To Kill a Mockingbird

Слайд 2 in Maycomb Country, Alabama. When racial discrimination was at its in Maycomb  Country, Alabama.
When racial discrimination was at its haight? When whites

were favored even in wrongdoing. When people were judget, not by the quality of their character but by the color of their skin.
What if yiu lived across the street from a monster. 
What if one moment you were carefree and happy your life untaintad by the evils of the world onle to have the fragile innocence of childhood destroyed?
Слайд 3

When the blance between fireness and injustice are perelously unstable the

When the blance between fireness and injustice are perelously unstable the lines

of intergrity are blurred and the fight equaly wages as tension builds. A righteous and moral lawyer, Atticus French takes a stand against the shmeful tresment of the African-Americans. He must decide whether ro stand firm in what he believes about racial equality or face adversity head on and risk losing respect of the people in his town. Young Scout and her brother Jem must learn difficult life lessons as their stands up for what is right. 
Line are exposed and trueth are revelative. The fight for equality and justice has begun...