
Слайд 2

What is trade terms?

What is trade terms?

Слайд 3

Why do we use trade terms in international trade?

Why do we use trade terms in international trade?

Слайд 4

What is International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(Incoterms)?

What is International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(Incoterms)?

Слайд 5


Group F


Слайд 6


Group C


Слайд 7


Group D


Слайд 8

Case Study 日本“若潮”号(Wakashio)散货船在印度洋毛里求斯触礁导致1000吨原油泄漏 “Wakashio”号的船员在接受当局调查时透露,该船在7月25日晚间触礁之前正在庆祝船员生日,为了连接Wi-Fi上网该船向陆地靠近,这一系列的行动可能导致船舶偏离航线进而发生触礁意外。 Wakashio”号装载了近4200吨燃料油,包括3984吨低硫燃料油、207吨柴油和90吨润滑油。该船于当地时间8月6日8点开始泄漏燃油,位于机舱右舷的燃料箱出现裂缝。据估计,迄今为止至少已有1000吨燃油泄漏到附近海域。受漏油影响,8月7日毛里求斯政府宣布全国进入“环境紧急状态”。 “Wakashio”号此前在中国江苏省卸货,7月4日时出港前往巴西。

Case Study


Слайд 9

Case Study The Japanese bulk carrier Wakashio ran aground in Mauritius

Case Study

The Japanese bulk carrier Wakashio ran aground in Mauritius in

the Indian Ocean, resulting in the leakage of 1000 tons of crude oil
The crew of Wakashio revealed during the investigation by the authorities that the ship was celebrating the crew's birthday before hitting the reef on the evening of July 25. In order to connect Wi Fi Internet, the ship approached the land. This series of actions may lead to the ship's deviation from the route and then hit the reef.
The Wakashio was loaded with nearly 4200 tons of fuel oil, including 3984 tons of low sulfur fuel oil, 207 tons of diesel oil and 90 tons of lubricating oil. The ship began to leak fuel at 8:00 local time on August 6, and there was a crack in the fuel tank on the starboard side of the engine room. It is estimated that at least 1000 tons of fuel have leaked into the nearby sea area so far. Affected by the oil spill, the Mauritian government declared a "state of environmental emergency" on August 7.
Wakashio had previously unloaded in Jiangsu Province, China and left the port for Brazil on July 4.
Слайд 10

Слайд 11

海运风险 1. 搁浅:是指船舶与海底,浅滩,堤岸在事先无法预料到的意外情况下发生触礁,并搁置一段时间,使船舶无法继续行进以完成运输任务。但规律性的潮涨落所造成的搁浅则不属于保险搁浅的范畴。 2. 触礁:是指载货船舶触及水中岩礁或其它阻碍物(包括沉船)。 3. 沉没:是指船体全部或大部分已经没入水面以下,并已失去继续航行能力。若船体部分入水,但仍具航行能力,则不视作沉没。 4. 碰撞:是指船舶与船或其它固定的,流动的固定物猛力接触。如船舶与冰山,桥梁,码头,灯标等相撞等。 5. 火灾:是指船舶本身,船上设备以及载运的货物失火燃烧。


1. 搁浅:是指船舶与海底,浅滩,堤岸在事先无法预料到的意外情况下发生触礁,并搁置一段时间,使船舶无法继续行进以完成运输任务。但规律性的潮涨落所造成的搁浅则不属于保险搁浅的范畴。 2. 触礁:是指载货船舶触及水中岩礁或其它阻碍物(包括沉船)。 3. 沉没:是指船体全部或大部分已经没入水面以下,并已失去继续航行能力。若船体部分入水,但仍具航行能力,则不视作沉没。 4. 碰撞:是指船舶与船或其它固定的,流动的固定物猛力接触。如船舶与冰山,桥梁,码头,灯标等相撞等。 5. 火灾:是指船舶本身,船上设备以及载运的货物失火燃烧。 6. 爆炸:是指船上锅炉或其它机器设备发生爆炸和船上货物因气候条件(如温度)影响产生化学反应引起的爆炸。 7. 失踪:是指船舶在航行中失去联络,音讯全无,并且超过了一定期限后,仍无下落和消息,即被认为是失踪。

Marine risk

Слайд 12

Maritime risk 1. Stranding: it refers to that the ship and

Maritime risk

1. Stranding: it refers to that the ship and the

seabed, shoals and embankments strike the reef under unexpected circumstances and stay for a period of time, so that the ship can not continue to travel to complete the transportation task. However, grounding caused by regular tide fluctuation does not belong to the category of insurance grounding.
2. Encountering rocks: it means that the cargo ship touches rocks or other obstacles in the water (including sunken ships).
3. Sinking: it means that all or most of the hull has sunk below the water surface and has lost the ability to continue navigation. If the hull is partially submerged but still capable of navigation, it shall not be regarded as
Слайд 13

Maritime risk 4. Collision: refers to the violent contact between the

Maritime risk

4. Collision: refers to the violent contact between the ship

and the ship or other fixed and flowing fixtures. For example, ships collide with icebergs, bridges, docks, lights, etc.
5. Fire: refers to the fire and burning of the ship itself, its equipment and transported goods.
6. Explosion: refers to the explosion of boiler or other machinery and equipment on board and the explosion caused by chemical reaction of goods on board due to the influence of climatic conditions (such as temperature).
7. Missing: a ship is considered missing if it loses contact during navigation, has no information, and has no whereabouts or information after a certain period of time.
Слайд 14

Maritime risk

Maritime risk

Слайд 15

Trade Terms

Trade Terms