Placement and routing guidelines for Power Electronics Devices


Слайд 2

Lecture plan Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of Layers

Lecture plan

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE devices.

loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 3

Current position: 1/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 1/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 4

PCB design for PE devices. Why is it so important? Improper

PCB design for PE devices. Why is it so important?

Improper PCB

design leads to:
"unstable" switching waveforms and jittering,
audible noise from the magnetic components,
ringing, crosstalk, ground bounce,
PCB design can lead good scheme to fail.
but even best PCB design can’t improve bad schematic solution.
Слайд 5

Planning the layout. Each PE device contains power part and control

Planning the layout.

Each PE device contains power part and control scheme.

part - DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/AC.
Control - measure parameters and generate signals.
Type of signals in the PE devices:
analog – measured values (control) - victims,
digital – control signals, interface with the environment (PC, memory, etc.) – aggressors/victims,
power – DC or AC, sine, pulse - aggressors.
Слайд 6

Planning the layout. Do we need to separate power and control

Planning the layout.

Do we need to separate power and control on

to two different PCB’s?
device characteristics?
Слайд 7

Planning the layout.

Planning the layout.

Слайд 8

Current position: 2/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 2/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 9

Single-board PCB layout. Power part location should be done at the

Single-board PCB layout.

Power part location should be done at the first

stage of PCB layout.
“Rooms” in CAD like Altium Designer can significantly improve PCB layout efficiency.
Power part is a one of the most complex part of the PE device.
Слайд 10

Single-board PCB layout. Typical PCB layout of the single-board PE device.

Single-board PCB layout.

Typical PCB layout of the single-board PE device.

Слайд 11

Single-board PCB layout. High speed components (both analog and digital) need

Single-board PCB layout.

High speed components (both analog and digital) need to

be placed as close as possible to external connectors (if required)!
Analog and digital signals in an ideal case should never run parallel to each other at a small distance!
Слайд 12

Current position: 3/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 3/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 13

Stack of layers – 1, 2 or more? 1-layer PCB: Most

Stack of layers – 1, 2 or more?

1-layer PCB:
Most sensitive to

crosstalk and another EMI.
Need to use Jumpers.
2-layer PCB:
Better than 1-layer – more space for traces/components.
More resistant to EMI.
Plane layers are possible, but not fully realizable.
BGA components is not eligible.
Слайд 14

Stack of layers – 1, 2 or more? Multi-layer PCB: Better

Stack of layers – 1, 2 or more?

Multi-layer PCB:
Better than 2-layer

– more space for traces.
Best resistance to EMI (around +20dB compared to 2-layer).
Plane layers are fully realizable.
All type of components are eligible.
Additional cost and design time.
Слайд 15

Stack of layers – 1, 2 or more? Conclusion: 1-layer PCBs

Stack of layers – 1, 2 or more?

1-layer PCBs – exceptional

2-layer PCBs – in case of cost-limited projects.
Multi-layer PCBs – in typical high-performance cases.
Слайд 16

Desirable stack of layers Typical stack of 4-layers PCB

Desirable stack of layers

Typical stack of 4-layers PCB

Слайд 17

Desirable stack of layers Typical stack of 6-layers PCB

Desirable stack of layers

Typical stack of 6-layers PCB

Слайд 18

Current position: 4/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 4/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 19

Important features of power part Highest currents and voltages in the

Important features of power part

Highest currents and voltages in the device

ever – mA and V or A and kV.
Traces width and clearances should be wide enough!
Large current pulses with sharp edges.
Sharp edges leads to electromagnetic interference (EMI).
PCB designer must pay attention to the each switching circuits in PE device – identify, place components and properly route traces!
Слайд 20

Buck Converter

Buck Converter

Слайд 21

Current loops ordered by EMI generation in power conv. 1. Power

Current loops ordered by EMI generation in power conv.

1. Power switch

loop – maximum attention!
2. Rectifier loop – maximum attention!
3. Input source loop.
4. Output load loop.
Слайд 22

Boost converter

Boost converter

Слайд 23

Transformer Isolated Flyback Converter

Transformer Isolated Flyback Converter

Слайд 24

The first rule for PE devices PCB design. 1. The pulse

The first rule for PE devices PCB design.

1. The pulse loop

circumference must be as short as possible.
traces with pulsating current must be as short and wide as possible.
Trace resistance and inductance improvement.
EMI improvement (ΔU=L·di/dt).
Efficiency improvement (Ptrace=I2R).
Слайд 25

PCB layout for buck converter. Red – power switch loop, blue

PCB layout for buck converter.

Red – power switch loop, blue –

rectifier loop.

cross select mode and PCB panel in AD!

Слайд 26

Red – rectifier loop, black – load loop. Output Rectifier Loop in Flyback Converter

Red – rectifier loop, black – load loop.

Output Rectifier Loop

in Flyback Converter
Слайд 27

Parallel C Filter Layout

Parallel C Filter Layout

Слайд 28

Parallel C Filter Layout PCB layout between each capacitor and source

Parallel C Filter Layout

PCB layout between each capacitor and source in

multi-component filter must be as identical as possible!
Non-identical layout will lead to different current sharing and will reduce capacitor lifespan (mean time between failures, MTBF).
Слайд 29

Current position: 5/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 5/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 30

Grounding in the PE devices. Types of ground in power convertor

Grounding in the PE devices.

