
Слайд 2

Слайд 3

The uniforms of Kalmyk regiments in the Patriotic war of 1812

The uniforms of Kalmyk regiments in the Patriotic war of 1812

Слайд 4

Dzamba taisha Tundutov Kalmyk Prince the commander of the 2nd Kalmyk

Dzamba taisha Tundutov
Kalmyk Prince
the commander of the 2nd Kalmyk regiment
award: golden

sabre “For gallanfry”

Battle near Fershampenuaze

Слайд 5

Date of birth: the end of the XVIII century Place of

Date of birth: the end of the XVIII century
Place of birth:

Hosheutovsky ulus, Astrakhan Province, Russian Empire
Date of death: 1858
Place of death: Hosheutovsky ulus, Astrakhan Province, Russian Empire
Title: Kalmyk prince, owner of Hosheutovsky ulus
Lieutenant- colonel
Second Kalmyk regiment of Astrakhan
Battles / wars: the Caucasian campaign, The War of 1812

Serebdzhab Tyumen

* Order of St. Anne IV degree - awarded March 27, 1814 for taking by storm the batteries from 19 to 20 December 1813 and February 2, 1814 in the villages and Suasan Joinville;
* Order of St. Vladimir of IV degree - awarded by April 18, 1814 for the battle in August 1813;
* The Order of Saint George of IV degree - awarded by April 28, 1814 at the battle September 16, 1813 at Mason and in October 1813 at Leipzig;
* Order of the Red Eagle II degree - awarded by December 24, 1814 King of Prussia;
* The Order Pour le Mérite - received the Order of the Red Eagle, instead;
* The title of Lieutenant Colonel - awarded December 24, 1814 at the battle of the villages and Suasan Joinville and Fershampenuaze city.

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

И видел, что коня степного На Сену пить водил калмык, И

И видел, что коня степного На Сену пить водил калмык, И

в Тюильри у часового Сиял, как дома, русский штык!..
"I saw the horse of the steppe
  On the Seine drinking led Kalmyk
   And in the Tuileries in time
   Shine, as at home, Russian bayonets ".   

Fedor Nikolaevich Glinka

Слайд 8

Н.Г. Чернецов. Хошеутовский хурул. 1838 г. Рисунок

Н.Г. Чернецов. Хошеутовский хурул. 1838 г. Рисунок

Слайд 9

“Герой Отечественной войны 1812 года Цо-Манджи”.

“Герой Отечественной войны 1812 года Цо-Манджи”.

Слайд 10

The French Quarter in the nose (the nose of a quarter

The French Quarter in the nose (the nose of a quarter

- auth.)
It is not difficult to beat.
Our horses are strong.
Our owner Dzhyudzha brave.
We’ll fly with him to Moscow.
We ‘ll beat 50,000 French.
They destroyed the capital of Moscow ... “
«Французы в четверть носа (с носом в четверть – авт.) Не трудно их побить. Наши лошади крепки. Наш владелец Джюджа храбрый. Летим с ним в Москву. Там побьем 50 тысяч французов. Они Москву столицу разорили...» (Перевод И. В. Добровольского, 1816 г.)