Cascading Style Sheets CSS

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Overflow Property Specifies whether to clip content or to add scrollbars

Overflow Property

Specifies whether to clip content or to add scrollbars when

the content of an element is too big to fit in a specified area. Has the following values:
visible | scroll | hidden | auto
Note: The overflow property only works for block elements with a specified height.and width
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Float and Clear Properties The float property specifies whether or not

Float and Clear Properties

The float property specifies whether or not an element should

The clear property is used to control the behavior of floating elements.
img {float : right;}
div {clear:right;}
Note: The same effect can be achieved by inline-block value of display property.
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Horizontal and Vertical Align To horizontally center a block element margin

Horizontal and Vertical Align

To horizontally center a block element margin can

be used. Works only if width is set.
Another method is to use position, float
To just center the text inside an element, use text-align.
For vertical align use padding, line-height (equal to height)
Question: How to align image?
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Pseudo Classes Used to define a special state of an element:

Pseudo Classes

Used to define a special state of an element:
:first-child; :last-child;
:Nth-child(n) selects

the element that is the nth child regardless of parent’s type
:Nth-of –type(n) matches every element that is the nth child, of a particular type, of its parent.
:not(selector), etc.
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Pseudo Elements Used to style specified parts of an element: ::after

Pseudo Elements

Used to style specified parts of an element:
::selection - (color,

background, cursor, outline properties can be used)