
Слайд 2

. Indications: Inflammatory and is degenerate-dystrophic diseases of joints with the


Indications: Inflammatory and is degenerate-dystrophic diseases of joints with the expressed

painful syndrome (arthritises, artroses),
consequences of traumas and damages of osteomuscular system,
inflammatory diseases of peripheral nerves (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis),
bronchitis, pleurisy, biliary dyskinesia, prostatitis, diseases of eyes, trophic ulcers.
Contraindications: malignant new growths,
active tuberculosis,
neuroculatory dystonia,
Ischemic cardiac disease: stenocardia 3-4,
Слайд 3

TECHNIQUE of CARRYING out of PROCEDURE: On a skin in an

On a skin in an

influence zone put oils or gels, an ultrasonic head establish in a projection of the amazed body and smoothly move circular motions without a separation from a skin.
At influence on a part of a body of difficult configurations (joints of foot, a brush) carry out procedure in a bath with water or through a rubber sack with water. Duration of procedure makes 10-15 minutes, the course of 8-12 procedures,
if necessary a repeated course appoint in 2-3 months.
Слайд 4

Medicinal phonophoresis – influence on an organism of ultrasonic fluctuations and

Medicinal phonophoresis – influence on an organism of ultrasonic fluctuations and

medicinal substances entered with their help.
Molecules of medicinal substances get the big mobility and move to depth of tissues, the ultrasound raises permeability of a skin.
Activity of particles a substances it is maximum at use of 5-10 % of solutions.
Quantity entered into an organism drugs depends on frequency of ultrasonic fluctuations: the it is less, the it is more quantity of an entered medicine and duration of influence.
Ultrasonic fluctuations increase medical effects of medicines and as weaken their side-effects.
Слайд 5

Indications: are defined taking into account pharmacological effects of entered medicinal

Indications: are defined taking into account pharmacological effects of entered medicinal

substance and indications for ultrasonic therapy. Contra-indications: besides contra-indications for ultrasonic therapy, concern them allergic reactions to entered preparations. A carrying out technique: Procedures may be making two basic ways: contact and incontact. At a contact way on an influence zone put a medicine in the form of solutions, suspensions and ointments, and then establish a radiator and move it without a separation from a skin surface (a labile technique). At incontact way phonophoresis makes in a bath with a solution of drugs in the decontaminated water at temperature 35-36 dedree. Izluchatel move circular motions on distance of 1-2 sm from a skin surface.
Слайд 6

INFRARED IRRADIATION - Infrared irradiation leads to local rise the temperature

- Infrared irradiation leads to local rise the temperature of

a skin on 1-2 S., hyperemia, of the irradiated skin.
- The local blood flow and the volume of blood circulating in tissues increase.
Metabolic processes are accelerated, it lead to migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and lymphocytes in the lesion focus center in subacute and chronic phases.
Dehydration of the inflammatory focus.
Activation of proliferation and differentiation of fibroblasts lead to acceleration of granulation of wounds and trophic ulcers.
Infrared irradiation stimulates regeneration and is effective at final stages of development of inflammatory process.
Слайд 7

Indications: subacute and chronic unpurulent diseases, burns, freezing injuries, delayed healing

Indications: subacute and chronic unpurulent diseases, burns, freezing injuries, delayed healing

of wounds and ulcers, diseases of peripheral nervous system with a painful syndrome (myositis, neuralgia), consequences of traumas. Contra-indications: acute inflammatory diseases, stroke, vegetative dysfunctions, cancer. Technique of carrying out of procedure: the Reflector of an infrared irradiation is established on distance by of 30-100 sm from an irradiated surface. Duration of influence of 15-30 minutes, daily or twice a day, a course of 15-20 procedures, a repeated course in 1 month.
Слайд 8

Long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (LWU): Stimulates processes of formation of melanin in

Long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (LWU):
Stimulates processes of formation of melanin in

