
Слайд 2

Lecture 26 Precipitation

Lecture 26 Precipitation

Слайд 3

Water drops and ice crystals falling out or any product of

Water drops and ice crystals falling out
any product of the

condensation of atmospheric water vapor that is pulled down by gravity and deposited on the Earth's surface
is called
Amount of precipitation is measured by
the thickness of the liquid water layer that could be formed after precipitation fall out on a horizontal surface.
1 mm= 1 kg/m2


Слайд 4

Hydrometeor The term meteor describes an object from outer space which


The term meteor describes an object from outer space which has

entered the Earth's atmosphere and produces a light phenomenon
Слайд 5

The amount of Precipitation falling out per a unit of time

The amount of Precipitation falling out per a unit of time

is called
Precipitation intensity
mm/s (rare),
mm/h (forecasts),
mm/ month (climatologically texts)

Forms of Precipitation:
ice pellets (шарик,гранула),
drizzle (r< 0.25 mm)

Слайд 6

Liquid drops formed on the surfaces after water vapor condensation against

Liquid drops formed on the surfaces after water vapor condensation against

chilled surfaces.
Over thin blades of grass and leaves at night

In England sleet is defined as a mixture of rain and snow, or melting snow.

Слайд 7

Rain, snow, or ice pellets may fall steadily or in showers.

Rain, snow, or ice pellets may fall steadily or in showers.

Steady precipitation may be intermittent (перемежающийся) though lacking sudden bursts of intensity.
Hail, small hail, and snow pellets occur only in showers.
Drizzle, snow grains, and ice crystals occur as steady precipitation.
Showers originate from instability clouds of the cumulus family, whereas
steady precipitation originates from stratiform clouds.
Слайд 8

All precipitation types are called hydrometeors, of which additional forms are

All precipitation types are called hydrometeors, of which additional forms are

clouds, fog, wet haze, mist, blowing snow, and spray. Whenever rain or drizzle freezes on contact with the ground to form a solid coating of ice, it is called
freezing rain,
freezing drizzle,
or glazed frost;
it is also called an ice storm or a glaze storm, and sometimes is popularly known as
silver thaw (оттепель) or
erroneously (ошибочно) as a sleet storm.
Слайд 9

Duration of precipitation Brief -Short duration. Intermittent -Precipitation which ceases at

Duration of precipitation
Brief -Short duration.
Intermittent -Precipitation which ceases at times.
Occasional -Precipitation which while not

frequent, is recurrent.
Frequent -Showers occurring regularly and often.
Continuous -Precipitation which does not cease, or ceases only briefly.
Periods of rain -Rain is expected to fall most of the times, but there will be breaks.
Distribution of showers and precipitation
Few- Indicating timing and not area.
Isolated -Showers which are well separated in space during a given period.
Local -Restricted to relatively small areas.
Patchy- Occurring irregularly distributed over an area.
Scattered -Irregularly distributed over an area. Showers, which while not widespread, can occur anywhere in an area. Implies a slightly greater incidence than isolated.
Widespread -Occurring extensively throughout an area.
Слайд 10

Can you guess the shape of raindrops? They are actually shaped

Can you guess the shape of raindrops?
They are actually

shaped like hamburgers! As they fall, the air pushes on the bottoms of the drops, causing the bottoms to flatten out while the tops remain round.


Слайд 11



Слайд 12

1- avearge values of cloud thickness 2- downpour precipitation is not included

1- avearge values of cloud thickness 2- downpour precipitation is not included

Слайд 13

http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleprecipitation.html Precipitation rates vary geographically and over time


Precipitation rates vary geographically and over time

Слайд 14

Precipitation size and speed http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleprecipitation.html

Precipitation size and speed


Слайд 15

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga In meteorology, virga is an observable streak or shaft

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga

In meteorology, virga is an observable streak or shaft of precipitation

that falls from a cloud but evaporates before reaching the ground.
At high altitudes the precipitation falls mainly as ice crystals before melting and finally evaporating; this is usually due to compressional heating, because the air pressure increases closer to the ground.
It is very common in the desert and in temperate climates.
Слайд 16

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga Virga can cause varying weather effects, because as rain

