System of state bodies of Egypt


Слайд 2

CONTENTS: The executive branch of the power. The head of the


The executive branch of the power.
The head of the state.
Qualifications of

candidates and terms of ruling.
Authorities and functions of the president.
Termination of the president’s office.
The government and its functions.
The legislative branch of the power.
Qualifications of the candidates for the parliament.
Functions and authorities of the parliament.
The judicial branch of the power.
Courts of the judicial system in Egypt.
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The parliament The president and the government The courts

The parliament

The president and the government

The courts

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1. The executive branch:

1. The executive branch:

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THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH: The executive branch is the state body exercising


The executive branch is the state body exercising authority

and holding responsibility for the governance of a state. It executes and enforces law.
In political systems based on the principle of separation of powers, authority is distributed among several branches to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a small group of people.
In such a system, the executive branch does not pass laws (the role of the legislature) or interpret them (the role of the judiciary).
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THE HEAD OF THE STATE: The President is the head of


The President is the head of state

and the executive branch and commander in chief of the armed forces.
He is elected directly by a majority vote (in a second round if the need arises).
Last presidential elections in Egypt took a place in may 2018 when Abdelfattah Al-Sisi was re-elected for a second term.
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He must be an Egyptian citizen and to be born to

He must be an Egyptian citizen and to be born to Egyptian

parents (never having dual nationality).
Have participated in the military service or be exempted from it.
To be 40 years old at least.
He must have all his civil and political rights (with no criminal record).
He must have the recommendation of 20 members of the House of Representatives or the endorsement of 25,000 people across 15 governorates, with at least 1,000 signatures from each.

Qualifications for the candidate:

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He rules for a period of 4 years. The president can

He rules for a period of 4 years.
The president can be

re-elected for second term only.
Election procedures are taken before the end of the incumbent president’s term by 60 days.
All the citizens above 18 have the right to participate in the elections.

Terms of ruling of the president:

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Full name: Abdelfattah Saied Hussein khalil Al-Sisi. Date of birth: 19/Nov/1954,

Full name: Abdelfattah Saied Hussein khalil Al-Sisi.
Date of birth: 19/Nov/1954, in

Education: Egyptian military Academy.
Service: Egyptian Army (previous minister of defense 2012-2013).

President Of Egypt

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Appoints the Prime Minister to form the government and can also

Appoints the Prime Minister to form the government and can also

dismiss the government with the approval of the majority in the parliament.
Decides the basic issues of foreign policy and conducts it.
Signs international treaties and hold negotiation with other countries.
Heads the State Defense Council; and appoints and dismisses the highest military ranks.
Appoints judges of constitutional and local courts.
Signs laws and make them public.
Issues decrees and orders.
He can declare the state of emergency.
Solves the issues of citizenship.
Decide on pardoning.

Authorities and functions of the president:

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Resignation: the president can submit his resignation to the parliament to

Resignation: the president can submit his resignation to the parliament to

end his term and the president of the supreme constitutional court will hold the office until a new president is elected.
Permanent inability: due to health issues.
Impeachment: in case of committing a crime the parliament can press charges against the president and impeach him (the 2/3 majority vote of the parliament is required).
Expiration of the term.

Termination of the president’s office:

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The president appoints the prime minister and orders him to form

The president appoints the prime minister and orders him to form

the council of ministers, then the prime minister presents his council to the president to be approved.
The Prime Minister acts as the president’s deputy and implements his policies and works at his directions.
The government can be dismissed by the president after the approval of the majority of the parliament (no-confidence vote).

The government:

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The president, prime minister and the government

The president, prime minister and the government

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Ministry of defense. Ministry of education. Ministry of interior. Ministry of

Ministry of defense.
Ministry of education.
Ministry of interior.
Ministry of foreign affairs.
Ministry of

Ministry of environment.
Ministry of international cooperation.
Ministry of higher education and scientific research.
Ministry of culture.
Ministry of justice.
Ministry of military production.

Ministries of Egyptian government:

Ministry of transportation.
Ministry of energy.
Ministry of tourism.
Ministry of agriculture and land reclamation.
Ministry of communications and information technology.
Ministry of petroleum.
Ministry of water recourses and irrigation.
Ministry of internal trade.
Ministry of health and population.
Ministry of civil aviation.
Ministry of industry.

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Developing and submitting the state budget to the parliament to be

Developing and submitting the state budget to the parliament to be

Managing the national property.
Carrying out the measures to secure the security of the country.
Implementation of the necessary measure to inforce and protect the law.
Issuing the decisions and public orders.
Managing the Economic Conditions
Protection of civil liberties and human rights.

Functions of the government:

The Egyptian Prime Minister

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2. The legislative branch:

2. The legislative branch:

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The house of representatives

The house of representatives

Слайд 18

THE EGYPTIAN PARLIAMENT: The Parliament of Egypt is currently a unicameral


The Parliament of Egypt is currently a unicameral legislature.

The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital.
The parliament is made up of 596 seats, with 448 seats elected through the individual candidacy system, 120 elected through winner-take-all party lists
(with quotas for youth, women, Christians) and 28 selected by the president.
Слайд 19

QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES: He must be an Egyptian citizen To


He must be an Egyptian citizen To be

at least 25 years old.
To have finished the primary education at least.
Have participated in the military service or be exempted from it.
and to have his full political and civilian rights.
He must have no criminal record.
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FUNCTIONS OF THE PARLIAMENT: The parliament develops and enacts laws. Approves


The parliament develops and enacts laws.
Approves the general

policy of the state.
Discusses and approves the general budget of the state.
Supervises the work of the government.
Has the power to impeach the president or to dismiss the government through no-confidence vote.
Has the power to reform and amend the constitution.
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3. The judicial branch:

3. The judicial branch:

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THE SUPREME CONSTITUTIONAL COURT: The Supreme Constitutional Court is the highest


The Supreme Constitutional Court is the highest judicial

power in the country, Located in Cairo.
The Court consists of a President and number of members. President of the court is appointed by the president.
In the absence of the President, or the presence of an impediment, the oldest of its members shall be in all his functions.
It alone undertakes the judicial control in respect of the constitutionality of the laws and regulations and shall undertake the interpretation of the legislative texts in the manner prescribed by law.
the court is empowered to settle competence disputes between the judicial and the administrative courts.
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The supreme constitutional court in Cairo

The supreme constitutional court in Cairo

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COURT OF CASSATION: The Court of Cassation, the only one in


The Court of Cassation, the only one in its

category, was established in 1931 and based in Cairo.
The Court of Cassation, the exclusive body atop the judicial hierarchy in Egypt, was designated with the purpose of creating a central tool to provide exclusive and uniform interpretation and application of law.
The jurisdiction of Court of Cassation includes examining lawsuits related to judges' actions.
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COURT OF APPEAL: Courts of Appeal, have the competence to consider


Courts of Appeal, have the competence to consider rulings

by the courts of first instance falling under its jurisdiction should these rulings be liable for appeal.
According to the Egyptian judiciary law, there are seven courts of appeal in Egypt; in Cairo, Alexandria, Assuit,Tanta, Mansoura, Ismailia and Beni Swaif .
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COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE: These courts of first instance have the


These courts of first instance have the competence

to consider lawsuits filed before them as may fall under their jurisdictions.
Their rulings are liable to appeal.