Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation
Reduces aqueous

concentrations of contaminant
Reduction of contaminant mass
Most significant process resulting in reduction of contaminant mass in a system
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Bioremediation Processes Conversion of contaminants to mineralized (e.g. CO2, H2O, and

Bioremediation Processes

Conversion of contaminants to mineralized (e.g. CO2, H2O, and salts)

end-products via biological mechanisms
Biotransformation refers to a biological process where the end-products are not minerals (e.g., transforming TCE to DCE)
Biodegradation involves the process of extracting energy from organic chemicals via oxidation of the organic chemicals
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How Microbes Use the Contaminant Contaminants may serve as: Primary substrate

How Microbes Use the Contaminant

Contaminants may serve as:
Primary substrate
enough available

to be the sole energy source
Secondary substrate
provides energy, not available in high enough concentration
Cometabolic substrate
fortuitous transformation of a compound by a microbe relying on some other primary substrate
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Requirements for Microbial Growth

Requirements for Microbial Growth

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Electron Exchange

Electron Exchange

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Aerobic v. Anaerobic If oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor, the

Aerobic v. Anaerobic

If oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor, the process

is called aerobic biodegradation
All other biological degradation processes are classified as anaerobic biodegradation
In most cases, bacteria can only use one terminal electron acceptor
Facultative aerobes use oxygen, but can switch to nitrate in the absence of oxygen
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Aerobic Oxidation Cometabolism Anaerobic Denitrification Manganese reduction Iron reduction Sulfate reduction Methanogenesis Bacterial Metabolism


Manganese reduction
Iron reduction
Sulfate reduction

Bacterial Metabolism

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Electron Acceptor Zones After O2 is depleted, begin using NO3– Continue

Electron Acceptor Zones

After O2 is depleted, begin using NO3–
Continue down the

list in this order
O2 ––> NO3– ––> Fe3+ ––> SO42– ––> CO2
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Electron Acceptor Condition

Electron Acceptor Condition

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Bioremediation Practice Understand physical and chemical characteristics of the contaminants of

Bioremediation Practice

Understand physical and chemical characteristics of the contaminants of interest

the possible catabolic pathways of metabolism and the organisms that possess that capability
Understand the environmental conditions required to:
Promote growth of desirable organisms
Provide for the expression of needed organisms
Engineer the environmental conditions needed to establish favorable conditions and contact organisms and contaminants
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Oxygen is of Primary Importance Most of the time oxygen is

Oxygen is of Primary Importance

Most of the time oxygen is

the primary factor limiting in situ biodegradation
In most cases if adequate oxygen can be supplied then biodegradation rates are adequate for remediation
Other limiting factors exist, but are usually secondary to oxygen

Degradation for Benzene: C6H6 + 7.5O2 ––> 6CO2 + 3H2O

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Two ways to introduce oxygen in situ Dissolved in water :

Two ways to introduce oxygen in situ
Dissolved in water :

Actively pumped: H2 O2 , aerated water
Passively: ORC ® , membrane, aeration
In gaseous form, usually air
Bioventing above the water table
Air sparging below the water table

Oxygen Supply is the Key to Aerobic
In Situ Bioremediation

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Dehalogenation Stripping halogens (generally Chlorine) from an organic molecule Generally an


Stripping halogens (generally Chlorine) from an organic molecule
Generally an anaerobic process,

and is often referred to as reductive dechlorination
R–Cl + 2e– + H+ ––> R–H + Cl–
Can occur via
Dehalorespiration (anaerobic)
Cometabolism (aerobic)
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Dehalorespiration Certain chlorinated organics can serve as a terminal electron acceptor,


Certain chlorinated organics can serve as a terminal electron acceptor,

rather than as a donor
Confirmed only for chlorinated ethenes
Rapid, compared to cometabolism
High percentage of electron donor goes toward dechlorination
Dehalorespiring bacteria depend on hydrogen-producing bacteria to produce H2, which is the preferred primary substrate
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Reductive Dechlorination An electron donor, such as hydrogen, and an electron

Reductive Dechlorination

An electron donor, such as hydrogen, and an electron acceptor

is needed to transfer from one product to the next
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Added Danger Dechlorination of PCE and TCE should be encouraged, but

Added Danger

Dechlorination of PCE and TCE should be encouraged, but monitored

The dechlorination products of PCE are more hazardous than the parent compound
DCE is 50 times more hazardous than TCE
Vinyl Chloride is a known carcinogen
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Cometabolism Fortuitous transformation of a compound by a microbe relying on


Fortuitous transformation of a compound by a microbe relying on some

other primary substrate
Generally a slow process - Chlorinated solvents don’t provide much energy to the microbe
Most oxidation is of primary substrate, with only a few percent of the electron donor consumption going toward dechlorination of the contaminant
Not all chlorinated solvents susceptible to cometabolism (e.g., PCE and carbon tetrachloride)
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Selective Enhancement of Reductive Dechlorination Competition for available H2 in subsurface

Selective Enhancement of Reductive Dechlorination

Competition for available H2 in subsurface
Dechlorinators can

utilize H2 at lower concentrations than methanogens or sulfate-reducers
Addition of more complex substrates that can only be fermented at low H2 partial pressures may provide competitive advantage to dechlorinators
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Electron Donors Alcohols and acids Almost any common fermentable compound Hydrogen

Electron Donors

Alcohols and acids
Almost any common fermentable compound
Hydrogen apparently universal electron

donor, but no universal substrate
Laboratory or small-scale field studies required to determine if particular substrate will support dechlorination at particular site
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Electron Donors Acetate Hydrogen - Pickle liquor Acetic acid biochemical Polylactate

Electron Donors

Acetate Hydrogen - Pickle liquor
Acetic acid biochemical Polylactate esters
Benzoate electrochemical Propionate
Butyrate gas

sparge Propionic acid
Cheese whey Humic acids - Sucrose
Chicken manure naturally occurring Surfactants -
Corn steep liquor Isopropanol Terigitol5-S-12
Ethanol Lactate Witconol 2722
Glucose Lactic acid Tetraalkoxsilanes
Hydrocarbon Methanol Wastewater
contaminants Molasses Yeast extract
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Enhanced Bioattenuation Petroleum Chlorinated Technology Hydrocarbons Solvents (e– acceptor) (e– donor)

Enhanced Bioattenuation

Petroleum Chlorinated
Technology Hydrocarbons Solvents
(e– acceptor) (e– donor)
Liquid Delivery Oxygen Benzoate
Nitrate Lactate
Sulfate Molasses
Biosparge Air (oxygen) Ammonia
Slow-release Oxygen Hydrogen

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Formation of a Usable Form of Electron Donor COD=Lactate + Acetate + Propionate

Formation of a Usable Form of Electron Donor

COD=Lactate + Acetate

+ Propionate