What is Rocket?

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There are 3 basic parts to a rocket: the structural and

There are 3 basic parts to a rocket:
the structural

and mechanical parts (engines, storage spaces, tanks, fins)
fuel (can be various materials such as liquid oxygen, gasoline or liquid hydrogen
payload – what is being transported by the rocket (people, food, water, air, cargo)
what are possible payloads (what types of things are being transported by rockets)
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Like most engines, rockets burn fuel. Most rocket engines turn the

Like most engines, rockets burn fuel. Most rocket engines turn the

fuel into hot gas. The engine pushes the gas out its back. The gas makes the rocket move forward. A rocket is different from a jet engine. A jet engine needs air to work. A rocket engine doesn't need air. It carries with it everything it needs. A rocket engine works in space, where there is no air.

How Does a Rocket Engine Work?

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Airbreathing Engine Compressor Combustor Turbine Inlet Nozzle Accessories: Afterburner, Thrust Reverser, Spoiler..

Airbreathing Engine






Accessories: Afterburner, Thrust Reverser, Spoiler..

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In space, an engine has nothing to push against. So how

In space, an engine has nothing to push against. So how

do rockets move there? Rockets work by a scientific rule called Newton's third law of motion. English scientist Sir Isaac Newton listed three Laws of Motion. He did this more than 300 years ago. His third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The rocket pushes on its exhaust. The exhaust pushes the rocket, too. The rocket pushes the exhaust backward. The exhaust makes the rocket move forward.

Why Does a Rocket Work?

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Electrodynamic MPD (magneto-plasmadynamic) Utilize Lorenz Force in the magnetic field


MPD (magneto-plasmadynamic)

Utilize Lorenz Force in the magnetic field

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Pulsed MPD thruster from Princeton University using Ar

Pulsed MPD thruster from Princeton University using Ar

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