Sport Ambiance v2 Website and application redesign


Слайд 2

Overall scope

Overall scope

Слайд 3

Overall technical deck Joomla is recommended as CMS option Joomla 3.4

Overall technical deck

Joomla is recommended as CMS option
Joomla 3.4 or higher

must be used
The Joomsport plugin v4.0.19 or higher must be leveraged
This document only captures the expected functionalities
The look and feel of the front end pages is out of scope for this deck
Слайд 4



Слайд 5

Editorial pages

Editorial pages

Слайд 6

Editorial pages Editorial pages must all be fully manageable via the

Editorial pages

Editorial pages must all be fully manageable via the Backoffice

(author roles)
Authors should not be allowed to add/remove pages
They can however edit the content of pages and push them online/offline
All editorial pages are proposed with an initial display template
Authors can modify the content but also the look & feel
Ideally, there should be a locked and archived version of each original page template
Слайд 7

1st category : Action caritatives

1st category : Action caritatives

Слайд 8

2nd category : A propos

2nd category : A propos

Слайд 9

League manager

League manager

Слайд 10

League manager The league manager enables the admins and moderators to

League manager

The league manager enables the admins and moderators to organize

championships and other type of events
Only the championships are documented in this brief
All front end pages related to the league manager must be page types supported by the Joomsport plugin
Some custom page types may have to be created within the plugin


Слайд 11

Fairplay points After each match, each team must be able to

Fairplay points

After each match, each team must be able to attribute

fairplay points to the other one
Fairplay points are given based on multiple dimensions
The different dimensions and the maximum of points attributed for each is to be confirmed
The list and max value of the dimensions must be configurable
It is recommended to create extra fields on top of the team entity to manage fairplay points
Fairplay points attribution must be doe through the match details form
The calculation of the average fairplay points for each team can only be trigerred by the administrators
Administrators are allowed to add or remove points on the average fairplay score (maximum to be confirmed)
The bonus points mecanism offered by Joomsport can be used as a basis
This feature must be available in the following way :
In the « Moderator » section for edit
In Joomla administration panel ? Joomsport component management for review/validation by Administrators
The fairplay points must be displayed on the ranking tables :


Слайд 12

Player data Each field could be set public or private by

Player data

Each field could be set public or private by the

moderator/admin individually for each player


Слайд 13

Team data Done

Team data


Слайд 14

Venues data surface de votre terrain (optionel) ville de votre terrain adresse du terrain Done

Venues data

surface de votre terrain (optionel)
ville de votre terrain
adresse du terrain


Слайд 15

Match postponing Joomsport already provides a way to reschedule matches on

Match postponing

Joomsport already provides a way to reschedule matches on another

This is done via Joomla Administration by administrators
However, the client needs to be able to bring this postponing feature to Moderators as well
This needs to be made available for Moderators
All postponing request will still have to be validated by administrator
Postponing matches must be allowed only a limited number of occurrences for one same team during a season
Number to be configurable
The number of postponed matches per team is to be reflected on the season ranking page


Слайд 16

Exports It must be feasible to generate extracts from the database


It must be feasible to generate extracts from the database for

the below elements :
It must be able to trigger extracts from the backoffice by administrators
Players extract must be ready for import into AcyMailing as users


Слайд 17

All stars votes A voting mechanism must be available to identify

All stars votes

A voting mechanism must be available to identify best

The vote period is started and ended only by administrators
The best players pool is composed of :
1 goal keeper
4 defenders
4 attackers
Each team can only vote once
Each team vote is composed of
2 gatekeepers
5 defenders
5 attackers
The vote results must be available on the All stars page and available for all the website visitors


Слайд 18

Newsletter Administrators need to be able to trigger emails via AcyMailing


Administrators need to be able to trigger emails via AcyMailing
Emails can

be sent to :
All database
Joomsport Moderators are available trough AcyMailing by default
Joomsport Players must be imported into AcyMailing using the player export described on slide #16


Слайд 19

Messaging It must be possible for logged-in mediators to send messages


It must be possible for logged-in mediators to send messages to

This feature must be made available within the Moderation section
All administrators will be notified at once


Слайд 20

Updates needed on Joomsport pages and modules

Updates needed on Joomsport pages and modules

Слайд 21

Championship ranking page The fairplay points must be displayed on this

Championship ranking page

The fairplay points must be displayed on this page

as well
Currently, it is possible to define which lines must be highlighted on the ranking table
Top 2 lines are defined to be highlighted in green
Lower 2 lines in red
It is not possible to define specific line highlighting per group
It must now be possible to define highlighting rules for each group
Слайд 22

Championship teams page Currently, the championship team page returns all teams

Championship teams page

Currently, the championship team page returns all teams for

one season in bulk
There is no way to filter through pools
It must now be possible to filter the teams by group
Слайд 23

Championship mediators page Fairplay points management must be added to the mediator section

Championship mediators page

Fairplay points management must be added to the mediator
