Freedom Teachings


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Índice Introduction (News 2013 Cycle ) Origins Christos Mission Universal Templar


Introduction (News 2013 Cycle )
Christos Mission
Universal Templar Mechanics
Soul Matrix

Kathara Healing
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NEWS 21/12/2012



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21/12/2012 T “The "battle for energy" in our time matrix has


“The "battle for energy" in our time matrix has now ended.

Planet Earth and the entire time matrix has now entered into a "Healing Time Cycle" that is called "The Cycle of the Kryst". The word Kryst is the highest sound tone expression of the energy of Source. Therefore, The Cycle of the Kryst is a Healing Cycle in which all life forms in the time matrix can now access more of Source energy to allow the desired healing any life form is able to experience.
Why has the battle for energy ceased and why has the time matrix and planet Earth been able to "shift" into the New Healing Cycle of the Kryst? The answer to this question involves understanding many dynamics of energy and it may not be possible for you to understand as well if you have not yet integrated any of the information held within the Freedom Teachings but the concepts will be stepped down for you as much as is possible to assist your understanding. Simply stated, Earth and its life forms have now shifted into a higher energetic time cycle as a result of the desire of Source to heal ItSelf.
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21/12/2012 Because Krystic Races from connecting time matrices (Krystal River Host)

Because Krystic Races from connecting time matrices (Krystal River Host) had

opened their gate connections to our time matrix to assist our time matrix in being able to retain the ability to receive the higher energy of Source, this allowed planet Earth and Its life forms to continue to hold steady in energy accretion instead of loosing energy in the higher grid wars the fallen life forms were promoting in an attempt to force planet Earth into black hole fall status. A fallen life form or reality field occurs when a critical mass damage has occurred to the Divine Template called the Kathara Grid and such critical mass damage will no longer allow the Divine Template the ability to receive the Eternal Life Sustaining energy of Source. Fallen races had continued to network together to join forces and combine their reversed, distorted energy supply in an effort to force planet Earth into a reverse spin and align with the gate connection of their fallen black hole systems and then allow them to drag planet Earth into their black hole system.
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21/12/2012 Because Krystic Races of the Krystal River Host assisted by


Because Krystic Races of the Krystal River Host assisted by continuing

to supply the Higher Energy Flows of Source through their gate network, planet Earth was able to be held high enough in energy accretion even though fallen life forms were trying to steal that energy and force planet Earth to drop in energy accretion. As a result, planet Earth was able to continue to rise higher energy along something called the Krystal Spiral.
Information concerning the Krystal Spiral compares it to the Fibonacci Spiral (sometimes called the Fib-of-no-chi Spiral) and that consciousness would follow one of the 2 Spirals in their return path to At-One-Ment with Source but the ability to choose which path is always based on the amount of Source energy that the life form can access within themselves. Consciousness would choose either the Krystal Spiral, which is the Organic Creation allowing for expansion or the Fib-of-no-chi spiral being an inorganic creation that consumes everything in its path in order to expand. .
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21/12/2012 On December 21, 2012 a Stellar Alignment occurred that brought


On December 21, 2012 a Stellar Alignment occurred that brought into

alignment Stellar Gates expanding upward through the frequency bands of the time matrix. Because Earth was now able to hold more energy of Source, Earth was able to receive the final 3 of the 12 Reuche’ Pillars. The Reuche’ is the Organic Divine Blueprint of First Creation of Pure Source Consciousness. This allowed the planet the ability to receive a Higher Infusion of Source energy but not only planet Earth. This Higher Infusion of Source energy was received throughout the entire time matrix and shifted the entire time matrix into the New Healing Cycle of the Kryst. The structural damage that had occurred to the template of planet Earth and to the higher expressions of planet Earth would not allow the template of these structures to be able to receive a High Infusion of Source energy but because the Reuche’ Pillars could then anchor from the highest to the lowest frequency bands, this has allowed all aspects of Earth in this time matrix to begin the process of healing the template structure damage that has been encountered during the grid wars
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21/12/2012 Because there are incarnate on planet earth life forms that


Because there are incarnate on planet earth life forms that hold

higher template coding that will allow them to activate 24 – 48 DNA strands or up to 48 frequency bands of energy, once they remove their consciousness from the Angelic Human Prototype form through organic process, these life forms carry in their DNA template the coding for up to 48 frequency bands of energy. This allowed planet earth to receive a "Gift from Source" of a brand new Shield that the 24 – 48 DNA strand life forms are coded to. A brand new shield was received unto Earths planetary body because these life forms are incarnate on planet Earth and played their role as the "energy receivers" to allow this New Higher Shield to anchor into Earth's Planetary Template.
Such a higher infusion of Source energy creates a "leap in time" and is like slightly turning the dial on a radio. This leap in time has allowed planet Earth to "shift" slightly and therefore shift out of alignment with anything that was previously in alignment with fallen life forms and fallen life forms black hole systems.
This leap in time has now allowed planet Earth and its life forms to return to the status of "Ascension Able", which means planet earth is once again an Ascension Planet. The Higher Shield that planet Earth has now received will allow more of Source energy to remain available to planet Earth and will allow the planet to heal as well as the life forms on the planet who desire to heal. they desire and follow an ascension path of return.
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21/12/2012 The Gift the planet has now received from Source will


