Synecology or - Community Ecology лекция


Слайд 2

PLAN Biocenosis, biogeocoenosis and Consept of Ecosystem The State of the


Biocenosis, biogeocoenosis and Consept of Ecosystem
The State of the Species Under

Various Forms of Relationship
Trophic Structure of Biocenosis
Food chain and trophic levels
Слайд 3

Sinecology or Community Ecology studies the community species composition, their spatial

Sinecology or Community Ecology studies the community species composition, their

spatial pattern, and communities change with time.
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Biocenosis is the community of populations of different species living and

Biocenosis is the community of populations of different species living and

interacting in a given habitat (K. Mobius, 1877).
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Ecosystem (ecological system) is the community of all populations of different

Ecosystem (ecological system) is the community of all populations of

different species living on the common territory and interacting with their environment (A. Tensli, 1935).
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Components of Ecosystem

Components of Ecosystem

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An ecosystem comprises of two basic components i) Abiotic components and ii) Biotic components

An ecosystem comprises of
two basic components
i) Abiotic components and
ii) Biotic

Слайд 8

The state of the species (population) under various forms of relationship

The state of the species (population) under various forms of relationship

is indicated by conventional signs
“ – “an adverse effect, the body suffers harm,
"+" - positive effect,
"0" - no effect.
Слайд 9

All biotic links can be divided into six groups: 1) "++"-

All biotic links can be divided into six groups:
1) "++"-

mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationships. In this group the following is isolated:
a) protocooperation when cooperation is beneficial, but not necessarily (pollination of various meadow plants by bees);
b) symbiosis or inseparable links (lichens - fungi + algae, termites, and flagellate intestinal, which produce an saccharolytic enzyme);
c) mutualism when a partnership is mandatory (cembretum, feeding by cedar seeds and spreading them).
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2)“+0”- useful and neutral, or commensalism (shark and sucker fish).The followings

2)“+0”- useful and neutral, or commensalism (shark and sucker fish).The followings

should be distinguished in his group:
a) sponger when the host food remnants are used (lion and hyena),
b) commensal,
c) tenant (orchids, lichens, mosses live in trees)
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3) "0" - negative-neutral, or amensalizm (grass under the trees are

3) "0" - negative-neutral, or amensalizm (grass under the trees are

suffering from severe shading).
4) "00 - neutral, or neutrality.
Слайд 12

5) "+-"- useful and harmful; in this group the following may

5) "+-"- useful and harmful; in this group the following may

be distingushed:
a) carnivorism,
b) parasitism.
Слайд 13

6 )"--"- mutually harmful, when species that have identical ecological requirements enter into competition

6 )"--"- mutually harmful, when species that have identical ecological requirements

enter into competition
Слайд 14

Trophic Structure of Biocenosis. All living things can be classified according

Trophic Structure of Biocenosis.

All living things can be classified according to

the way they obtain food. These are the trophic levels.
Слайд 15

Trophic structure of biocenosis. Two major components: autotrophic and heterotrophic may

Trophic structure of biocenosis.

Two major components: autotrophic and heterotrophic may be

identified In biocoenosis or ecosystem.
The autotrophic component ("self feeding") consists of green plants, which, by using solar energy synthesize organic matter of their cells (biomass) from the mineral components of environmental and is a major supplier of organic matter and related to its energy in biocenoses and ecosystems. In ecology, these organisms are called producers, while organic material they created is called primary production.
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1-Producers Make their own food organic matter by using carbon dioxide


Make their own food organic matter by using carbon dioxide ,

water and mineral salts.
We call them autotrophic organism.



some bacteria

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Heterotrophic component Heterotrophic component ("eating others") consists of organisms that derive

Heterotrophic component

Heterotrophic component ("eating others") consists of organisms that derive their

energy from food resulted from destructed organic matter, originally created by producers. Heterotrophic organisms are divided into two major groups: consumers and decomposers.
Consumers are organisms that consume the finished organic matter (all animals, parasitic and humans).
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2- Consumers Consumers consume food provided by plants or other animals.

2- Consumers

Consumers consume food provided by plants or other animals. They

have hererotrophic nutrition.

They eat producers

Secondary consumers

They eat secondary and primery consumers also producers

Слайд 19

Decomposers are heterotrophic organisms (fungi and bacteria) that subsist on dead

Decomposers are heterotrophic organisms (fungi and bacteria) that subsist on dead

organic matter and during their vital activities decompose it to inorganic. Thanks to them, the most important nutrients contained in dead organisms go back into the biological cycle and are repeatedly used in the metabolism of living organisms.
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3-Decomposers They decomposed organic matter like dead animal and plants into


They decomposed organic matter like dead animal and plants into inorganic

matter. And then inorganic matters are used again by producers.
Слайд 21

Joint effect of these three groups of organisms maintains a relatively

Joint effect of these three groups of organisms maintains a relatively

endless circle of matter in ecosystems and biogeocenoses.
Слайд 22

Food chains and trophic levels Matter and energy have been transferring

Food chains and trophic levels

Matter and energy have been transferring through

a series of organisms, and each previous organism supplies the subsequent one with raw material and energy in the form of food. Such chain of organisms is called a food chain, and each of its link - a trophic level
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Слайд 24

Energy flow and circulation of chemical elements in the ecosystem Any

Energy flow and circulation of chemical elements in the ecosystem


ecosystem consists of biotic and abiotic components, which closely interact with each other, exchanging matter and energy: living organisms consume matter and energy from the environment and give them back into the environment during the life-sustaining activity.
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Слайд 26

Food chains A food chain shows which plants or animals eat

Food chains

A food chain shows which plants or animals eat or

get eaten by others in an ecology system.
Слайд 27

All living organisms appear to be consumers of food, that is

All living organisms appear to be consumers of food, that is

of matter and energy. In the process of respiration of energy from its rich substances obtained from food releases. In process of breathing energy appears to release from energy-rich matter received from food.
Слайд 28

Energy can be defined as an ability to do work. All

Energy can be defined as an ability to do work. All

living organisms can be considered as working "machines" that require a constant flow of energy from outside.
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Living organisms can only use two forms of energy: photoenergy and

Living organisms can only use two forms of energy: photoenergy and

chemical energy. All organisms are divided into phototrophic and chemotrophic depending on the energy source.
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Organisms synthesizing all necessary organic matter by means of light energy

Organisms synthesizing all necessary organic matter by means of light energy

(photosynthesis) belong to a phototrophic group, it includes all plants and cyanobacteria.
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Chemotrophic organisms synthesize organic matter through the energy of chemical bonds

Chemotrophic organisms synthesize organic matter through the energy of chemical bonds

of various substances. This includes all animals and bacteria.
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Succession Any ecosystem undergoes changes both in time and space, in


Any ecosystem undergoes changes both in time and space, in addition,

changes are seen in the biocenosis structure, ecosystem structure and its productivity. Continuity of biocenoses occurring on the same territory as a result of impact of natural factors or human activities, is called succession (Latin word: successio means succeed).