Problems of modern youth

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The modern world extremely actively and promptly changes. Current problems of

The modern world extremely actively and promptly changes. Current problems of

youth reflect imperfections and defects of all society. Therefore the solution of these difficulties will exert impact on welfare of all society.
There are problems of modern youth more and more relevant presently. Around the world and in Russia, in particular, at youth, priorities change. Instead of being kind honest and obedient, to think of family, our younger generation even more often wants to be allocated at the expense of addictions, violence and superiority. Therefore adults are faced by not an easy problem, to couch sprouts of good and humanity in teenagers to avoid the subsequent problems of youth in modern society. From the existing youth problems it is possible to allocate a little:
Immorality in behavior;
Drug addiction;
Tobacco smoking;
Psychological problems of youth;
Substitution of vital values;
Misunderstanding of generations;
Unemployment of youth as social problem;
Problems of culture of modern youth;
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IMMORALITY IN BEHAVIOR Everything that affects teenagers, is very important. This


Everything that affects teenagers, is very important. This problem

of youth is put subconsciously, on the example of family. If the teenager sees disrespect of one parent for another, then in 90% of cases, he will treat also people around. He will have no decency framework. And his environment will begin to adapt to it, and it is already again acquired problem of modern youth. Often parents think why their child acts this way? And there is all problem in friends. Try to bring up initially the child correctly, and in the subsequent, you watch his company. It will be only this way possible to save the teenager from immoral behavior.
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ALCOHOLISM It is possible to call alcoholism a social problem of


It is possible to call alcoholism a social problem of youth

as from it nobody is insured. Here influences both hereditary predisposition, and acquired by a retraction method. The teenager who early has begun to take alcoholic drinks loses meaning in life. In the subsequent binge becomes his incentive. Today alcoholism is the most current problem of youth irrespective of a floor. The teenager in a stage of alcoholic intoxication becomes unbalanced, persuasive, rough, reckless.
The bigger number of all crimes committed by teenagers in a stage of alcoholic intoxication. To avoid teenage alcoholism and to grow up the full-fledged member of society, it is necessary to watch the children and in time to protect them from the bad companies where consumption of alcoholic drinks practices. Try that your child has gained meaning of life in sport, music or other directions.
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DRUG ADDICTION It is a problem of youth of 21 centuries.


It is a problem of youth of 21 centuries. She

takes roots also, from the adverse companies. The teenager who has got to such company will of destiny becomes the hostage of a situation and not to lag behind peers, decides to try drug. Often it becomes fatal and already through half of year it becomes, we depend on drugs. Such problems of youth in modern Russia trap continually, and will get rid of them independently almost not perhaps.
Therefore, you shouldn't rely on a case that this problem won't hook on you, it is better to control and watch the child. If it already happened, then it is necessary to find the rehabilitation center.
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TOBACCO SMOKING Tobacco smoking can become a primary source to more


Tobacco smoking can become a primary source to more global

dependence and lead both to alcoholism, and to drug addiction. You shouldn't give to descent to the teenager noticed in smoking. Talk to him constantly about a negative of smoking and tell to what consequences it can lead. You give examples, let the teenager study on others mistakes, but not as the.
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PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF YOUTH Psychological problems of youth are connected, with


Psychological problems of youth are connected, with lack

of an accurate vital reference point. Not only parents, school and books, but also the street, products of mass culture, media, own experience acquaint with laws of life of guys and girls. The indifference of the power and lawlessness, youthful maximalism provokes development of indifference or aggression in youth.
Solutions of problems of youth consist in purposeful systematic policy of the state. The authorities have to realize that young young men and girls are the future of the country.
Crime is a youth problem in Russia, but such that attracts attention. Crimes are committed also because of unbalanced mentality of teenagers or as a result of one-way love. That your child hasn't filled up the list of problem youth in the modern world and didn't become the criminal or the suicide, communicate with him more. Tell on examples that because of fleeting production it is possible to manage in prison where there will pass the best years of life. Pay attention to an emotional condition of the teenager if it is necessary, then you bring out of a depression.
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SUBSTITUTION OF VITAL VALUES This problem of modern Russian youth is


This problem of modern Russian youth is quite

relevant. In a pursuit of the present many teenage girls instead of aspiration not to happy future family life, and try to become attractive and sexual that leads subsequently to depravity of nature. It concerns also boys who looking at the idols, over time understand that at them it won't turn out to become such as those. It leads to loss of all values and disappointment in life.
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MISUNDERSTANDING OF GENERATIONS Misunderstanding by their adults becomes one of the


Misunderstanding by their adults becomes one of the main

problems of youth. Through it there is a set of the conflicts with parents. Often teenagers leave the house, and sometimes even decide to commit suicide. To solve this problem of modern youth, parents have to hold the ground.
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UNEMPLOYMENT OF YOUTH AS SOCIAL PROBLEM Problems of such character come


Problems of such character come from

economic instability of the state. The problem of employment of youth also consists in financial claims of young specialists. Young people look for work, but can't settle because of what they have no means of livelihood. It pushes on search of illegal earnings that quite often pushes to crime, drug addiction, results in poverty, contributes to the development of housing problems of youth.