The Gift the planet has now received from Source will allow

the life forms of planet Earth the ability to "choose" to co-create a more balanced reality field to experience but a dual reality field will continue to run on Earth and support all life forms and therefore all life forms choices. This will create pockets or groups of people who will continue to seek and find each other and desire to work "together" to co-create a more balanced structure to experience but those who desire or cannot yet rise high enough in energy to allow for such thoughts, will continue to go about their paradigm of control and warring.
This means it is of the highest importance for the life forms that desire to heal and co-create a more balanced reality to wake up and remember that they are Source Embodied, how their energetic structure works and what they can personally co-create in the desire to heal.
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21/12/2012 Desire for healing alone will not allow a rapid healing


Desire for healing alone will not allow a rapid healing process

to unfold as the process is dependent on the amount of energy of Source that any individual life form can open and hold open within themselves. The thoughts a life form carries plays a major role in the process of healing and until a life form can begin to remember how the process occurs within themselves, they will continue to allow themselves to be influenced by the thoughts of the old, lower energetic paradigm.
The breadth of information through at least 2008 within the Freedom Teachings continues to be highly suggested by Krystic Guardian Races as assistance in personal template healing. These programs carry with them understanding of many layers of personal anatomy and how to remember to regain control over ones personal template structure and co-create personal healing.
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Ascencion Where one will Ascend to?


Where one will Ascend to?

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Ascencion There is not a pat answer to this question for


There is not a pat answer to this question for

all life forms. But the truth to the answer is that the personal template coding, the personal belief system a life forms choices to hold onto will determine what they experience once they remove their consciousness from the Earth reality field. This has always been the truth and will always be the truth. Life forms experience as their reality field what is shinning forth from their template to allow them to experience. It is impossible for any life form to experience anything that is not coded into their template. The amount of Source energy that is able to be turned on within the personal template will always determine the thoughts the life form can hold and therefore the reality field they will experience and co-create. There exist mass levels of consciousness, or mass levels of people on planet Earth that continue to hold onto false thoughts and false ideas about creation and therefore there are levels of mass consciousness that continue to co-create reality fields to experience that will support what they choose to believe to be true.
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Origins The Seeding of the Human Race


The Seeding of the Human Race

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The Turaneusiam Humanity began 560 million years ago, as an Immortal

The Turaneusiam
Humanity began 560 million years ago, as an Immortal Race

called the Turaneusiam on planet Tara in Harmonic Universe-2 (HU-2).
The Turaneusiam race had a 12-strand DNA morphogenetic imprint (see: MF) that allowed for embodiment of the 12 dimensional frequency bands of an HU-4 Avatar Identity.
Humans were "Seeded" on Earth and created as a planetary Guardian Race of God-like beings.
The word. "RACE" came form the Anuhazi RAY-sA.
"RAY" equals Rainbow or Rays of Consciousness and "SA" in Anuhazi in this context means "Bearer".
So Ray-sa means "Bringer or Bearer of the Rays of Consciousness".  The Humans are
the Bearers of the RAYS - the Ray-sas (Races).Tribes)
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The 12 Tribes At this time, the creators of the Turaneusiams

The 12 Tribes
At this time, the creators of the Turaneusiams decided

to try another experiment: To seed again their humans into the Earth system, but this would be done more slowly – the genetic imprint of the original prototype (the 12 strands DNA Silicate Matrix) would be broken down into sections or sub-imprints.
Each imprint would be used to create a “smaller” prototype or sub-species of the original Turaneusiam created in Tara. The genetic package was broken down into twelve units, each containing two primary attributes of the original pattern that contained twelve strands of DNA.
The twelve groups of beings or “Tribes” were separated. As each of the twelve groups overcame the duality coded within its genetic structure, it would be brought into alignment with the tribes that have done the same. Through this process the human genetic strain would, over time, evolve into the wholeness of its original twelve strand DNA pattern again.
It was and is a plan that would take several hundred thousand years to complete, if the species was able to evolve rather than fall into de-evolution once more.
“Adam” and “Eve” were symbolic personages representing this polarization of the twelve single strands of DNA into twelve sub-species and the birth of duality of consciousness.
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The Seeding of humans The First Seeding of the 12 Tribes

The Seeding of humans
The First Seeding of the 12 Tribes (12

sub-species) / Etheric Race
on Earth 250,000,000 years ago - During World Three. Ended via Electric Wars.
The Second Seeding 3,700,000 years ago to the present - During World Four. Ended via The Thousand-year War..
The Third Seeding 75,000 years ago to present. (present human lineage)
 - During World Four
Certain disruptive groups visited Earth during several periods of the First, Second and Third Seeding and created certain strains of their own species that could live comfortably within Earth environment.
They began mutating captured humans, seeding the women, and created hybrids causing havoc among the developing human biology and "poked holes" in the cellular genetic imprint. ("junk DNA")
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The Seeding of humans The original plan for the species, as

