The Peculiarities of the Military Vocabulary of the English and Chinese Languages

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Purpose of research: Compare military terminology in English and Chinese

Purpose of research:

Compare military terminology in English and Chinese

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Tasks: In light of recent events in the world, countries are


In light of recent events in the world, countries are developing

new weapons, and China is no exception. New technologies and new weapons require new modern names, so there is an active process of borrowing foreign vocabulary or new words are created on the basis of word-formation models of the Chinese language.
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Object of research: To consider the forms of borrowing in the

Object of research:

To consider the forms of borrowing in the Chinese

language; to explain the meaning of the term "military vocabulary"; to consider cases of abbreviation and synonymy, as one of the methods of creating new vocabulary; to study ways of borrowing foreign language vocabulary directly in the field of military terminology (in particular, examples from English, French and Russian languages).
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Practice part: The first Chapter is devoted to borrowings in the

Practice part:

The first Chapter is devoted to borrowings in the military

vocabulary of the Chinese language.
The second Chapter is devoted to the peculiarities of the military vocabulary of the English and Chinese languages, their structure and features.
The aim of this work is to compare the military vocabulary of English and Chinese. This topic is relevant, as for the correct study of foreign languages, we need a variety of knowledge, in the review from different sides.
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During the work I have considered: - Structural features of the

During the work I have considered:
- Structural features of the military

vocabulary of the English and Chinese languages;
-The distinctive features and characteristics;
- Borrowings and ways of word formation in these two languages;
- Synonyms of English and Chinese military vocabulary;
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Conclusion: So, in the course of my little research, I came


So, in the course of my little research, I came to

the following conclusions:Borrowing is an integral part of the process of functioning and historical change of the language, in addition, it is one of the main sources of vocabulary.In Chinese there are alphabetic abbreviations of English words.Being borrowed from a foreign language, lexemes pass a way of adaptation. Borrowed words are a specific system in terms of phonetic composition, structure, semantic load, so their correct use is difficult in the early stages.The main way to expand and enrich the vocabulary of the Chinese language throughout its existence and development was the formation of new words on the basis of the existing building material in it, which historically was due to the isolation of the country from the world. But in view of historical events, such as the penetration of Buddhism in China, the Opium war, the expansion of the West, the policy of the four modernizations, the Olympics in 2008, in the Chinese language appeared borrowing. Despite the fact that many Chinese consider borrowing a degradation of the language, it is not, borrowing makes the language more capacious and expressive.
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The most common method of borrowing is phonetic. With the help

The most common method of borrowing is phonetic. With the help

of the hieroglyph is transmitted not only similar phonetic sound with the word source, but also lexical meaning. Most borrowing is complex. In addition, borrowings can form derivative words.American culture every year increases its influence on the world stage and in China.In the process of borrowing foreign language vocabulary Chinese language rejects unusual phonetic features and sounds, adapting words to their norms. Thus, depending on the degree of sound development and phonetic adaptation, foreign language borrowings can be: fully, partially and partially adapted. Most borrowings refer to nouns because borrowing verbs (in any language) presents many difficulties in their phonetic and grammatical adaptation.
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Recently in China there were many new firms, shops, production. And,

Recently in China there were many new firms, shops, production. And,

as a rule, most are given foreign names in order to attract buyers.These names are phonetic borrowings, English or American words, but their main feature is that for advertising purposes chosen for them, the hieroglyphs that convey a positive meaning, which in China is of great importance. Based on all this, English is very important for China.