Printing culture is developing

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Printing culture is developing. Publication quality print and design improved. Long

Printing culture is developing. Publication quality print and design improved. Long

edition of the newspaper will be printed in black and white on a sheet of paper, now they are printed on the offset machine.
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Publications form flexible with the needs of the reader. The cover

Publications form flexible with the needs of the reader. The cover

of the edition published in color.
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In 2005, “Yernur” corporation of India led to high-tech “RONALD Super”

In 2005, “Yernur” corporation of India led to high-tech “RONALD Super”

printing house. A3-format 24-page Page 4 of the newspaper each color can be printed 30,000 copies per hour.
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Every newspaper smooth surfaces in order to shear and plastic ribbon

Every newspaper smooth surfaces in order to shear and plastic ribbon

to tie this “RONALD Super” with print stanog developed.
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German technology made printing presses “Cityline EXPRESS” even more achievements. The

German technology made printing presses “Cityline EXPRESS” even more achievements. The

unit A2, and A3-format 40-page newspaper, including a 16 page full color and can produce 1 hour 35 000 copies. In addition, the paper used for newspaper printing density of 65 mg of hydrochloric offset printing on white paper can also order.
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