The Seeding of humans

The original plan for the species, as dictated

by the original Turaneusiam creator groups and their Breneau allies, was the evolution of the species and the growth of the intellect and intelligence to the point where the truth of origins could be understood.
Once the new human sub-species evolved to comprehend their origins they would be able to reassemble the dismantled DNA within their cellular structure, organize the actual original memory imprints, and with the help of inter-dimensional teachers connect to their original soul matrix families. Only through this connection to their original Soul Matrices could the species re-bundle the 12 strands DNA of the first Turaneusiam prototype.
The evolution of the Angelic Human Lineage has been riddled with war and strife since its creation 568 million years ago, as Fallen Angelic Legions have continually attempted to re-direct its evolutionary path into Fallen Angelic dominion.
This war was brought to Earth from Tara 250-25 million years ago and has continued ever since, requiring 3 seeding of the Christiac Angelic Race lines. We are presently in Seeding-3 of the 12-tribes Christiac Angelic Human evolutionary cycle.
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Christos The Realignment Mission


The Realignment Mission

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The Realignment The "Christos Realignment Mission" that is the mission of

The Realignment
The "Christos Realignment Mission" that is the mission of all

Indigo and Angelic Human Races and includes all life forms within this Time Matrix.
It is a mission to assist ALL race lines to find their way back to their connection to the One True Source God and to reclaim their Personal Divine Power in doing so.
A being with a sustained activation of 12 DNA Strands and resulting embodiment of the Maharata and its corresponding 12-dimensions of conscious awareness is known as an embodied “Mahara” (bearer of the Maharata eternal life current), “Avatar” or “Christed Being”.
Through the implementation of the Freedom Teachings (Emerald Order MC teachings of the Maharata-“Inner Christos”), the Angelic Human 12-strand DNA Template could be regenerated among the Earth human races and the awakened Angelic Humans could create for themselves the opportunity of self-directed Ascension out of Density or biological immortality anywhere within the Density systems.
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The Realignment If Angelic Humans are not present on planet, and

The Realignment
If Angelic Humans are not present on planet, and do

not successfully complete their intended role during Stellar Activations Cycles/Star Gate Opening Cycles, Earth's damaged Planetary Shields can not synthesize the infusion of interdimensional frequencies from Earth's opening Star Gates. In this event. Earth's electromagnetic fields reverse polarity and the planet enters Pole Shift during Stellar Activation Cycle.
The Angelic Human Races of Earth were commissioned to serve as the "Frequency Transducers" for Star Gate Frequency during Stellar Activation Cycles; a "Collective Buffer Blanket" to prevent Pole Shift on Earth during Stellar Activation Cycles, while progressively resetting the Planetary Christos Divine Blueprint in Earth's Planetary Shields.
The Divine Commission of the Angelic Human Race, the Sacred Mission for which we are originally seeded on Earth, is to correct the Fire Letter Sequences within our own and the Earth's Planetary Shields, which were damaged during the "Fall from Tara" 550 million years ago.
This Divine Commission is called the CHRISTOS REALIGNMENT MISSION
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Spirituality Science and Religion


Science and Religion

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Spirituality Spirituality” is simply the portion of true, universal science that

Spirituality” is simply the portion of true, universal science that you

do not as yet understand, for Science is truly the Mechanics of Consciousness and its manifestations, and consciousness is the true spiritual essence of the universe, and all life forms contained within it.
Spiritual & Scientific pursuit share a common objective: to comprehend the intrinsic order and the mechanics of consciousness and creation, thus Spirituality and Science are directly and inextricably intertwined.
The “greatest falsehood of all” is the intentional, complete omission from the “books of spirituality” of the pre-ancient, advanced scientific teachings of multidimensional physics that are contained within the MCEO CDT-Plates and their original written Maharata Text translations.
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Spirituality This intentionally contrived, progressively orchestrated omission of historical fact, which

This intentionally contrived, progressively orchestrated omission of historical fact, which has

been executed over a period of recent history dating back only to 11,000–10,000 BC, has culminated in the creation of a “species-wide mass illusion,” in which an inorganic division, and seeming competition, between spiritual and scientific realities is perceived
And through this illusion, a “spiritless science” justifies its endeavors without conscience or concern for “spiritual law or consequence” — and a “science-less spirituality” remains castrated from the true knowledge through which its lofty aspirations of an “eternal afterlife and Ascension” can be fulfilled.
The original MCEO CDT-Plate teachings clearly explained the inherent unity of “science and spirituality” and the intimate interrelationship between consciousness, spirit and atomic structure; they detailed the specific structures and processes inherent to the science of multidimensional physics by which the spiritual achievement of “Ascension” occurs
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Spirituality All beings or things are spiritual beings having an experience

All beings or things are spiritual beings having an experience in

manifestation. No being or thing can be separated from its innate spirituality, only the recognition of its nature.
Because life is substance and expression of the spirit, and the reality of the manifestation is nothing more than a dream, that all will eventually awaken ...
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Templar Mechanics Universal Templar

Templar Mechanics

Universal Templar

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Universal Manifestation Templates (Morphogenetic Fields - MF) are called TIME MATRICES.

Universal Manifestation Templates (Morphogenetic Fields - MF) are called TIME MATRICES.