Leads to activation of adrenocorticotropic and melanocyte-stimulating hormones of hypophysis, which regulate activity of adrenal glands.
Leads to formation of the immune answer (on influence of LWU in a skin there is destruction of proteins, which are antigenes. Antigenes combine with Langerhans cell. This complexes move in lymph nodes, where stimulate T-helpers and then V-lymphocytes, in lead to formation lymphoquins and antimediators of inflammation).
Слайд 9

Indication: acute Inflammatory diseases (especially respiratory system), diseases of joints and

acute Inflammatory diseases (especially respiratory system),
diseases of joints and

burns and freezing injuries,
delayed healing of wounds and ulcers,
skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seborrhea. CONTRA-INDICATIONS: cancer, diseases of a liver and kidneys with functional deficiency, hyperthyrosis, hypersensibility to ultraviolet irradiation.
Technique of carrying out of procedure: use the general and local irradiation. The distance from a source to a body not less than 10-15 sm. Eyes of the patient are protected by special points. Procedure begin with minimum suberythemal doses, increasing to erythemal,
a course is 12-15 procedures.
Слайд 10

Mean-wave ultraviolet irradiation (MWU): Raises education Ig A, M, E and

Mean-wave ultraviolet irradiation (MWU):
Raises education Ig A, M, E and

BAS (activation T-helpers and V-lymphocytes),
increases quantity of functioning capillaries and arteriols, raises speed of a local blood flow,
stimulates education vitamin D,
suppresses an infiltrative phase of an inflammation and stimulates a proliferative phase,
reduces a painful syndrome,
raises contractile ability of a myocardium (a local irradiation), improves mucociliary clearance,
stimulates hemopoiesis,
Improves gastric secretion,
raises secretional ability of kidneys.
Repeated ultraviolet irradiations activate barrier function of a skin, lower it cool sensitivity and raise resistance to action of toxic substances. Use suberythemal and erythemal doses.
Слайд 11

INDICATIONS: acute and subacute inflammatory diseases (especially respiratory system), consequences of

INDICATIONS: acute and subacute inflammatory diseases (especially respiratory system),
consequences of

traumas and damages of osteomuscular system, disease of peripheral nervous system with the expressed painful syndrome (radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, myositis),
diseases of joints and bones,
D-hypovitaminosis, anemia,
an erysipelatous inflammation,
alimentary adiposity of 1 degree.
diseases of a liver and kidneys with expressed functional deficiency, hyperthyrosis,
hypersensibility to ultraviolet irradiation,
Слайд 12

Technique of carrying out of procedure: use the general and local

Technique of carrying out of procedure: use the general and local

irradiation. At the general method irradiate serially forward, back and lateral surfaces of a body of the patient. Course of 15-25 days.
At local influence use an irradiation on a site the area no more than 600 sq. Repeated irradiations make in 2-3 days with increase of a dose of an irradiation on 25-50 %, the same site is irradiated 3-4 times.
A repeated course prescribe in 1 month (local) and in 2-3 months (general).
Слайд 13

Short-wave ultraviolet irradiation (SWU): leads to an inactivation and destruction of

Short-wave ultraviolet irradiation (SWU):
leads to an inactivation and destruction of structure

of microorganisms and mushrooms.
On irradiating of blood
the quantity oxyhemoglobin increases,
there are radicals, neutralized toxic substances.
reduces aggregation of erythrocytes and thrombocytes, increases quantity of antibodies A, M, G,
raises bactericidal activity of blood.
Medical effects: bactericidal and mycocidal (at an irradiation of a skin and mucous), immunomodulatory, catabolatory, hypocoagulatory (on irradiating of blood).
Слайд 14

INDICATIONS: acute and suvacute inflammatory diseases of a skin and a

INDICATIONS: acute and suvacute inflammatory diseases of a skin and a

epipharynx, internal ear,
skin tuberculosis.
The blood irradiation is used at purulent inflammatory processes (carbuncle, abscess, osteomyelitis, trophic ulcers), a pneumonia, bacterial endocarditis, salpingitis, pyelonephritis, erysipelatous inflammation.
CONTRA-INDICATIONS: cancer, SLE, hypersensibility to ultraviolet irradiation,
On irradiating of blood
thrombocytopenia, hypocoagulation, stroke,
diseases of a liver and kidneys with expressed functional deficiency,
Atrophic arthritis, in acute period of a heart attack
Слайд 15

