Test cases overview v.1.5


Слайд 2

Fundamental Test Process Test Case Definition / Structure Test Case Implementation

Fundamental Test Process
Test Case Definition / Structure
Test Case Implementation

Case Specification
Test Case Management tools
Best Practices


Слайд 3

Fundamental Test Process According to Standard Glossary of Terms used in

Fundamental Test Process
According to Standard Glossary of Terms used in Software

…The purpose of the
Implementation and Execution phase is to organize the test cases in procedures and / or scripts and to perform the physical test in the correct environment.
Слайд 4

Test Planning and Control Test Planning Determine the scope and risks

Test Planning and Control

Test Planning
Determine the scope and risks and identify

the objectives of testing
Determine the test approach (techniques, test items, coverage, etc)
Implement the test policy and/or the test strategy
Determine the required test resources (e.g. people, test environment, PCs)
Schedule test analysis and design, test implementation, execution and evaluation
Determine the exit criteria
Test Control
Measure and analyze the results of reviews and testing
Monitor and document progress, test coverage and exit criteria
Provide information on testing
Initiate corrective actions
Make decisions
Слайд 5

Test Analysis and Design Test Analysis and Design Review the Test

Test Analysis and Design

Test Analysis and Design
Review the Test Basis *

Test Conditions ** based on analysis of Test Items **
Design the tests using Test Design Techniques
Evaluate testability of the requirements and system
Design the test environment set-up and identify any required infrastructure and tools
* Test Basis – all documents from which the requirements of a component or system can be inferred (the documentation on which the test cases are based).
** Test Items (Test Conditions) – an item or event of a component or system that could be verified by one or more test cases, e.g. a function, transaction, feature, quality attribute or structural element.
Слайд 6

Test Implementation and Execution Test Implementation Develop and prioritize our test

Test Implementation and Execution

Test Implementation
Develop and prioritize our test cases, using

the techniques
Create test suites from the test cases for efficient test execution
Implement and verify the environment
Test Execution
Execute the test suites and/or individual test cases, following test procedures
Log the outcome of test execution
Report discrepancies as incidents
Repeat test activities as a result of action taken for each discrepancy
Слайд 7

Evaluation and Reporting Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting Check test logs

Evaluation and Reporting

Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
Check test logs against the

exit criteria specified in test planning
Assess if more tests are needed or if the exit criteria specified should be changed
Write a test summary report for stakeholders
Слайд 8

Test Closure Activities Test Closure Activities: Check which planned deliverables we

Test Closure Activities

Test Closure Activities:
Check which planned deliverables we actually delivered

and archive ‘testware’
Evaluate how the testing went and analyze lessons learned
Слайд 9

Analysis and Design Implementation and Execution Test Case Specification Test Design

Analysis and Design

Implementation and Execution

Test Case Specification

Test Design Specification

and Reporting


Summary Report

Test Planning

Output Documentation



Test Plan


Слайд 10



Test Case - is …

Test Case consists

of …

Test Cases mission…

Слайд 11

Test Case – is … a set of input values, execution

Test Case – is …

a set of input values, execution preconditions,

expected results and execution, post conditions, developed for a particular objective or test condition, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement
documentation specifying inputs, predicted results, and a set of execution conditions for a test item
* according to Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (IEEE 610)
Слайд 12

…makes you think about specific usage scenarios, looking for places forgotten

…makes you think about specific usage scenarios, looking for places forgotten

by everybody (like implicit requirements);

Test Cases mission

Test cases creation…

…helps you detect bugs early, since errors in code can be prevented before the coding is done, also new test ideas will be generated;

…makes your work effective, test cases are prepared before actual implementation, so when it is done, you are ready to go and test product quickly and efficiently;

…improves your testing coverage, since cover requirements thoroughly;

…helps newcomers to familiarize with application.