There are uncountable Time Matrices within the Energy Matrix, which are collectively referred as The Time Matrix.
All Time Matrices within the Cosmic Energy Matrix follow a specific mathematical-geometrical program through which space- time and matter can be experienced by consciousness upon the Time Matrix structure.
Time Matrices are arranged upon a pattern of 15 different, but interwoven, Partiki Phasing rhythms (rhythms of expansion and contraction of energy).
Each of the 15 rhythms of Partiki Phasing creates one Dimension.

15 Dimensional Time Matrix

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Within the Time Matrix the 15-dimensions are further arranged into sets

Within the Time Matrix the 15-dimensions are further arranged into sets

of 3 Dimensions, forming 5 3-dimensional reality fields called a Harmonic Universe (HU), and each HU represents a level of matter densification specific to its intrinsic rates of Partiki Phasing.
One Time Matrix is thus a 15-dimensional Scalar Grid with 5 separate reality fields (Harmonic Universes) corresponding, each one, to one of the 5 different densities of matter manifestation.
There are 5 simultaneous manifesting Euiago Cycles (Time Cycle) in every Time Matrix, through which consciousness passes in order to experience linear evolution through space, time and matter,
Each Euiago Cycle contains within it 6 smaller cycles of time called Time Continua.

15 Dimensional Time Matrix

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As the morphogenetic fields of species are interwoven into the larger

As the morphogenetic fields of species are interwoven into the larger

morphogenetic field of the planet they inhabit, there is a direct energetic connection between the Kathara Grids of individuals and that of the planetary body.
This connection between personal & planetary Kathara Grids is called the Planetary Bio-feed Interface System,  PBIS

Planetary Bio-Energetic Interface System, PBIS

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The word Kathara refers to the Core Structure of Morphogenetic Fields,

The word Kathara refers to the Core Structure of Morphogenetic Fields,

the Holographic Templates of Sound-light and Scalar Waves that serve as the blueprints on which matter manifests.
KA - Light, THA - Sound, RA - One.
The Kathara Grid of the human body is the Core Holographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar-wave template, and all other levels of identity and form are built. It is the "Control Center" for manifestation of the Human Being.
The Kathara Grid is a fundamental structure of God-Source, and it is known as the Krist Code.

Kathara Grid

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It is geometrically structured as 12 Primary Kathara Centers connected by

It is geometrically structured as 12 Primary Kathara Centers connected by

15 Primary Kathara Lines.
t is the CORE level of scalar standing wave creation and energetic organization within and behind all dimensionalized systems, and is thus considered to be the Core of the Holographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar wave blueprint and all other dimensions of form anatomy are built.
The Kathara Grid is the causal element within all manifest effects of dimensionalization and consciousness.
The form of the Kathara Grid is reflected in the Macrocosm and the Microcosm of all manifestation.

Kathara Grid

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Soul Matrix Interdiminsional Structure

Soul Matrix

Interdiminsional Structure

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Human Identity and biology come into being as a projection of

Human Identity and biology come into being as a projection of

consciousness from the collective Cosmic Morphogenetic Field Identity (a massive gestalt of consciousness identity which is referred to by many names; God, Source, Prime Creator, Great Central Sun, etc, etc)
Human identity comes into being as a projection of consciousness arising from "God Consciousness". (God Source)
It is the result of a projection of consciousness which produces and, subsequently, manifest in the Morphogenetic Field (MF) of the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix systems.
The stream of consciousness through which humanity manifests emanates from the Scalar Grid or Scalar Field entering the 15-Dimensional system through the 8D (8th Dimension) portal , subsequently spreading upward and downward through all Dimensions of the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix.
This directly creates the morphogenetic blue print of the human multi-dimensional form.

Human Identity

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Understanding human nature requires more than just understanding the lower dimensions

Understanding human nature requires more than just understanding the lower dimensions

- simply due to the fact that true human anatomy is comprised by a multi-dimensionalized structure bridging various expressions of conscious identity.
Therefore, incarnate identity exists as one part of a large identity gestalt stationed in the higher bodies.
Higher dimensional identities represent more energy, and therefore more conscious awareness, than lower identities, representing the super conscious aspects of mind and being.
This consciousness in unseen, but IS manifest; each aspect simply lies beyond the human perceptual range (wherein lie the additional seven 'senses.

Human Identity

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The true process of human evolution is concerned solely with the

The true process of human evolution is concerned solely with the

incarnates' expansion of perceptual consciousness into higher dimensional fields which are outside the perceptual range of the human incarnate identity.
The higher bodies manifest as a direct function of human DNA; the content of which determines the life path, and circumstances, and contour, of conscious awareness that will manifest in each incarnation.
Higher bodies govern the blueprint on which human experience manifest as physically incarnate experience.
Merging these bodies (identities) represents the key to spiritual enlightenment, opening incarnate perception to higher level of consciousness.
This means progressively transmuting physical existence into progressively less dense states of matter (Density Level) - finally integrating all its dimensional parts, ultimately returning to its original state of pure consciousness identity.

