Обзор докладов геофизической сессии на 11й конференции по мерзлотоведению Потсдам, июнь 2016

Слайд 2

Основное Комбинация методов : ERT + GPR, ERT + seismic, ERT

Комбинация методов : ERT + GPR, ERT + seismic, ERT +

SP, ERT + RST, ERT + AEM, CCR + GPR, GPR + seismic
3D съемка и моделирование

AEM – Airborne Electromagnetic
CCR – Capacitively Coupled Resistivity
EM – Electromagnetic
ERT – Electrical Resistivity Tomography
GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar
IPT – Induced Polarization Tomography
MASW – Multichannel Analysis Of Surface Waves
NMR – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
RST – Refraction Seismic Tomography
S-FDR – Spatial Frequency Domain Reflectometry
SP – Self-Potential Measurements

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 3

Долгосрочный мониторинг 17 лет – динамики ледников с использованием ERT в

Долгосрочный мониторинг

17 лет – динамики ледников с использованием ERT в Швейцарии

лет – динамики сопротивления грунта с использованием ERT в Канаде
3 года – динамики сопротивления грунта с использованием ERT в Гренландии

Time series of ground temperatures (3.75-5
m depths) and average apparent resistivity in August in the Alaska Highway corridor

Antoni G. Lewkowicz

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Sonia Tomaskovicova

Daily average resistivity against temperature and water content at two depth levels in the active layer for 3years

Слайд 4

Example of CCR and GPR on the Dempster HIghway over possible

Example of CCR and GPR on the Dempster HIghway over possible

ice-wedge polygons

Jane Dawson

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 5

A Google Earth image (top) and airborne LiDAR and an electrical

A Google Earth image (top) and airborne LiDAR and an electrical

resistivity tomography cross section (bottom) from the Farmer’s Loop site transect

Thomas A. Douglas

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 6

A) Tasiapik valley near Umiujaq B) 3D сryohydrogeological model of the

A) Tasiapik valley near Umiujaq B) 3D сryohydrogeological model of the studied

watershed C) Resistivity and chargeability models along the black survey line in B D) Cryohydrogeological cross-section assessed from the models in C

Richard Fortier

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 7

Burn severity, frost table measurements (gaps in data indicates measurements greater

Burn severity, frost table measurements (gaps in data indicates measurements greater

than 120cm probe), and resistivity for June and August at a burnt site in the southwestern NWT, Canada

Jean Elizabeth Holloway

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 8

Electrical resistivity survey area and results. A) Delineation of surveys and

Electrical resistivity survey area and results. A) Delineation of surveys and

boreholes (WPD15-1, 2, 3, 4) conducted within the vicinity of ice-bearing permafrost terrain (see inset) on an island adjacent to the Yellowknife River

Greg Oldenborger

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 9

1D surface nuclear magnetic resonance soundings of talik thaw Andrew Parsekian Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

1D surface nuclear magnetic resonance soundings of talik thaw

Andrew Parsekian

Семинар геофизиков,

Москва, 18/10/2016
Слайд 10

GPR cross section Marat Sadurtdinov Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

GPR cross section

Marat Sadurtdinov

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Слайд 11

Ice wedge in Chara outcrop and GPR profile over it. The

Ice wedge in Chara outcrop and GPR profile over it. The

average velocity of the electromagnetic wave in a layer above the ice wedge and calculated depth to it are shown on the GPR profile

Семинар геофизиков, Москва, 18/10/2016

Svetlana Bricheva