All About Starting School

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I’m excited. 我很激动。 I’m frightened. 我害怕。 I’m sad. 我很难过。 I’m not

I’m excited. 我很激动。

I’m frightened. 我害怕。

I’m sad. 我很难过。

I’m not sure. 我也不知道。

How do you feel about starting

school? Tell your friend. 你对开学有什么感觉呢?告诉你的 朋友吧。

How Do You Feel about Starting School? 你对开学有什么感想呢?

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Hello, my name is Miss Jones. I’m a reception teacher. I’m

Hello, my name is Miss Jones. I’m a reception teacher. I’m

really looking forward to meeting my new class. Have you met your new teacher and teaching assistant yet? 你好,我是Miss Jones。我是接待你们的老师。我很期待见到我新班级的全部学生。你已经见到你的新老师和教学助理了么?

Meet Miss Jones 认识一下Miss Jones

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School is such a great place, you are going to love

School is such a great place, you are going to love

it! Let’s learn a bit more about going to school. 学校是个很棒的地方,你一定会爱上它的!现在就让 我们了解上学的一些事情吧。

Starting School 开学

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Sometimes children get a bit sad when they say goodbye to

Sometimes children get a bit sad when they say goodbye to

their grown-up in the morning. Don’t worry if you feel sad. You will have a great day at school and will have lots to tell your grown-up when you see them at home time. 有的孩子在早上和家长说再见的时候会有些难过。如果你也感到伤心的话,请别担心。 在学校你会度过愉快充实的一天, 当你放学回到家的时候,一定会 告诉家长很多令人激动的学校里 发生的事的。

See You later! 一会见!

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Can you see this girl hanging up her bag? When you

Can you see this girl hanging up her bag? When you

get to school in the morning, you will probably have a peg to hang your coat and bag on. Your peg might have your name or your picture on it. 你看到这个女孩正在挂她的书包么?当你早上到达学校的时候, 你可能也需要将你的外套 和书包挂在属于你的挂钩 上。你的挂钩上可能会有 你的名字或你的照片。

The Cloakroom 衣帽间

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In the morning, your teacher will find out who is here

In the morning, your teacher will find out who is here

by doing a register. They might call your name out, or you might put your own name on a board. 早上,你的老师会通过点名的方式来确定学生是否已经到达学校。点名时老师可能会叫你的名字,或者让你将名字写在签到板上。

I’m Here! 我在这里!

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My favourite thing from when I started school was all the

My favourite thing from when I started school was all the

friends I made. You will get to know lots of people in your new class. If you see someone on their own, why not ask them if they’d like to play with you. 当我在刚开始上学时最喜欢做的事就是交朋友。你会在你的新班级中认识很多人。如果你看到某个人自己一个人时,何不过去问问他们愿不愿意和你一起玩呢。

Making Friends 交朋友

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One of the most exciting things about going to school is

One of the most exciting things about going to school is

all the things you’ll learn. During the day, you’ll do lots of activities that will help you have fun and learn at the same time. 上学时最激动人心的事情就是你能学到很多新的东西。上学时,你会参与很多有趣的活动,同时学到新的知识。

Activities 活动

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Sometimes your school might get together in a big room called

Sometimes your school might get together in a big room called

a hall. You might listen to a teacher tell a story or sing songs. This is called assembly. 有时候,学校可能会把所有人集合在一个叫做大厅的房间。你可能会听到老师讲故事或者唱歌。这种叫做集体活动。

Assembly 集体活动

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The playground is a big place outside where you get to

The playground is a big place outside where you get to

play with your friends. Sometimes there might be bigger children there. Don’t worry about this, there will be lots of grown-ups there to help you. 操场是位于户外的一片很大的场地,在这里你能和朋友们一起玩耍。有时候这里也会有年龄大一些的孩子。但不要担心,操场上会有很多成年人帮助你的。

The Playground 操场

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“Please can you help me?” “请您帮助我一下好么?” Lots of children have a

“Please can you help me?” “请您帮助我一下好么?”

Lots of children have a yummy school

dinner. There will be lovely helpers ready to help you during dinner time. You could show your good manners by saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to them. 许多孩子都会在学校吃一顿美味的晚餐。这里有很多友好的人在你吃晚餐的时候帮助你。你可以通过说“请”和“谢谢”来表现你非常有礼貌。

Dinner Time 晚餐

“Thank you!” “谢谢!”

“Yes, of course!” “好的,当然可以!”

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Before you know it, it will be time to go home!

Before you know it, it will be time to go home!

Your grown-up will collect you. Remember to tell them all about the fun you’ve had at school. 在你意识到之前,放学回家的时间就到啦!你的家长会到学校来接你。记得告诉他们你在学校经历的全部的有趣的事情。

Home Time 放学回家

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You are going to love going to school! I’m so excited

You are going to love going to school! I’m so excited

about being with my new class and I know your teacher is excited about being with you! 你会爱上上学的!我很激动和新班级的老师同学在一起,我知道你的老师也一定很开心和你在一起!

Bye! 再见!