Human Identity

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The Axi-a Tonal Lines are the points where rotating single-axis "flash-line

The Axi-a Tonal Lines are the points where rotating single-axis "flash-line

sequence" transmission lines form the embodied Seed Crystal Seals cross over and through each other to form 12 Primary Vertical Flow Lines in the body.
The Axi-a Tonal Lines create the web-work of energy by which the scalar-wave frequencies of the core Kathara Grid and DNA Template translate into the Chakra, Meridian-nadius Line (Hara Line) and chemical DNA systems.
Each Axi-a Tonal Lines corresponds to a Dimension, DNA Strand Template, Chakra, Seed and Star Crystal Seal and dimensional level of consciousness, and carries the color associated with the primary wave-length of the corresponding Dimension.

Axiatonal Lines

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ADN The Gene Code


The Gene Code

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Science does not yet recognize the true 12-Strand DNA of human

Science does not yet recognize the true 12-Strand DNA of human

potential (contained within the cellular material currently called "junk DNA")
The foundations of human DNA are minute templates of crystallized frequency, that is, electro-tonal sound patterns and electromagnetic light spectra that magnetically group into crystalline form.
These minute, multidimensional crystalline templates are referred to as DNA Seed Codes.
The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand, is composed of 12 magnetic particle units (Base Codes) and 12 electrical anti-particle units (Acceleration Codes)


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The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand, is

The DNA Seed Code, the template for one DNA strand, is

composed of 12 magnetic particle units (Base Codes) and 12 electrical anti-particle units (Acceleration Codes)
Each DNA strand is composed of the frequency patterns and light spectra of one dimensional band.
Everything out there is a holographic projection. Consciousness projects. We see the hologram because of what is held within our DNA.
Each DNA Strand represents a Fire Letter Code/Scalar-wave program sequence corresponding to 1 Dimensional Frequency Band  of consciousness/energy
All Aspects of human DNA are built upon this morphogenetic template of 12 Base Codes and 12 Acceleration Codes. (= 24 Seed Codes = 1 DNA strand)
Junk DNA is "no junk!" But instead part of the heritage that will one day led you back to the wholeness of your identity. 
The Reverse Mutation was a process of disassembling the DNA into pieces and left in the cells separated – creating what is now called the junk DNA.


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The human genome (the genetic material of an organism) is arranged

The human genome (the genetic material of an organism) is arranged

into 12 dimensionalized mathematical programs, each of which set the blueprint for one Double-helix chemical DNA Strand.
Each Double-helix strand blueprint is composed of 12 base-magnetic (Mion) "female" Base Codes and 12 base-electrical (Dion) "male" Acceleration Codes.
When the human genome is functioning naturally, the 12 Base Codes and 12
Acceleration Codes that hold the mathematical program for each Double-helix strand combine to form a set of 12 Vector Codes. (See: Silicate Matrix)
One Base Code + one Acceleration Code= 1 Vector Code.
The 12 Vector Codes of the human genome manifests as 12 NUCLEOTIDE BASE CHEMICALS that form the Nucleotide Base Pairs of which the chemical Double-helix DNA Strands are composed.
Due to the NDC-grid "Checkerboard Mutation" unnatural sonic control program in Earth's grids, only four Vector Codes have been active in biological Earth life since 25,500 BC, making the chemical DNA of Earth life falsely appear to be a "Base 4 Genetic Alphabet."


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The original human genetic imprint is called the Silicate Matrix or

The original human genetic imprint is called the Silicate Matrix or

Diamond Sun DNA Code, it is designed to manifest 12 strands of operable DNA, which allows for perception and embodiment of, and bodily transmutation-transmigration through, 12 dimensional fields and their corresponding levels of matter density.
The Silicate Matrix is the hidden evolutionary potential that presently lies dormant within the human genome (the genetic material of an organism) .
(The Tangible Structure of the Soul - Page 8)
On a personal level, the Silicate Matrix corresponds directly to the levels of identity, the chakra system, levels of auric field, the Hova Body anatomy, the operation of the Kee-ra-shA (Kundalini) energy and the formation of the Merkaba Vehicle.


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There are 12 dormant DNA codes corresponding to 12 Star Crystal

There are 12 dormant DNA codes corresponding to 12 Star Crystal

Seals and each code carries the frequencies and light spectra contained within the Star Crystal Seal.
These dormant gene codes allow for the separate DNA strands to "plug into each other", a condition necessary for Cellular Transmutation.
The 12 dormant gene codes corresponding to 12 of the 15 Star Crystal Seals are individually referred to as Genetic Time Codes,  Codes of Transmutation or Fire Codes.
Collectively, the 12 Fire Codes are known as the Silicate Matrix or the Crystal Gene. This is the original gene construction of the human organism.
Due to various genetic mutations, a very small percentage of humans presently carry the entire Silicate Matrix in the personal morphogenetic imprint for the DNA.
Through distortions within the DNA Seed Codes, the Fire Codes of the Silicate matrix break down and can no longer function.
Without the functional Silicate Matrix, the Star Crystal Seals of the bio-energetic body cannot activate and thus the body cannot achieve cellular transmutation and becomes locked within its dimensional space-time location.


