Creation of the Kalevala Epic

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The same songs were sung by peddlers [ˈpedlə] from East Karelia

The same songs were sung by peddlers [ˈpedlə] from East Karelia

who traded all over Finland.
The national spirit, traditions and color of the people were expressed in these folk song sources, fairy tales and legends.
They began to record and publish them.
Elias Lennroth became a famous collector of folklore. [ˈfəʊklɔː]
Years of his life : 1802-1884 .
Слайд 3

Vainemainen Вяйнемяйнен He made his first trip to the villages of

Vainemainen Вяйнемяйнен

He made his first trip to the villages of eastern Finland

as a university student in Turku. In total, he made 5 expeditions to Finland, Russian Karelia and other localities. [ləʊˈkælɪtɪ]
He recorded many spells, incantations and epic songs mainly among the Karelian population.
For example, he recorded beautiful songs about the deeds of such heroes as Vainemainen, Lemminkainen, Ilmarinen, Joukahaine