Слайд 2

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments in personnel development According

Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments in personnel development

According to

data published in the article “How big is the training market”, the global market for training costs in 2013 was $306.9B. The authors believe that 46% of the market belongs to North America; Europe owns 29%, Asia 10%, India 7%, Australia 3%, South America 2%, Africa 1% and the rest of the world 1.1% Harward, D.


Слайд 3

use of methods of conversation, conversation, demonstration, demonstration, lecture, book work,

use of methods of conversation, conversation, demonstration, demonstration, lecture, book work,

laboratory work in teaching

Danilov IA and Esipov BP based their classification of methods on the didactic tasks of the learning process: the acquisition of new knowledge, the formation of skills, the application of knowledge, consolidation, development of creative activity .

A. Disterverg assessed the importance of teaching methods in terms of their impact on children's mental development. He especially appreciated the role of storytelling in teaching. He believed that the story develops children's minds, teaches them to search, analyze and think.

KD Ushinsky believes that the main condition for the quality organization of the educational process is methodological skills, and methodological skills depend on different teaching methods. In today's schools, all three methods of oral and visual practice are used.

Abay rightly points out that in the process of learning it is necessary to develop the mind, without which it is impossible to learn. The development of thinking and imagination allows you to get a deeper understanding of the world around you, phenomena and objects. Abai was against the scholastic method of teaching, dry memorization. He supported quality education.

Слайд 4

Contents Here That is, it is important to act on the

Contents Here

That is, it is important to act on the principle

of the Russian M. M. Pistrak, P. N. Shimbiriev, I. T. Ogorodnikov: "if the student is taught a story, a conversation, a demonstration, a demonstration, a lecture, working with a book , laboratory methods, then the student will definitely act through these methods." Any use of visual aids necessarily requires an explanation.

Nurkeldy Andasuly

Aruzhan Alaidarqyzy

Bayan Shalataiqyzy

Akerke Koldasynqyzy

Akbayan Orynbaiqyzy

Zholanov Bakdaulet







Слайд 5

It should be noted that we are against this method of

It should be noted that we are against this method of

punishment of Slastenin and Rean. Because then students will study out of curiosity, so as not to be punished. And if you teach like that, you won’t remember the information for a long time. On the contrary, if it is done through praise, it will be remembered for a long time.