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The Silicate Matrix contains the original 12-strand DNA code structure of

The Silicate Matrix contains the original 12-strand DNA code structure of

the original Taran-human prototype (the Turaneusiam). It presently exists within a number of humans as a latent genetic code sequence that must be brought into activation. Once activated, it allows for the progressive transmutation of form.
Not all humans carry this code, and not all code carriers can endure full activation, but those who carry this matrix (contained within the cellular material you currently call junk DNA) have the potential ability of accelerated evolution.
They possess within their genetic makeup the latent ability to transmute cellular structure, which will one day allow them to traverse the time portals and inter-dimensional passageways without deterioration of their biological form.
The “Junk DNA” is “no junk!” But instead part of the heritage that will one day led you back to the wholeness of your identity.

Silicate Matrix

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Ascencion Ascension Dynamics


Ascension Dynamics

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Ascension Dynamics The Earth is approaching a time continuum shift between

Ascension Dynamics
The Earth is approaching a time continuum shift between 5/5/2000-2017. 

continuum shift represents a literal planetary time acceleration.
Time acceleration constitute an increase in particle pulsation rhythm for the three-dimensional (HU-1) particle base of Earth.
The human body exists as an intrinsic part of the particle content of Earth. As Earth's particle base accelerates in pulsation rhythm, the particle that compose the human auric field will also increase in pulsation rhythm.
If the physical body and bio-neurological structure of the body are not prepared to synthesize the faster pulsation particles of the auric field, this time acceleration will manifest as acceleration of the cellular deterioration process. (See: Monadic Reversal)
For the body to retain its vitality through the Earth's time acceleration, the particle pulsation rhythm of the body's three-dimensional particle base must also increase
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Ascension Dynamics The Morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-energetic system

Ascension Dynamics
The Morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-energetic system of

the human body keep the body's particle base locked into the pulsation rhythms of dimensions 1-3 (HU-1).
In order to accelerate the pulsation rhythm of the body's particles, the Seed Crystal Seal must be release, to unlock the body particles from the pulsation rhythms of dimensions 1-3.
Seed Crystal Seals are opened by activation of the body's Morphogenetic Star Crystal Seals.
The Star Crystal Seals are activated by awakening the dormant morphogenetic chakra centers and drawing new frequency patterns through the chakra system into the Star Crystal Seals.
Activation and release of the Crystal Seals creates activation of the dormant Silicate Matrix DNA Fire Codes which in turn manufactures blood-crystal structures that raise the body's metabolic rate and prepare the body for cellular acceleration.
Stellar Activations and Wave Infusions are the process by which the Star Crystal Seals are activated and Stellar Spiral Alignment are the catalysis through which Stellar Activation can occur.
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Ascension Dynamics Humans who complete a minimum of 1.5 Stellar Activations

Ascension Dynamics
Humans who complete a minimum of 1.5 Stellar Activations will 

be able to raise the particle pulsation rate of the body sufficiently to avoid adverse effects of Earth's time acceleration.
The process of Dimensional Ascension and biological and planetary Evolution is the process of accretion or of drawing of successive multidimensional frequency bands into the morphogenetic field.
As the planetary body or human body evolves through frequency accretion, the energetic capsules within the Auric Field progressively undergo transmutation of form.
Once a morphogenetic field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the three dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, the energy capsules that correspond to these three lower dimensions begin to dissolve.
The particles contained within the dissolving auric capsules open into the auric capsules of the next three highest dimensions, in the next Harmonic Universe up.
This is the energetic dynamics by which forms and consciousness progressively evolve from one Harmonic Universe to the next
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Ascension Dynamics Earth and the human populations are now approaching a

Ascension Dynamics
Earth and the human populations are now approaching a series

of Stellar Activations, as part of Earth's natural 25.556-years Euiago cycle.
The Auric Field of the planet and those of Earth's populations will undergo transformation between 2000AD-2017AD.
In order to achieve Ascension to the Bridge Zone Earth and avoid becoming trapped in the D-3 time cycle, a minimum of one and one half personal Stellar Activations must take place.
In a normal Stellar Activation Cycle (SAC) as the Earth evolves, we would evolve with it, expanding our Morphogenetic Field and raising our pulsation rhythm of particle content until we could evolve into the Harmonic Universe 2 Time Cycles to become our Soul-Self Identity. 
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Ascencion Ascension Cycles


Ascension Cycles

Слайд 67

Ascension Cycles A set of evolutionary cycles in which the personal

Ascension Cycles
A set of evolutionary cycles in which the personal Shields

and Merkaba Fields progressively heal until the Christiac Divine Blueprint, Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System and Christos God-Spark Seed Atom are fully restored to their original form.
Following the successful completion of the
Ascension Cycle, the being returns to its organic Christiac Status and reenters the natural Eternal Life Cycles of Co-Creative Christed Mastery from which it originally fell.
Слайд 68

Ascencion Star Cycles


Star Cycles

Слайд 69

Ascencion The promise of Ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy

The promise of Ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy of

the human condition, the fulfillment of humanity's evolutionary blueprint.
The Freedom Tachings teach that the process of “Ascension” takes place through the organic structures of the “Interdimensional Universal Star-Gate System,” which is referred to as the “Universal Templar.”
The Freedom Teachings teach that “Ascension” happens via the organic process of atomic Transfiguration, through which a being is enabled to biologically engage natural multidimensional spiritual evolution back into wholeness, freedom and eternal-life expression.
Through the process of atomic Transfiguration — which involves very specific structures and processes inherent to the laws of multidimensional physics as they apply to human bio-spiritual anatomy — a human being can experience “Ascension Passage” into ever-greater states of multidimensional bio-spiritual evolution.
Слайд 70