…comes as evidence of testing work;

Слайд 13

Test Case consists of… ID Name Objective Type Pre-conditions Auto Status

Test Case consists of…






Auto Status

Test Data


Expected Result

Actual Result



Test Steps

* Test

Case structure might vary depending on particular project needs.
Слайд 14

Test Case ID Identification of the test case It should be

Test Case ID
Identification of the test case
It should be unique across

Test Case Specification
Can consist of numbers or/and letters
Example: 1, 2, 3, etc; UR.001, UR.002, etc
Test Case Name
Short name of test case which briefly indicates what will be verified
Description / Objective
Describes the functionality/actions that test case validates/does
It should be detailed enough to understand purpose of test case
Reflects the relative importance of the test case taking into consideration different aspects
Can be presented by words or numbers
Example: High, Medium, Low, etc;
Major, Minor, Trivial, etc;
1, 2, 3 (where 1-the most important, and 3-the least important), etc

Test Case Structure

Слайд 15

Test Case Type Reflects the type of test case depending on

Test Case Type
Reflects the type of test case depending on what

kind of testing is covered by particular test case
Example: GUI, Functional, System, Performance, etc.
Automation Status
Indicates whether test cases is candidate for automation taking into consideration different aspects or not
Also indicates whether test cases is automated already or not
Candidate – test case is recommended for automation, but it is not automated yet
Not Candidate – test case is not recommended to be automated and should be run manually
Automated – test case is automated and during the next execution can be run automatically etc.
Defines conditions that should be met before test case can be executed
Usually pre-condition field lists data/actions which should exist/be done in system and links to appropriate test cases/test functions which can setup required pre-conditions
Test Steps
Step by step instructions on how to carry out the test case
There should not be missed or redundant steps!

Test Case Structure

Слайд 16

Expected Result Shows how the system must react based on the

Expected Result
Shows how the system must react based on the test

Expected results should be mentioned only for test case objective!
“Verify”, “Correctly”, “Successfully” words are forbidden for expected results! Exact behavior of the system, which is going be verified, should be mentioned:
Incorrect: Verify “TestUser” user is created -> It is not understandable how to verify it
Correct: “TestUser” user appears in the list of users
Test Inputs / Test Data
Lists data which is used while test case execution
Can be presented in this field directly or via link to attached files
Data should be accurate!
May contain files which can be used while test case execution

Test Case Structure

Слайд 17

Execution Result / Status Shows the result of test case execution

Execution Result / Status
Shows the result of test case execution to

indicate whether behavior of the system meets expected results of test case or not
Pass – expected results of test case and behavior of the system match
Fail – expected results of test case and behavior of the system do not match
Blocked – test case was unable to be executed due to some reasons (e.g. blocker issue, etc)
Skipped – test case was untested since it wasn’t planned to be executed this time, etc.
Actual Result
Shows the actual output of the system. This field is used when actual behavior of the system doesn’t meet expected results of test case

Test Case Structure

Слайд 18

high critical functionalities, which are the parts of Core test cases

high critical functionalities, which are the parts of Core test cases

or new functionality, implemented in build/release
modules containing more bugs, more complex or more dependent
areas which are highly accessed by the customer/end users
positive test cases
risk analysis

Test Case: Priority

Prioritizing test cases can be done by considering:

Слайд 19

Good Candidates for Automation are: Repetitive test cases that run for

Good Candidates for Automation are:
Repetitive test cases that run for

multiple builds
Test cases that run on several different configurations (hardware/OS)
Frequently used functionality that introduces high risk conditions
Test cases that tend to cause human error
Test cases that require multiple data sets
Test cases that are impossible to perform manually
Test cases that take a lot of effort and time when manual testing
Bad Candidates for Automation are:
If automation efforts are few times higher than manual execution
Test cases that are only performed a few times
Some test steps cannot be automated

Test Case: Automation Status

It is impossible to automate all testing!