Technique of carrying out of procedure: Use a local irradiation of

Technique of carrying out of procedure:
Use a local irradiation of

the skin and mucous.
Duration of procedure 30-40 second (mucous).
The skin irradiation the area no more than 600 sq. sm. with increase of a dose of an irradiation on 25-50 % in a current 40-60 sec, the same site is irradiated with 3-4 times. The course of 15-25 procedures, repeated irradiations appoint in 1 month. Duration of an irradiation of blood doesn't exceed 10-15 minutes, a course of 7-9 procedures, repeated irradiations appoint in 3-6 months.
Слайд 16

HELIOTHERAPY medical application of sunlight (solar baths). Activation of cellular and

medical application of sunlight (solar baths).
Activation of cellular and humoral immunity.

the higher nervous activity, brain blood circulation and a tone of brain vessels are increased, that the expressed stimulating an effect has on an internal and tissues.
formation of erythema BAS arrive in a blood flow and stimulate cellular breath and regeneration of various tissues of organism.
Formation of vitamin D and activation microsomal liver system.
However, at long stay on the sun there is a consolidation and dehydration skin that leads to an exhaustion of immunity and presenilation.
Слайд 17

Indications: Diseases of a myocardium and valves without rhythm disturbance, postinfarction

Diseases of a myocardium and valves without rhythm disturbance, postinfarction

cardioscltrosis (5-6 months), stenocardia (1-2 f.cl.), neoroculatory dystonia, hypertensive illness of 1-2 stages,
consequences of traumas and damages of osteomuscular system,
Chronic diseases of lungs and airway (tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis) in a phase of remission,
disease of kidneys (chr. glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) in a phase of remission,
delayed healing of wounds and ulcers,
skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seborrhea, neurodermatitis,
CONTRA-INDICATIONS: virus disease, acute condition of peripheral nervous system (neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis), joints, kidney (acute condition), stenocardia (3-4 f. cl.), rheumatism, progressing forms of a tuberculosis, asthma with frequent attacks, photodermatitis, endocrine diseases.
Слайд 18

INDICATIONS: diseases and damages of kostno-muscular system (crises of bones, ДОА,

INDICATIONS: diseases and damages of kostno-muscular system (crises of bones, ДОА,

arthritises various генеза, периартриты), diseases of peripheral nervous system (an osteochondrosis with корешковым a syndrome, a neuralgia, невриты, traumas of peripheral nervous trunks), ИБС, ОИМ, an atherosclerosis of vessels of feet, diseases respiratory (a pneumonia, a bronchitis in a stage of an abating aggravation), digestive (an ulcer, a gastritis), urinogenital (аднексит, a pyelonephritis, a prostatitis) systems, damage and skin disease (burns, decubituses, freezing injuries, wounds and trophic ulcers, a dermatosis), diabetic ангиопатия. CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Злок. New growths, тиреотоксикоз, hypersensibility to laser therapy.
Слайд 19

Методика проведения процедуры: Применяют дистантный (расстояние между излучателем и телом больного

Методика проведения процедуры: Применяют дистантный (расстояние между излучателем и телом больного

25-30 мм) и контактный (излучатель располагается непосредственно на теле) способы. Облучение осуществляется стабильной (излучатель не перемещают) и лабильной (излучатель перемещают над поверхностью не более 400 кв. см.) методиками. Эффективность лазеротерапии увеличивается одновременно с применением лекарственных препаратов, нанесенных на кожу (лазерофорез). Глаза больного должны быть защищены специальными очками. Процедуру проводят ежедневно или через день, время воздействия на каждую точку 20 секунд, продолжительность процедуры не превышает 20 минут. Продолжительность курса 10-20 процедур, повторный курс проводят через 2-3 месяца. При проведении лазерного облучения крови излучатель устанавливают непосредственно на коже в проекции кубитальной вены или подключичной артерии.