Ascencion Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept design by the

Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept design by the minds

of man, it is a literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology within the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system.
You can go about your human lives, with your consciousness confined to the limitations presently imposed by your physical body, or you can learn the mechanics by which those limitations can be released, and begin to experience the reality of freedom that is the comprehension of yourself-as-soul.
Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly-faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework.
At the death of your physical body you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues.
All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through the 15-dimensional scale, to re-emerge as sentient identity within the realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. (See: Time Matrix and Dimension)
Immortality, freedom from death, disease and pain are the natural birthrights of your species.
Слайд 71

Ascencion This is a personal responsibility, and although Guardians from HU-2

This is a personal responsibility, and although Guardians from HU-2 (Harmonic

Universe-2) can assist in this process, the ultimate success of DNA building lies in the hands of the embodied consciousness who directs this process by the way in which personal energy is used and applied.
The process of Ascension is simply going "up", going up the dimensional scale by raising the particle pulsation rhythm of your body. It's a holy concept because that is what the concept of Spiritual Evolution really is about. As you do this you pull in more At-one-ment with your God/Source.
So Ascension is a religious concept and a scientific concept all at once.
The process of Dimensional Ascension and biological and planetary Evolution is the process of accretion or of drawing in successive multidimensional frequency bands into the morphogenetic field.
As the planetary body or human body evolves through frequency accretion, the energetic capsules within the Auric Field progressively undergo transmutation of form.
Слайд 72

Ascencion (Eiago) - Natural Cycle 26.556 anos -Two oportunities for ascencion

(Eiago) - Natural Cycle 26.556 anos
-Two oportunities for ascencion within

12 Cycles of 2.213 years
- 2000 (1st time 200.000 years)
D12 Frequency avaible to the Planet ( Christos Maharata Current)
12/21/2012 to 2022 open of Interdimensional Portals
12/21/2012 – 5th DNA Strand Activation – Avaible .
12/21/2012 – Opening of the Halls of Amenti.
Слайд 73

Ascencion 3 Paths / 3 Destinys : Minimum of 5th DNA

3 Paths / 3 Destinys :
Minimum of 5th DNA

Strand Activation
- Interdimensional Passage to TARA (HU2).
- Transportation to Tara (HU2)
Minimum of 4th DNA Strand Activation .
- Natural Death - Reborn in Tara (HU2) (New Body)
Those that don´t acitvate a minimum of 4th DNA Strand.
- Natural Death - reborn again in Terra(HU1), to do the same learning within the new Eiago(26556 years of evolution)
Слайд 74

Merkaba The Vehicle of Light


The Vehicle of Light

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Слайд 76

Mer: God Force Movement Ka: God Force Expression Ba: Vehicle Merkaba:

Mer: God Force Movement
Ka: God Force Expression
Ba: Vehicle
Merkaba: Expression of God

Force in Movement
Слайд 77

Слайд 78

A set of counter-rotating, electro-magnetic energy spirals. Energy moves from the

A set of counter-rotating, electro-magnetic energy spirals.
Energy moves from the

seven outer layers of the Auric Field (D-9 through D14) and into manifestation within dimensions 1-7, through the structure of Merkaba Fields.
Each form has fifteen dimensional Merkaba Fields, which hold its morphogenetic imprint intact within the 15-dimensional Unified Field.
Through the rotation  of the 15 Merkaba Fields, an energy structure in the form of an "egg" or capsule is formed within the dimensional Unified Field of each of the 15 dimensions.
Слайд 79

Слайд 80

So, how does life-force energy get from the acorn to the

So, how does life-force energy get from the acorn to the outermost

leaves on each branch?
How does Source project itself into every atom in existence?
The tree has an intricate yet elegantly simple network that moves from acorn root to trunk to branch to leaf.
Similarly, Source has created a network of communication by which it not only transmits energy from itself as Kristos to itself as every atom, but by which it, in turn, receives communication back from each expression of itself. Thus, the leaf gives to the acorn just as much as the acorn gives to the leaf.  This communication system of Source is known as Merkaba. 
In its most basic expression, Merkaba takes the form of two Counter-rotating Spirals which continually expand and contract the perpetual supply of renewed energy radiation into and out of manifestation i.e. out from and back into Source.     
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Слайд 82

Transduction Sequence

Transduction Sequence

Слайд 83

Through complex morphogenetic field dynamics known as the Transduction Sequence, frequency

Through complex morphogenetic field dynamics known as the Transduction Sequence, frequency

from the dimensional Unified Field of energy surrounding the body is drawn (accreted) into the morphogenetic imprint for the DNA, which begins progressive manifestation of the dormant strands imprints (through particle accretion) within the physical, operational gene code, as the dimensionalized conscious awareness within the Unified Field progressively enters embodiment, for growth and expansion of the physical body and consciousness.
This "Sacred Sequence" encompasses the very specific structures of multidimensional anatomy. mechanics of inter-dimensional physics & related functions of energy, consciousness & spirit by which manifestation occurs.