Слайд 20

TEST CASE IMPLEMENTATION Test Case Implementation Flow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b3Pj2IU5FI) Test Case Implementation Example Test Data Preparation


Test Case Implementation Flow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b3Pj2IU5FI)

Test Case Implementation Example

Test Data

Слайд 21

Test Case Implementation Flow Requirement Test Set Test Script Any statement

Test Case Implementation Flow


Test Set

Test Script

Any statement describing a functionality that

is expected of the system

Any condition that could possibly happen in production

Pre-conditions + Input -> Output + Post Conditions

A group of similar test cases that require the same steps to be executed

A set of steps, manual or automated, to execute a set of similar test cases

Слайд 22

Test Case Implementation Example Requirement :

Test Case Implementation Example

Requirement :

Слайд 23

Test Case Implementation Example

Test Case Implementation Example

Слайд 24

Test Data Representation In Test Steps In Test Data section In

Test Data Representation

In Test Steps

In Test Data section

In Attachment

suitable to use

when test case is a candidate for automation.

easy to maintain;
one test case can be executed with different data and you do not need to duplicate test cases.

easy to maintain data;
data in separate document are better structured.

not suitable for manual testing (each time test case executes the same input values);
- hard to maintain.

test data field is not readable in case of a lot of data or long values.

opening separate file for each test case is time consuming.

Test Data Preparation

Слайд 25

Test Data on Tester’s disposal ☺ Pros time saving during test

Test Data on Tester’s disposal ☺

time saving during test cases designing;

saving for experienced tester in specific area during test cases execution (not always, since some test cases require complex inputs, queries, etc.);
important bugs can be found.

time consuming for non-experienced tester in specific area during test cases execution;
hard to entail issue due to chaotic inputs.

Test Data Preparation

Слайд 26

TEST CASE SPECIFICATION Test Case Specification - is … Test Case Specification consists of …


Test Case Specification - is …

Test Case Specification consists

of …
Слайд 27

a document specifying a set of test cases (objective, inputs, test

a document specifying a set of test cases (objective, inputs, test

actions, expected results, and execution preconditions) for a test item;
main objective to specify in details each test listed in Test Design Specification;
specifies test data for use in running the test conditions identified in Test Design Specification.
* according to Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (IEEE 610)

Test Case Specification – is …

Слайд 28

Test Case Specification consists of … Test Case Specification ID Test

Test Case Specification consists of …

Test Case Specification ID

Test Items

Input Specifications



Inter-case Dependencies

Special Procedural Requirements

Environmental Needs

* Test Case Specification might vary depending on particular project needs.

Слайд 29

Test Case Specification Identifier section covers Unique "short" name for the

Test Case Specification Identifier section covers
Unique "short" name for the test

Version date and version number of the test case
Version Author and contact information
Revision history
Test items identifies
the items or features to be tested by test case. References for source documents (Requirements Specification, Mock-ups, Users Guide etc) can be provided in the section as well
Input Specifications identifies
all inputs required to execute the test case (Data, Tables, Human Actions, Conditions, Files etc)
It is also acceptable to simplify the documentation process by using tables for elements, steps and values

Test Case Specification

Слайд 30

Output Specifications identifies all outputs required to verify the test case

Output Specifications identifies
all outputs required to verify the test case
outputs can

also be simplified using tables as noted above and may even be included in the same table as the associated input to further simplify the documentation and improve its usefulness
Environmental needs consists of
System (Operating systems, Compilers, Tools)
Other Application
Mix of applications

Test Case Specification

Слайд 31

Special procedural requirements identifies Any special constraints on the test case(s)

Special procedural requirements identifies
Any special constraints on the test case(s)
Special approach

(in needed) for executing test case(s)
Focus on key elements such as:
Special Setup
Operations intervention
Output location and identification
Special wrap-up
Inter-case dependencies identifies
Any prerequisites for test cases
It is also recommended that the relationship of test cases be documented at both ends of the relationship.