Types of ground in power convertor devices:

ground with high current (DC, AC and pulse).
Signal ground in controller and feedback part.
Analog ground for feedback.
Digital ground for controller (MCU, DSP or FPGA device).
Main rule: “separate ground for high-current and signal part”!
Слайд 31

Grounding in buck converter Red – control ground, blue – power ground.

Grounding in buck converter

Red – control ground, blue – power ground.

Слайд 32

Control and power ground connection. Rules of thumb for grounding in

Control and power ground connection.

Rules of thumb for grounding in PE

Feedback ground must be connected with power ground near the negative pin of output capacitor.
If control IC has separated (power and control) ground, these pins must be routed separately and connected to the current sensing resistor that measure power switch current.
Слайд 33

Grounding in flyback converter

Grounding in flyback converter

Слайд 34

Current position: 6/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 6/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 35

Current sensor resistor PCB layout consideration The best characteristic provides 4-wire

Current sensor resistor PCB layout consideration

The best characteristic provides 4-wire Kelvin

Example of using 2-wire resistors as 4-wire Kelvin
Слайд 36

Current sensor resistor PCB layout consideration Sensing trace should be placed

Current sensor resistor PCB layout consideration

Sensing trace should be placed on opposite

layer and connect to pad by using vias.
Example of measurement for different connection types (by Analog Devices paper* data):

* Marcus O’Sullivan. Optimize High-Current Sensing Accuracy by Improving Pad Layout of Low-Value Shunt Resistors. Analog Dialogue. Volume 46. June 2012

Слайд 37

Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices For minimization of

Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices

For minimization of ESL

and ESR Pad configuration for SMD components must be:
Without thermal connection.
With vias as close as possible to pad.
With sufficient number of vias in case of changing layer near the pad.
SMD pad without thermal relief could cause soldering problem!
Слайд 38

Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices Examples of Pad configuration:

Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices

Examples of Pad configuration:

Слайд 39

Current position: 7/7 Planning the layout. Single-board PCB layout. Placement of

Current position: 7/7

Planning the layout.
Single-board PCB layout.
Placement of Layers for PE

Current loops in Power Electronics Devices.
Grounding in the PE devices.
Land Patterns for SMD components in PE devices.
Control scheme layout consideration.
Слайд 40

Mixed-signal grounding Mixed-signal components: External DAC and ADC, MCU with DAC/ADC

Mixed-signal grounding

Mixed-signal components:
External DAC and ADC, MCU with DAC/ADC on board.

in mixed-signal components – the main question:
Some pins – digital, another ones – analog?
Слайд 41

Mixed-signal grounding Mixed-signal components: External DAC and ADC, MCU with DAC/ADC

Mixed-signal grounding

Mixed-signal components:
External DAC and ADC, MCU with DAC/ADC on board.

in mixed-signal components – the main question:
Some pins – digital, another ones – analog?
Слайд 42

Digital and Analog Ground Bed design: Digital (“dirty”) and analog (“clean”)

Digital and Analog Ground

Bed design:
Digital (“dirty”) and analog (“clean”) ground are

common – AGND bouncing.
Слайд 43

Digital and Analog Ground Good design: Digital and analog ground are separated.

Digital and Analog Ground

Good design:
Digital and analog ground are separated.

Слайд 44

Digital and Analog Ground Planes for ground in control circuits of

Digital and Analog Ground

Planes for ground in control circuits of power

electronic devices should improve EMC of control circuit.
4-layer PCB (sig - VCC– GND - sig) is a typical solution for the control board.
VCC and GND planes provide additional distributed capacitance for control board power supply.
Слайд 45

Mixed-signal grounding – single PCB “Star” grounding in the control part

Mixed-signal grounding – single PCB

“Star” grounding in the control part of

single-board PE device – Analog Device advice.

Слайд 46

Mixed-signal grounding – single PCB “Star” grounding in the control part

Mixed-signal grounding – single PCB

“Star” grounding in the control part f

single-board PE device – Linear Technology AppNote.
Слайд 47

Mixed-signal grounding – multi-board PCB Grounding techniques for single-board PE devices

Mixed-signal grounding – multi-board PCB

Grounding techniques for single-board PE devices are

not optimum for multi-board devices.
Multi-board grounding techniques are depend on
Low digital currents.
High digital currents.
Provide additional ground pin in the connectors.
Recommend allocate 30-40% connector pins to GND.
Separate digital and analog signals by ground pins.
Слайд 48

Mixed-signal grounding Small digital currents:

Mixed-signal grounding

Small digital currents:

Слайд 49

Mixed-signal grounding Small digital currents:

Mixed-signal grounding

Small digital currents:

Слайд 50

Mixed-signal grounding High digital currents:

Mixed-signal grounding

High digital currents:

Слайд 51

Bypass Capacitors Noise on power line caused by switching digital components

Bypass Capacitors

Noise on power line caused by switching digital components is

shunted through the bypass capacitor, reducing the effect it has on the rest of the circuit.
Слайд 52

Bypass Capacitors Bypass capacitor should be connected to the power pins

Bypass Capacitors

Bypass capacitor should be connected to the power pins of

the digital components as close as possible!