Transduction Sequence

Слайд 84


CONCIOUSNESS ----------»PARTIKI UNITS ----------»

CHAKRAS ---------------------»NADIAL CAPSULE

Transduction Sequence

Слайд 85

The Transduction Sequence, represents the phases consciousness passes through into dimensionalization

The Transduction Sequence, represents the phases consciousness passes through into dimensionalization

and the process by which conscious energy is transduced and changes form to enter the wave spectra within which perception of manifestation is possible The Primal Force Currents are the forms that Consciousness takes on in order to come into manifestation... these forces are made up of Partiki/Partika/Particum which are units of Consciousness that cycle in a specific way through all the levels of the anatomy in the Manifestation-
Transduction Sequence according to the Krist Code.
They are the fabric of the Unified Field and the substance of the Scalar Waves that form the Templates upon which matter and consciousness manifest

Transduction Sequence

Слайд 86

Transduction Sequence

Transduction Sequence

Слайд 87



Слайд 88

Bio-regenesis is a term that refers to a set of Technologies

Bio-regenesis is a term that refers to a set of Technologies

and Tools that assist us in accelerating our expansion of consciousness through the natural, gentle stimulation of the personal DNA TEMPLATE, Universal  KUNDALINI energies, CHAKRAS and MERKABA vehicle.
Bio-regenesis techniques are built upon the foundations of KEYLONTIC MORPHOGENETIC SCIENCE and advanced SCALAR MECHANICS, as understood by races of higher evolution and taught as "Common Knowledge" within the Ascension Schools of Pre-ancient advanced human cultures and were utilized as standard practice in  pre-ancient time periods.
Bio-regenesis Technologies are SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS OF CONSCIOUS ENERGY DIRECTION WITHIN THE MANIFESTATION TEMPLATE OF THE BODY that stimulate into activity dormant portions of the personal Manifestation Template, which allows for a natural progressive and accelerated advancement of the personal ORGANIC EVOLUTIONARY BLUEPRINT of the 12th dimensional Omni-polar Pre-matter Template.
Bio-regenesis Technologies simultaneously create subtle, natural acceleration within the interwoven energy systems of the DNA Template, Chakra System, Merkaba Fields, Kundalini Energies, higher dimensional consciousness, and "Subtle Energy Body" anatomy.


Слайд 89

Kathara Healing

Kathara Healing

Слайд 90

Bio-regenesis of Primal Order within the Organic Imprint for Health creates

 Bio-regenesis of Primal Order within the Organic Imprint for Health creates

True Healing and expedites the natural processes of human evolution.
If one is to become fluent in the art and science of Bio Spiritual Healing, it is necessary to become familiar with the primary structures of energy within which existence takes part.
Without this understanding one will be unable to identify the true nature of systems and their intrinsic functions. If we don't understand the intrinsic order of a system and the elements that make up its parts, our ability to comprehend the organic functions of the system will be limited, as well as our comprehension of the causal elements behind the apparent observable effects.

Kathara Healing

Слайд 91

The KATHARA Bio-spiritual Healing System is the keystone teaching at the

The KATHARA Bio-spiritual Healing System is the keystone teaching at the

center of a huge body of material, all generically called the "Freedom Teachings", these are translated (not channeled) from Pre-ancient, Pre-atlantean, "Law of One" Maharata Texts, traces of which appear in various forms within many popular paradigms associated with "Ascension", "Merkaba", "Healing" and Personal Spiritual Empowerment.
The tangible difference between popular paradigms and KATHARA is the self-evident, and utterly profound sense of depth, breadth, and sheer "rightness" that the materials inherently demonstrate; and to a degree truly beyond comparison.
So much so, that immense new scope is now available to develop evermore robust patterns for dramatic personal healing, growth and consciousness expansion.
KATHARA reveals the Anatomy of Creation, Core Structure, the blueprints and interconnectedness of all matter forms reaching far beyond the framework of all other holistic Healing Modalities while still embracing them fully.The KATHARA framework enables the Core Programming Center of all life and all life conditions, to be directly accessed, to provide restoration, revitalization and regeneration of the natural, Divine, imprint for health. (Divine Blueprint)

Kathara Healing

Слайд 92

Other energetic holistic systems utilize various "different" levels of the Morphogenetic

Other energetic holistic systems utilize various "different" levels of the Morphogenetic

Field, from the Chakras and Bio-energetic Auric Field, to Meridians and Axiom A & B tonal lines, to facilitate healing limited only to the level of the blueprints of physical form.
The KATHARA Healing works with the core of manifest structure, it is highly compatible with all other Holistic, Traditional and Spiritual Healing systems, serving to amplify, intensify and harmonize the beneficial effects of multiple healing system combinations.
However, where numbered dimensional structure is held to be critical to the modality, some practitioners may suppose, initially, that compatibility may be more limited than is in fact the case.
Many Energetic Healing Systems that employ the framework of numbered dimensional structure do not fully acknowledge the intrinsic morphogenetic structure of the dimensional framework itself and therefore often confuse dimensional sub-harmonics and sub-frequency bands as full dimensional spectra

Kathara Healing