Test Case Specification

Слайд 32

TEST CASE MANAGEMENT TOOLS TCM Tools assets Test Link MS Excel Test Cases Examples


TCM Tools assets

Test Link

MS Excel

Test Cases Examples

Слайд 33

Test Case Management Tool

Test Case Management Tool

Слайд 34

TestLink: Specification/Test Suites Contains all designed test cases Contains test cases

TestLink: Specification/Test Suites

Contains all designed test cases

Contains test cases grouped in

Test Suites and their Runs
Слайд 35

Test Cases to Requirements traceability Keywords classification Defects creation and linkage

Test Cases to Requirements traceability
Keywords classification
Defects creation and linkage to bug

tracking system
Test Suites creation and run on different configurations
Filtering abilities

Non-flexible test cases creation and update possibilities
Poor test execution reports
Poor test data management
Impossibility to edit test case while execution
Test cases versioning is not supported
Poor performance

TestLink: Pros and Cons

Слайд 36

One of the possible representations of test cases in Excel: MS Excel: Specification/Test Suites

One of the possible representations of test cases in Excel:


Excel: Specification/Test Suites
Слайд 37

Many organizations use Microsoft Excel to create and manage Test Cases.

Many organizations use Microsoft Excel to create and manage Test Cases.

Test Case Specifications are stored in repositories

Excel can be easily customized (e.g.: additional fields can be added)
It is easy to track changes (and versions)
Important fields/notes/etc can be highlighted (e.g.: masked in different colors, bolded etc)
Test cases and execution results are stored in the same place, so it is easy to make updates (even while execution)

Test cases included in Excel document cannot be updated simultaneously
No automatic linking: requirement – test case, issue – test case
Excel limits in number of steps (long text is not fully visible in cell)

MS Excel

Слайд 38

PractiTest – the complete & lightweight SaaS solution for QA Management,

PractiTest – the complete & lightweight SaaS solution for QA Management,

SaaS Test Management, Issue Tracking and Requirements
5 key features of PractiTest
Flexible Hierarchical Views
Fields and Workflow Customization
Intelligent Anti-Duplication Bugs Mechanism
Bugs submitting by Email
Super-Fast Bug Review


Слайд 39

PractiTest: Test Library Contains all designed test cases Contains test cases

PractiTest: Test Library

Contains all designed test cases

Contains test cases grouped in

Test Suites and their Runs
Слайд 40

Flexible Test Cases design and management Test Cases to Requirements traceability

Flexible Test Cases design and management
Test Cases to Requirements traceability
Issues creation

and linking possibility
Fields and Workflow Customization
Powerful test execution reports
Summary Visualization within Dashboard
Filtering and many others

Absence of On-Premise solution
PractiTest is SaaS based without ability of in-house hosting
Not user friendly interface while test steps execution
e.g.: each test case step represents in separate table
Impossibility to edit test case while execution

PractiTest: Pros and Cons

Слайд 41

Example №1

Example №1

Слайд 42

Example №2

Example №2

Слайд 43

Example №3

Example №3

Слайд 44

Example №4

Example №4

Слайд 45



Слайд 46

Write test cases for all possible test conditions of test item

Write test cases for all possible test conditions of test item

test cases with necessary level of detail:
Detailed test cases if automation is going to have place
Detailed test cases if any legal compliance standards to testing on project
Non-detailed test cases (or just test objectives) if test case won’t be executed often or step setup is described in another document (link to the document should be provided)
Write test cases independent and cross-platform:
The last test case step should return system to the state before executing this test case
It is possible to re-order test cases without additional steps or data setup
Tests should be cross-platforms as reasonably possible, working across different devices, platforms, screen resolutions, etc
Write test cases according to STANDARD TEMPLATE (project convention)

Best Practices

Слайд 47

Write short test cases (up to 10-15 steps) Write steps using

Write short test cases (up to 10-15 steps)
Write steps using simple

English and general words
Write ACCURATE test cases
Write test cases so that expected results are easy to interpret
Provide TEST DATA if possible or where it makes much sense
Add reference to bugs and requirements
Add notes/highlight things if you want to convey / pay attention to some info
Write detailed SQL queries (it will save time while executing)
Keep test cases UP TO DATE ☺

Best Practices