Thanksgiving day. День благодарения

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Thanksgiving — День благодарения thanksgiving — воздаяние благодарности harvest — урожай

Thanksgiving — День благодарения
thanksgiving — воздаяние благодарности
harvest — урожай

to settle — поселиться
to grow — выращивать
desease — болезнь
Iroquois Indians — индейцы из племени ирокезов
corn — кукуруза
crops — хлебные злаки
to hunt — охотиться
to fish — ловить рыбу
bountiful — обильный
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barley — ячмень beans — бобы pumpkin — тыква Civil war

barley — ячмень
beans — бобы pumpkin — тыква
Civil war

— гражданская война
charitable — благотворительный
stuffed turkey — фаршированная индейка
herb-flavored bread — хлеб с пряностями
cranberry — клюква
cranberry jelly — клюквенное желе
mashed potatoes — картофельное пюре
ham — ветчина
Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Слайд 11

Слайд 12

1. Who were the people that started the celebrating of American

1. Who were the people that started the celebrating of American

2. Could they grow harvest immediately at the New World?
3. What were they taught by the American Indians?
4. Who participated in the first feast of Thanksgiving?
5. What was the first date of Thanksgiving?
Слайд 13

When is Thanksgiving celebrated? What is the meaning of Thanksgiving Day?

When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
What is the meaning of Thanksgiving Day?

What are the traditional dishes on Thanksgiving?
4. Who were the Pilgrims?
5. What are traditional Thanksgiving activities?
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Слайд 16

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Слайд 19

Слайд 20

1. Who cooks the holiday dinner? 2. At what time to

1. Who cooks the holiday dinner?
2. At what time to people

come to their house to celebrate?
3. What time do Mathew`s mother and sisters get up at the last Friday in November? Why?
4. What holiday occasions do the members of Mathew`s family take part in?
5. Why do pupils wait for the holiday impatiently?
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Слайд 25

T…Turkeys, tablespreads, together, H…Happiness, homes, A…Aunts N…Nieces, nephews, K…Kind-hearted kin, S…Surely

T…Turkeys, tablespreads, together,
H…Happiness, homes,
N…Nieces, nephews,
K…Kind-hearted kin,

N…Never forget ,
G…Giving thanks.
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T is for turkey H is for «Hurry, I’m hungry!» A

T is for turkey
H is for «Hurry, I’m hungry!»
A is for

N is for Native
K is for kitchen,
S is for silverware.
G is for Grandma
I is for inside.
V is for vegetables
I is for ice cream
N is for never
G is for Grandpa
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