The cultural life of Oxford

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Plan: Oxford The cultural life of Oxford Education in Oxford


The cultural life of Oxford
Education in Oxford

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Oxford Oxford is a city in the United Kingdom, the capital


Oxford is a city in the United Kingdom, the capital of

the County of Oxford shire. Famous for the oldest in the English-speaking countries and one of the oldest in Europe institutions of higher learning - the Oxford University.
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Life of Oxford Sheldonian theatre was built in 1664 in 1668

Life of Oxford

Sheldonian theatre was built in 1664 in 1668

years according to the project Christopher Wren. Despite the name, the building was built not for theatrical productions - there are concerts, lectures, University of the ceremony.
The Western part of the County of Oxford shire is known for its beautiful hills and valleys
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Education The University consists of 38 colleges, as well as 6


The University consists of 38 colleges, as well as 6 hostels

- private training institutions, belonging to religious orders without the status of a College. Now in Oxford there are more than 20 thousand students, about a quarter of them are foreign. Their number increases sharply in the summer, when opened language summer school. The rector of the Oxford - sir Chris Patten. Women in Oxford began to accept only in the 1920s.however, already in the 70's was cancelled segregated education. The teaching staff of Oxford huge - almost 4 thousand person, from them of 70 members of the Royal society, more than 100 members of the British Academy. Oxford uses in the training of the unique system of tutoring - over each student is established personal care specialist in the chosen specialty.
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Test How many colleges in Oxford? a)37 b)39 c)28 d)38 2)How


How many colleges in Oxford?
a)37 b)39 c)28 d)38
2)How many students can

study in Oxford?
A)500 b)100 c)300 )400