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga
Virga can cause varying weather effects, because as rain is changed

from liquid to vapor form, it removes heat from the air due to the high heat of vaporization of water.
In some instances, these pockets of colder air can descend rapidly, creating a dry microburst which can be extremely hazardous to aviation. Conversely, precipitation evaporating at high altitude can compressionally heat as it falls, and result in a gusty downburst which may substantially and rapidly warm the surface temperature. This fairly rare phenomenon, a heat burst, also tends to be of exceedingly dry air.
Virga also has a role in seeding storm cells whereby small particles from one cloud are blown into neighboring supersaturated air and act as nucleation particles for the next thunderhead cloud to begin forming
Virga can produce dramatic and beautiful scenes, especially during a red sunset. The red light can be caught by the streamers of falling precipitation, and winds may push the bottom ends of the virga so it falls at an angle, making the clouds appear to have commas attached.
Слайд 17

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga The word virga is derived from Latin, twig or

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga
The word virga is derived from Latin, twig or branch. A

backronym sometimes found in amateur discussions of meteorology is "Variable Intensity Rain Gradient Aloft."
Extraterrestrial occurrences
Sulfuric acid rain in the atmosphere of Venus evaporates before reaching the ground due to the high heat near the surface. Similarly, virga happens on gas giant planets such as Jupiter. In September 2008 NASA's Phoenix lander discovered a snow variety of virga falling from Martian clouds.
Слайд 18

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga

Virga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virga

Слайд 19

Слайд 20

1- w.v. supersaturation with respect to cloud droplet surface 2- w.v.

1- w.v. supersaturation with respect to cloud droplet surface
2- w.v. condensation

3- if ice crystal appears ? distillation
4- coalescence /coagulation begins as droplet
r= 20…60 micrometers
result of different downward W) ? gravitational coagulation;
eddy and Brownian movements ? … coagulation;

Processes of cloud element enlargement and precipitation formation

Слайд 21

Coagulation ? rain drop, ice crystal grow up to few mm,

Coagulation ?
rain drop, ice crystal grow up to few mm,

snowflakes, hailstones –up to few cm
Rate of droplet enlargement due to coagulation ~ r
Rate of droplet enlargement due to condensation ~ 1/r
Слайд 22

Precipitation from stratiform clouds. Scheme of formation

Precipitation from stratiform clouds. Scheme of formation

Слайд 23

The rate of fall for solid and liquid particles in the

The rate of fall for solid and liquid particles in the


Atm. Particle is affected by:
external forces (gravity, electrostatic, buoyancy…)
air resistance force
force of interaction between particles
According to the 2 nd Newton’s law

Слайд 24

According to Stocks law for ball like particles (26.2) is valid

According to Stocks law for ball like particles
(26.2) is valid for

low Reynolds number Re*<3
According to experiments
(26.3) is correct for 3 < Re < 400
Слайд 25

dimensionless numberdimensionless number, gives a measure of the ratiodimensionless number, gives

dimensionless numberdimensionless number, gives a measure of the ratiodimensionless number, gives

a measure of the ratio of inertial forcesdimensionless number, gives a measure of the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and consequently quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces for given flow conditions.
laminar flow occurs at low Reynolds numbers, where viscous forces are dominant, and is characterized by smooth, constant fluid motion;
while turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers and is dominated by inertial forces, which tend to produce chaotic eddies occurs at high Reynolds numbers and is dominated by inertial forces, which tend to produce chaotic eddies, vortices and other flow instabilities.
V  is the mean velocity of the object relative to the fluid (SI units: m/s)
L is a characteristic linear dimension, (travelled length of the fluid; hydraulic diameter when dealing with river systems) (m)
μ is the dynamic viscosityμ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s or N·s/m² or kg/(m·s))
ν is the kinematic viscosity (ν = μ / ρ) (m²/s)
is the density of the fluid (kg/m³)
Слайд 26

Ball-like particle fall under influence of gravity, small Re External force=

Ball-like particle fall under influence of gravity, small Re
External force= gravity

+ buoyancy forces
Acting downward acting upward air density
Слайд 27

Owing to the fact that F and G are directed along

Owing to the fact that F and G are directed along

vertical line,
Using (26.2) and (26.5) :
Слайд 28

Steady state motion ? dV/dt=0 Vs is a speed of steady

Steady state motion ? dV/dt=0
Vs is a speed of steady state

So, Vs ~ r2 at small Re (or small r)
Слайд 29

Unsteady motion ? dV/dt ≠ 0 let’s use an eq-on of

Unsteady motion ? dV/dt ≠ 0
let’s use an eq-on of

the particle motion
Since V=dx/dt, after integrating (26.10)
Слайд 30

At t=τ V ↓ in e times as compared with V0

At t=τ V ↓ in e times as compared with V0

? physical meaning of relaxation time
All above is true for ball-like particle